How to read a novena

Author: Bobbie Johnson
Date Of Creation: 1 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Pray a Novena: Special Catholic Prayer
Video: How to Pray a Novena: Special Catholic Prayer


Novena is a simple and spiritually enriching prayer practice used in the Catholic Church. There are several basic guidelines for memorization, but there is no “correct” way to read a novena.


Method 1 of 3: Novena Basics

  1. 1 Find out what novena is. Novena is a traditional form of Catholic prayer. Those who recite novena recite a special prayer or a series of specific prayers with a specific request or intent. This practice continues for 9 days or 9 hours.
  2. 2 Understand what novena is not. Novena is NOT magic spell. In other words, reading a novena does not guarantee that a miracle will happen, and the simple words themselves from the chosen novena have no power. It is an act of piety when reciting a novena prayer that has spiritual significance.
    • The Catholic Catechism even warns against acts of superstition (religious prejudice).When the practice or performance of this practice is in some way considered a magical matter, its individual interpretation, as such, is only an analysis of its external aspect, and not a deep spiritual meaning. Novena are among such deeds that have deep spiritual meaning, but are usually interpreted as superstition.
    • When you read the novena, do it with faith in God and the hope that He will give you the right answer in the right direction. Do not read the novena in the hope that you will manipulate God in his answer.
  3. 3 Take an interest in the history of the appearance of the novena. After Jesus ascended to heaven, Mary, the Apostles and other devoted disciples prayed continuously for 9 days until the Sunday of Pentecost. Catholics looked at this example and adopted from it the practice of praying 9-day novena.
    • The word "novena" (novena) comes from the Latin word "nine" (nine); hence a sequential set of 9 prayers.
  4. 4 Ask yourself why you want to read the novena. As already noted, novena is not a magical spell that will answer all your needs and desires. However, there are spiritual benefits to be gained from reading the novena, and these benefits should not be overlooked.
    • Novena, like all prayers, is a means of praising God.
    • The structure of the novena also provides a unique way of expressing strong spiritual desires, needs, or feelings.
    • The novena are said to be like a church family that also keeps the believer in contact with the Christian community.
  5. 5 Pay attention to 4 main categories. Most novena can be classified within 1 (or more) of 4 categories: Memorial, Celebration Novena, Prayer and Indulgence Novena. Some novena can fall into more than 1 category.
    • Novena from the category "Funeral" are read in cases of awaiting funeral or for appropriate periods of mourning. Prayers are often read for a person who has died (if applicable) or to comfort those who are grieving.
    • "Novena for the Feast" is read 9 days before any feast of the Church, Sacrament, or similar spiritual event. The goal is to prepare the soul for the importance of this day.
    • Novenas from the Prayer category (also known as the Petition category) are among the most common. These novena are prayers to God with a request for intervention, announcement (signs) or other help.
    • Novena-indulgences are those that are read in intent for the forgiveness of sins. In other words, these novena are read as an act of repentance for previous transgressions. As a rule, such novena are performed in conjunction with the Sacrament of Confession and church attendance.
  6. 6 Determine your intention. As noted earlier, novena are prayers that are recited with special intent. Before starting a novena, get a clear idea of ​​the intent for which you are praying your novena.
    • Your intention may be a sincere prayer for direction as you reach a crossroads in your life, or it may be something as simple as an expression of great joy or deep sorrow.
    • No matter what your intention is, you will need to keep it in mind during the novena reading period, even when you are praying inactively.
  7. 7 Consider other spiritual practices in addition to reading the novena. Since novena are an act of piety, reading them while performing other spiritually significant acts of self-sacrifice and devotion can further emphasize the seriousness of your intention. Consider, for example, recourse to fasting or meditation throughout the novena reading.
  8. 8 Stay committed to the idea. If you decide to start reading a novena, stick to it. While there is no penalty for dropping it halfway through, ending the practice can be spiritually rewarding, whether your initial request was answered by the end of the novena period or not.
    • There is some debate as to whether or not to start over if you missed a day or hour of your novena. Traditionally, you should reflect on the reason for missing a day / hour, and eventually start over again later. However, if the cause was unavoidable (for example, a sudden and severe illness), then the decision to start from scratch may not be so clear. Despite this, the way out in this situation is a matter of conscience, so the decision is yours, based on your own circumstances.

Method 2 of 3: novena formats

  1. 1 Read the novena for 9 days. The most traditional way to pray novena is to recite it at least once a day for 9 days.
    • Choose a time of day to recite the novena prayer. You must read the novena at the same time every day. For example, if you pray at 9:00 on the first day, you should pray at 9:00 on the remaining days.
    • Read the novena once a day for 9 consecutive days.
    • When you are not actively reading the novena prayer, you should try to reflect and meditate on the chosen intention.
    • Given the fact that this is done within 9 days, some distraction is to be expected. Although you should strive to minimize this distraction as much as possible.
  2. 2 Use the 9 hour format. A short, more focused alternative is the novena prayer 1 time every hour for nine hours.
    • Prepare accordingly. Let your friends and family know that you will be unavailable for the next 9 hours, then turn off your phone and any other possible distractions.
    • Choose a time to start. Keep in mind that you will need a full 9 hours, and that these hours must be in a row (without interruption).
    • Read the selected novena prayer at the beginning of each hour.
    • Spend time meditating on your chosen intention between prayers. You can do other things (like cleaning the house or taking a walk), but your activity should allow you to reflect on your intention instead of distracting from it.
  3. 3 Also choose a prayer format. There are many different novena with a range of different prayers that can be used. Some novenas will encourage you to recite one prayer each time, while others will encourage you to recite a different prayer each time. Even though most novennas use formal prayers, you can pray informal prayers if it matters more in your current circumstances.
    • The only limitation is that your prayer must be "frank". However, one does not need to say a prayer out loud in order to become an "active" prayer. Frank prayer is simply prayer that uses ordinary words to address God.
    • Novena prayers can either be directed to God or to one of the Saints.
  4. 4 Decide if you will be praying in public or in private. Often novena pray in private and in private. However, when a separate intention concerns a large group of people, it may be chosen to read the novena prayer together.
    • Public novena are usually organized by the church. They can be read for specific purposes or in preparation for specific holidays. Church representatives may ask you to come to church during the novena every day, or they may simply ask you to pray to the novena at home for a specific time to maintain spiritual unity in the community (although the members are physically separated from each other).

Method 3 of 3: Examples

  1. 1 Read the novena to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. This novena can be prayed in the continuation of the sequence of any 9 days, but most often it began at the beginning of the feast of the Corpus Christi and ended on the feast of the Sacred Heart.
    • Read this prayer once a day:
      • "Sacred Heart of Jesus, the source of every blessing! I worship You, I love You! With deep regret for my sins, I offer You my poor heart.Make me humble, patient, chaste and totally obedient to Your will. Allow, good Jesus, that I can live in You and for You. Protect me in the midst of danger; comfort me in my sorrow! Give me health of my body, help with worldly needs, Your blessing for everything I do, and the grace of holy death. I give my every anxiety into Your Heart. In every need, let me come to You with humble confidence, saying, "Heart of Jesus, help me."
  2. 2 Use the novena for the Infant Jesus of Prague. This novena can be prayed for 9 days in a row, but more often they pray for 9 hours in a row for one day.
    • Read this prayer once an hour:
      • "O Jesus, who said:" Ask, and you will receive, seek, and you will find, knock, and it will be revealed to you! "Through the intercession of Mary, Your Most Holy Mother, I knock, seek and ask that my prayer be heard."
      • Pause here and state your intentions.
      • "O Jesus, who said:" All that you ask in the Father in My Name, He will give you! "Through the intercession of Mary, Your Most Holy Mother, I humbly and in despair ask Your Father in Your Name that my prayer be heard." ...
      • Pause here and state your intentions.
      • "Oh Jesus, who said:" Heaven and earth will pass, but My words will not pass. "" Through the intercession of Mary, Your Most Holy Mother, I feel that my prayer will be answered. "
      • Pause here and state your intentions.