How to stay focused during boring class

Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 17 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
12 HACKS to PAY ATTENTION in CLASS | StudyWithKiki
Video: 12 HACKS to PAY ATTENTION in CLASS | StudyWithKiki


What a challenging task to endure boring lessons! Not only friends, but many other students often have to struggle with concentration so hard.In fact, you have taken the first important step in finding this article. It shows that you are motivated to learn and ready to solve the problem. Once you are motivated, there are many great ways to focus in the classroom can be tried now. Some of the ways in there are fun!


Method 1 of 3: Motivate yourself

  1. Set goals and small rewards for them. For example, tell yourself that if you can concentrate in the next 15 minutes, you will be able to eat some M&M candies in your backpack. For every additional 15 minutes of concentration, you reward yourself with a few more seeds. Or in lieu of an M&M candy, you can give yourself a quick glance on the phone.
    • You can also promise to let yourself play the new set for an hour when you get home if you take good notes during class.

  2. Choose a reward that you can get right after class. A gift you can enjoy right after class is a great incentive if you find it difficult to get through an entire class or if the session is long. After all, you will probably be bored eating M&M candies or surfing the phone during a 3-hour class.
    • For example, before entering physics that day, tell yourself that if you can concentrate during the whole class, you will reward yourself with a favorite milk tea or run to the game console right after. after school.

  3. Treat yourself to a gift related to the subject. For example, maybe you feel bored during French class. Oh, you are not alone! Tell yourself that if you concentrate on that day, you will allow yourself to see a great new French-speaking film (with subtitles of course!) That you will still be eager to see. You can also make your own French croissants or cheesecake after class.
    • Surely you will feel quite comfortable after paying attention during class and enjoying the cheesecake. See it? In the end, it's not that bad of French?
    • This way, you can relate the class time to the positives.

  4. Prepare to be in the right position before entering the classroom. If you come to class thinking that class will be scary and dull and tell yourself that you can't concentrate, you won't be motivated to go in the right direction. Instead, walk into the classroom thinking that you will be successful in concentrating. Be ready to reach your goals!
  5. Ask a friend for help to keep from going off course. Ask a classmate to discreetly alert you when you see you are clearly setting your mind on the clouds. Your friend may tap you once on the shoulder or give a soft cue to help you refocus on the lesson. Your friend can help you hold accountable to your goals throughout class.
  6. Don't get discouraged if you still find it difficult to focus your attention. You are not perfect - in fact, no one is perfect! Maybe your mind goes astray a few times today, or maybe completely out of focus, or even dozing off for most of class. But this can happen to everyone, so don't blame yourself. Just tell yourself that tomorrow will be different and keep working. advertisement

Method 2 of 3: Maintain focus

  1. Sit near the first table. If the class is allotted, you cannot do this. But if the class allows you to sit freely, please choose the table above. When sitting near the teacher, it is a little easier to concentrate. It may not be the most pleasant solution, but it does work.
    • If your seat in the classroom has been assigned, you can ask the teacher to move it after school. Be frank with the teacher that you want to move because it is difficult to concentrate during class. You can ignore the detail that his lecture is so boring that you cannot concentrate!
  2. Bring a stress relief ball or fidget spinner to class. These may not seem very effective at first glance, but just give it a try! In fact, many people find these toys quite useful as they provide a job for their hands while they are sitting in class. You can play it whenever you feel your limbs restless or turn it into a game.
    • For example, you could squeeze the ball every time the teacher says “solve an equation”. Yes, this game is not always the most engaging, but it will help you pay attention to the lecture!
    • Some schools do not allow you to bring your entertainment gyroscope to school, so it's important to check the school's rules before you bring this toy to class.
  3. Change something for a mental restart. As soon as your mind starts to wander, do something small, like grab another pen from your bag, rotate your neck a few times, or cross your legs. Even very small movements can help your brain restart when you start to feel distracted.
  4. Copy is effective (but must be interesting). No matter how boring the subject is, your notes won't necessarily be so boring! You can try taking pictures taking notes, i.e. drawing pictures or charts instead of writing text. You can also take witty notes like telling a best friend stories, rather than jotting down dry facts.
    • For example, if the teacher was lecturing in a monotone voice about the discovery of the electric current by Benjamin Franklin. Write something like this: “So Ben had the idea of ​​tying a metal key to a kite string. Then he let his son fly a kite in a thunderstorm! It was a pity for the child to be defenseless. The boy is allowed to stand in the doorway so as not to get wet while waiting for the electric shock, that's it! "
    • Funny notes can also help you remember the lesson better!
  5. Join the lesson. It can be difficult to concentrate during a boring class, but make an effort to contribute to the lesson by asking and answering questions, or participating in group discussions. For example, you might aim to ask at least 3 questions or state 3 questions in discussions during each class session. This will keep you focused on the lesson - and the added bonus is the teacher's eye of a wonderful student. advertisement

Method 3 of 3: Eliminate distractions

  1. Use the restroom before class starts. It will be difficult to concentrate if you are just going to the bathroom, so you need to stop this before class starts. Of course, you don't always have such control over natural needs! But going to the bathroom before you go to class will at least keep you under control of the trouble to some extent.
    • If you need to go to the toilet and that need becomes a big distraction, don't torture yourself! Raise your hand to ask for permission to go out.
    • When you go to the bathroom, splash cool water on your face. This will refresh you before you return to class.
  2. Turn off the phone and put it away in a difficult place. It can be easy to get bored listening to lectures when there are more exciting things to do, such as texting with friends or checking Facebook updates. When you turn off your phone and stash it in your briefcase or deep in your desk drawer, you won't be tempted to peek at your phone and distract from the lesson.
  3. Bring a snack or eat it right before class. Hunger will distract you! The teacher is talking about the first world war, but in front of you is just a dancing pizza. If the belly starts to beat the drum out loud, it gets worse! If your teacher allows you, bring a snack. If you cannot eat in class, eat before class to avoid hunger.
    • Avoid crackers or unpacking crackers. Be discreet!
    • If you study in the morning, eat a full breakfast before going to school.


  • Nodding while listening to your teacher is a great way to show that you are concentrating and understanding.
  • If given the option, choose classes at a time when you can be more alert. If you know that you can't keep your eyes off at certain times, don't torture yourself by choosing a boring class during those times.