How to launch your own clothing line

Author: Helen Garcia
Date Of Creation: 19 April 2021
Update Date: 26 June 2024
How To Start A Clothing Line With $0 Dollars | Legit Step by Step Tutorial
Video: How To Start A Clothing Line With $0 Dollars | Legit Step by Step Tutorial


So are you dreaming of launching your own fashion line? To be successful, you need to learn how to run a business, market your products, and keep customers happy. Below are some of the basics to get you started in the fashion industry.


Method 1 of 4: Preparation

  1. 1 Create a clear and concise business plan. It should be based on how you want to manage your clothing line. Try to be realistic while writing. Remember, it is better to underestimate your profit and be pleasantly surprised than to overestimate your abilities and be disappointed. Pay attention to the following aspects:
    • Project summary. It includes both a description of your company's activities and plans for the future, as well as a way to attract potential investors. This is a must for all types of businesses that often require third-party funding.
    • Description of the company. The description gives people an idea of ​​what kind of clothing you have, how it differs from the competition, and what industry it is in.
  2. 2 Highlight the main funding resource. Your funds are the main source of life for the company in the early stages. If you don't have sponsors yet, it is very important to allocate your finances and follow the basic rules. You should start with the following:
    • How much do you need to start the project? Do you have savings or will you have to take out a bank loan? You can take out a loan for business development or choose another type of loan. You may also need a surety.
    • What are your costs? List all estimated costs (materials, manufacturing, equipment, tools, advertising, costs, etc.). Estimate how much it will take you to support your business during the year. Will you be able to cover these costs with profit?
  3. 3 Try to calculate how long you can survive without a paycheck. Do you want to devote all your time to the clothing line? If so, how many years are you willing to wait before your company starts generating revenue, thereby giving you the opportunity to make a profit? Or do you want to make it an additional income or just a hobby? When a business is profitable, it is definitely good,but the main thing is still moral satisfaction. Try to gauge your level of interest.
    • You may spend more money in the first year than you earn. However, once things stabilize, you may have the opportunity to attract investors, celebrities, and work on pre-orders.
  4. 4 Do market research. Who is your current and possibly future competitor? Who is your target audience? How much do you think you can get for the sale of the collection? Ask. Get opinions. Talk to store owners and potential customers.
    • It's a good idea to take a part-time job at a store that sells items for your target audience. You will be able to see what store owners are buying and what customers are buying.
    • Find an example of the garment you are going to produce and find out all the details of its implementation.
  5. 5 Check out the documentation. First, decide who you will be referring to: individual entrepreneur, LLC, and so on. Find out what documents you need to be eligible to trade. You can seek legal assistance from an appropriate specialist.

Method 2 of 4: Part Two: Laying the Foundation

  1. 1 Think about whether you need subordinates. Do you need to hire someone to help you with your job? Decide what kind of workers you need, how many hours per week they need to work, and how much you can pay them.
    • If you want to sell unique handmade items, then most likely you will have to sew everything yourself. If you are in the mood for mass production, then you will definitely need help.
    • Do you want your clothes to be produced in your area? Do you want it organic? Or do you want it to be produced abroad (less cost, but also worse quality)? Depending on the answer to these questions, you will have to decide who to hire.
    • Do you want to sell clothes offline? If so, then you will need to hire employees.
  2. 2 Start promoting your brand. Now is the time for nice decisions! How you develop your brand depends on your audience, so be smart.
    • Choose a title. What name will represent your line? You can use your own name (like Ralph Lauren, Calvin Klein, or Marc Jacobs), a name from another language (like Escada), or choose something that reflects your personality or your outlook on life or fashion. Whatever you choose, the name should be unique and recognizable.
    • Your brand name and company name may be different. For example, a company name might contain your initials or different variations of the name, and the name of a collection might be something more original and reflect your style.
  3. 3 Design your logo. Sketch many logos at a glance and pick the one you like the most. Make sure you really like the logo. People will recognize you by it, and if you change it, it will be confusing. Make sure the title is not already taken.

Method 3 of 4: Making clothing

  1. 1 Model your clothes. For most people, this is a fun process, but it only makes up 10-15% of all labor! Sketch, get feedback, decide what you will do in your collection. Choose fabric and materials.
    • Ask someone who produces a line similar to yours if there are any restrictions on color and prints. When manufacturing, find out the full information: size, type, quality of fabrics (for example, you can use less expensive fabrics for summer models).
    • Details are everything. When you draw, think over every detail and use the appropriate terminology. If you don't know what something is called, show the photo to knowledgeable people or search the Internet. Learn technical terms and learn how to determine the desired fabric by weight, construction and content. When you design your clothes, you need to work on the templates. It is their manufacturers who use them for mass production.
  2. 2 Design your collection according to the season. Most stores immediately buy things two seasons in advance. You must have time to develop and create the design and deliver it on time.
  3. 3 Organize design production. Bring your sketches to a seamstress, factory or printer. Usually, a sample or example is created first to make sure that the clothes fit your idea. Do not be afraid to ask a lot of questions and always do everything on the record and with the conclusion of an agreement, where the conditions will be described in detail.
  4. 4 Find a manufacturer. Search the internet. Many people use the services of factories abroad, as sometimes it is cheaper. Please note that these factories usually deal with bulk orders, so be sure to include the minimum of items you order. You should also be provided with samples of work. Do not forget to check the delivery time. Manufacturers can also be found at trade and exhibition fairs. Here you will have the opportunity to talk to them, which is important.
    • Consider production conditions - consumers are much more informed about production than before.
    • If you know how to sew, you can design your own clothes. You can also take sewing courses.

Method 4 of 4: Entering the Market and Selling

  1. 1 Create Web siteadvertising your clothes. Make sure it looks professional and showcases your collection in the best possible way. Specify contact information, store addresses. If you want shoppers to be able to order items online, you must have an account that can accept bank card transfers.
  2. 2 You can also start blogging to draw attention to your clothing and website. You can also sell your clothes on various resources and auctions. Make useful connections, word of mouth always works well! Let people talk about you!
  3. 3 Advertise your clothing line. This is a fairly expensive but necessary investment. Here's what you can do:
    • write a press release and send it to local newspapers and magazines;
    • buy advertising space in the newspaper or on the website of your target audience;
    • sponsor events for your target audience;
    • invite a celebrity or popular person to showcase your line;
    • use social media: Twitter, Facebook, your own blog, and so on.
  4. 4 Use yourself as a walking ad. Wear your own clothes, take an interest in the opinions of others, ponder the reviews. This will help you create designs that people will love. Accept any suggestions. Getting started is always difficult, so take every opportunity.
  5. 5 Take orders. Sell ​​clothes for exhibitions, festivals, markets and friends. Encourage local stores to purchase your clothing. Print the catalog and send to stores and potential customers.
  6. 6 Take part in fashion week if you can afford it. It is expensive, but this way you can raise the level of your popularity and recognition.


  • You can try pairing a business with a colleague or other designer. However, be prepared to face difficulties and do not run from the ship if the business starts to go down. Make sure you contribute equally.
  • Try to come up with a catchy name that will be immediately remembered by most.
  • Make sure that the clothes you are going to manufacture you would wear yourself. You must also take care of workers' rights, the environment, and so on, so that your business has a high ethical component.
  • Make sure your clothing line reflects your principles and views. This will help you work with more enthusiasm and attract more attention from like-minded people. Communicate your positions clearly to those around you.
  • Look for sponsors or investors willing to invest in your project.


  • Always be sure that you can fulfill your order. You will quickly ruin your reputation if you cannot deliver what you promised.
  • Once you enter the fashion industry and establish yourself with celebrity clients and other significant people, keep improving. Keep changing collections, keep up with the times and develop. Do not relax even when your name is firmly in the ranks of recognizable and popular brands.

What do you need

  • Business plan
  • Suitable place to work
  • Warehouse for clothes (Please note, this can be expensive!)
  • Mentors - You must have people around you to help you survive and work in your chosen environment. The fashion industry is famous for its gigantic competition!