How to love your spouse again

Author: Mark Sanchez
Date Of Creation: 2 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Falling Out of Love With Your Spouse? - Here’s How to Get Your Love Back
Video: Falling Out of Love With Your Spouse? - Here’s How to Get Your Love Back


Many spouses quarrel with each other every night. Many people just want to run away and find a better life elsewhere. But, the more quarrels, the more efforts you need to make to find past feelings for your beloved. Often one of the spouses becomes discouraged and experiences feelings of despair associated with the marriage.


  1. 1 You must want to improve your relationship.
  2. 2 Think about what made you fall in love with your spouse early in your relationship. If you both have changed and what you liked about your chosen one has disappeared, then look at the qualities to which you are still attached. Both (or one of the spouses) often become complacent in their actions and do not fulfill their obligations towards each other. Many married people mistakenly believe that after marriage, efforts are no longer necessary. For example: "My wife (my husband) already knows my feelings - I married her (married him), didn't I?" But a successful marriage, tantamount to courtship and first meetings, obliges partners to show attention, kindness, make some effort and take care of each other.
  3. 3 Be honest with your spouse. Let her / him know how you feel, what you think. Perhaps your chosen one will be upset by your thoughts that the fire of feelings is extinguished. But it is better that the beloved (s) knew about this and offered, in turn, a helping hand. A mature look at the situation of both partners will help to overcome difficult feelings and form a plan of action that both agree to follow.
  4. 4 Chat, chat and chat again. No need to blame, no need to intimidate, no need to find fault with trifles. Actions such as a wedge will split any bond, even the strongest one. Postpone the conversation until you can just talk about the conflict. Initiate communication. In your situation, it is inappropriate to act passively. Failure to take responsibility for maintaining the marriage will only exacerbate the negative feelings of a partner who is already suffering.
  5. 5 If you have feelings for another person, you should make it clear to yourself, your spouse, and the other person why you have these feelings. If you are truly unhappy in your marriage, that is one thing, there are many like you. But if you like the other person's qualities that your spouse lacks, and you still love your spouse, hint or gently tell him what you would like him to do or how to act.
  6. 6 Try to change your partner and inspire you to develop your best qualities. However, you should be patient and grow with your partner.
  7. 7 When you are alone with yourself, think about your partner. Remember the first meetings, and try to realize that (in many ways) this is still the same person, it's just that time has dulled your feelings.
  8. 8 Finally, ask yourself and answer honestly: "Do I still love my spouse?" If the answer is yes, then do your best to reignite your feelings.
  9. 9 Be honest with your feelings and with your partner, because if you say you love, but your actions contradict it, then your partner will think that you are just playing with his feelings in order to get attention. It will be dishonest on your part, cause mistrust in you and, of course, force your partner to close in himself. Remember why you loved him / her and what made you fall in love when you first met.


  • Don't do anything behind your partner's back.
  • Your partner should reflect your condition, not panic over the trouble you are having.
  • When you need to relax after work, take a rest in some quiet place and think about the past day, then and only then tell your partner about the past day.
  • Meditation is always relaxing.
  • The scent of lavender oil on your pillow will help relieve stress.
  • Always tell the truth, but remember that sometimes an innocent lie may be more appropriate.