How to get a guy in 10 days

Author: Helen Garcia
Date Of Creation: 17 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days (2003) Official Trailer #1 - Kate Hudson Movie HD
Video: How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days (2003) Official Trailer #1 - Kate Hudson Movie HD


It sounds like the title of a youth movie, but when it works, the result will seem as wonderful to you as it does in all romantic movies. To get a guy in 10 days, you have to act quickly, not afraid to take the first step, and try to generate special interest in yourself. It's challenging, but doable, and you're up to the challenge, right? Keep reading to find out how to get your hands on a guy in 10 days.


Part 1 of 3: Dress Expressively and Appropriately

  1. 1 During these 10 days, put on your very best clothes. Maintain a balance between casual and formal, attractive and unobtrusive, absolutely stunning and sophisticatedly sexy. Feel free to experiment with style, but above all, you must look your best in your outfit.
    • If you think that wearing that top and those jeans from the shop window will make you look your best, buy these particular clothes. Sometimes you can pamper yourself, especially if it's for the good.
    • If you know what type of girl he likes, dress accordingly. Don't try to become someone you are not, but try to include some elements of this style in your wardrobe.
  2. 2 Practice good hygiene. Take a shower every day to make sure you always smell good. If for some reason you are unable to shower, refresh the problem areas of your body, especially your armpits, by rinsing them with a little water and soap.
    • Keep your hair clean. Dirty, oily hair is unlikely to add to your appeal. If you have very oily skin, you may need to wash your hair every two days (or every day if necessary).
  3. 3 Pay attention to your face. The face is an important factor in attractiveness, so it should look as cute as possible. You don't have much of a chance to change something in 10 days, but be sure to pay attention to the following:
    • Get rid of acne and blackheads. If you have a rash, wash your face twice a day, moisturize after each wash, eat healthy foods, and use acne products.
    • Use a minimum of makeup to hide facial imperfections. Guys like girls who look natural, so don't put on multiple coats of makeup. Use it sparingly and effectively.
    • Control the growth of facial hair as needed. If you have shaggy eyebrows, it may be worth taking advantage of the eyebrow tweak. If you have visible hair above your lips, consider removing it.
    • Make your lips look attractive. A small amount of lipstick and lip gloss will give your lips a luscious shine, and the guy will definitely want to kiss you.
  4. 4 Find the right hairstyle. Perhaps you like your haircut. Otherwise, it is very important to choose a hairstyle that will suit your face. A short haircut or a voluminous hairstyle with curls may suit you.
  5. 5 Start exercising. You won't have time to get in shape in 10 days, but it will be a good start. The main thing is that you treat your body with love and give it what it needs. Try any of the options below if you think it's time for you to get back in shape.
    • Join a sports team / league.If you enjoy playing soccer, try joining a league. If basketball suits you more, team up with a group of similar fans of this sport. Being on any team will benefit you if it keeps you motivated to study.
    • Start visiting the gym. You will get the opportunity to work out on various simulators located in the same room. Use machines that simulate active sports such as running (treadmill, incline jogging), swimming, and cycling (stationary bike).
    • If you are not exercising, try to take half an hour walks every day. Regular walking gives your body a small but necessary amount of physical activity. If you can't join a sports team and don't want to go to the gym, walking can help you keep fit.

Part 2 of 3: Building contact, starting flirting

  1. 1 Get noticed. You have to impress, and you have to do it quickly. Put on your best dress, do your hair, make-up, manicure and find a way to be introduced to the guy you are targeting or meet yourself. We offer the following options:
    • As if accidentally bump into it or bump into it with your shoulder. You can pretend that you were in a hurry somewhere and ran into him by accident. Introduce yourself when you meet his eyes.
    • Ask a friend to introduce you. Let her talk to him and play the role of matchmaker, but not too explicitly.
    • Come up to him yourself and start a conversation. Ask him about his studies or give him a compliment. Talk about possible common interests or make a joke.
  2. 2 Smile, laugh, and use body language. Show him your wonderful smile; it will light up the room and really make you happier. Remember to laugh at his jokes, even if they are not so funny; guys like to think they're funny. Use small gestures and body language:
    • Look into his eyes when you talk to him and when he talks.
    • Face your whole body towards him and maintain an open and inviting body position.
    • Adjust and curl your hair if you want him to notice it.
  3. 3 Try to keep the conversation going as best you can. Guys like pretty girls, but they also like people to talk to. If your boyfriend finds you attractive but you have nothing to say to each other, your relationship won't last very long.
    • A few key points for a successful conversation:
      • Ask really worthwhile questions. Use them as a way to keep the conversation going ("So where did you live before you moved here?") And to let him know that you are really listening to him ("You said you didn't like action movies. What remains love a guy other than action movies? ").
      • Tell him about yourself. He, for sure, is also interested in you, so not only ask him questions, but also tell something about yourself.
      • Ease any painfully awkward situation by approaching it with humor. If you find yourself in a really awkward situation, say so! "Sorry, that was embarrassing, that's all I am" is a good way to defuse the situation.
  4. 4 Get over the touch barrier. After a few days, start hinting that you don't want to settle for mere friendships, using gestures and touch to overcome the barrier. If you're trying to emphasize something, take his hand. If you want to comfort him (perhaps in a joking manner), place your hand on his back. If he is very funny, you can even tickle him and get a positive effect.
  5. 5 Get started flirt with him in various ways. You can use three different flirting methods:
    • Via text messages or over the Internet:
      • Send him a message like this: "Hi! I really enjoyed our conversation last week. Hopefully it can happen again soon ...."
      • Or send him a more humorous message: "Since when do you look like a cave monster in the morning ?? :-) You look like you haven't slept at all!"
    • Using sign language:
      • Play with your hair, flap your eyelashes casually, sometimes giggle softly.
      • Rub his chest or thighs, this is very a frank move; do not overdo it.
    • With compliments:
      • Try something like this: "Are girls always attracted to you like a magnet when you go out?"
      • Or something like that: "You are really fun to be with. Why doesn't such a cool guy have a girlfriend?"

Part 3 of 3: Try to Develop Self-Attachment in Him

  1. 1 Carefully suggest the idea of ​​a date if he hasn't already. Nudge him in the right direction if he hasn't asked you out yet. You can do this in various ways:
    • Be bold and straightforward: "Why haven't you asked me out yet?" If he likes you, he will immediately invite you.
    • Be tricky: "My friend and I were going to go to the movies tomorrow night, but she can't, and now I don't know what to do." Perhaps he will say that the two of you could go somewhere together instead.
  2. 2 If he is not taking the initiative, ask your girlfriend to "accidentally" blab out that you like him (as an option). You don't have to do this, but if you want to get a guy in 10 days, you have to be more proactive than usual. This approach is good for two reasons:
    • Sometimes a guy likes a girl, but he just doesn't know how to show his feelings or ask her out on a date. If he realizes that you also like him, he will decide to invite you without fear of being rejected.
    • If a guy doesn't like you, then you will find out about it. You can be a girl of unwritten beauty, but you still don't like the guy. This happens sometimes in life. If your girlfriend tells him that you like him and he doesn't react or act in any way, what's the point of running after him? There is little you can do to please him, and you better not.
  3. 3 Go on a date. Wherever you go, to the cinema, bowling alley, park or museum, try to balance between two extremes: show that you like him, but leave him something to fight for. Guys love rewards, so smile at him more often, thank him if he pays the bill, and stay close to him. At the same time, guys love a little hunting sensation, so don't give up right away. Be friendly, but don't rush things.
  4. 4 Wait 9 days for him to take the first step. If he likes you and has already gone on a couple of dates with him, chances are he will try to kiss you. (Always carry a breath freshener with you, he can help you out at the right time!) If he did not try to kiss you, you should give him clearer signals:
    • Be closer to him than usual. Get close face to his face so that he wants to kiss you.
    • Look hungrily into his eyes. Make clear eye contact.
    • Lick your lips seductively. It's easy to overdo it, so don't do it too often. Once is enough!
  5. 5 Be patient. Getting a boyfriend in 10 days is doable, but you can't push love. If he kissed you, you are on the right track. Love will come by itself if you allow it. Remember that guys are different in nature from girls, and his desires may not be the same as yours.
    • He may want to not get into a relationship so quickly, but first meet with you for a while.
    • He may not be as outgoing as you are. He may not express his feelings as clearly as you do.
    • He may be posing as macho in front of his friends. He's just trying to impress you.
    • Maybe he doesn't understand the very idea of ​​romance. In this case, he needs to be nudged, directed and shown how to be more romantic.


  • When you get your boyfriend's favor, don't be too intrusive. This may seem strange and unnatural to him.
  • Behave normally, just like you would with friends, talk about things you did at work or school, and meet more often.
  • Eat lunch together if you're older, or go to fast food restaurants if you're younger.


  • Never try to change yourself for a guy. The most important thing is inner beauty. A good guy will understand that.