How to griffin in Minecraft

Author: Alice Brown
Date Of Creation: 25 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Expansive Fantasy! Part 1 griffin taming
Video: Expansive Fantasy! Part 1 griffin taming


Griefing (or griefing) is the act of causing moral and material damage to people in computer games. In Minecraft, griffing is mainly carried out by destroying someone else's buildings or making harmful and / or unauthorized changes to them. And yes, it can be fun. You can take revenge on enemies, destroy the results of other people's labor and drive people crazy. However, you will be quickly identified and punished by the server administrators, since they had the opportunity to do this back in 2012.


Method 1 of 5: General Griefing

  1. 1 Find a site with a list of servers. Let's say Minecraft Server List or Planet Minecraft.
  2. 2 Find a server. Better is a non-whitelisted server so you can start playing right away rather than waiting in line.
  3. 3 Download a game client specially designed for griefers. Flying, accelerating, walking on walls, the ability to look through walls - all this will come in handy.
  4. 4 Destroy buildings. Blow them up, steal everything from there, break, destroy, do not deny yourself anything.
  5. 5 Steal, blow up everything, or at least mine. The main thing is not to get caught. Keep shift held down to hide your nickname.

Method 2 of 5: Destroying a Building

  1. 1 Replace the building door with a stone pressure panel.
  2. 2 Connect it to the redstone circuit. At the other end of the chain, accordingly, place enough explosives! Whoever steps on the panel will blow himself up!

Method 3 of 5: Lava

  1. 1 Find lava. If you are lucky, you will find a lake on the surface, and if not, you will have to dig very deep.
  2. 2 Collect lava in buckets.
  3. 3 Find a wooden structure. Break the roof of the building.
  4. 4 Pour the lava in the four corners of the roof so that it flows inward.
  5. 5 Fix the roof by making everything the way it was. Hide all traces of your stay at the building. A surprise awaits the owner of the building when he opens the doors of the house! However, if you still haven't found the lava, you can replace it with water.

Method 4 of 5: Griefing Underwater Structures

  1. 1 Find a suitable building. Everything is very simple here, the main difficulty lies precisely in finding a suitable building. Look for underwater houses in the seas - often they are given by the light from their windows, which is visible from the surface of the reservoir.
  2. 2 Climb into the house and just break the roof. It will be very difficult to remove water from the house.

Method 5 of 5: Lettering

  1. 1 Find a large house with high walls.
  2. 2 Disassemble the walls so that the missing blocks form the inscription. You can write whatever your heart desires - you are a griffon.


  • Drink the potion of invisibility so that no one can see you (and try not to hold the potion in your hands).
  • Keep something completely harmless on a hotkey. Azure will do. The bottom line is that other players, if they pass nearby, see you not with explosives or flint in their hands, not with a pickaxe or shovel, but with something not suspicious.
  • Use the "Herobrine" mod while sneaking to reduce your chances of getting banned. As a bonus: you can scare your victim!
  • Do gryfering on a grand scale. Anyone can break the bridge, but turn the bridge 90 degrees and bring it to a huge fountain of lava ... well, you yourself know what the players will remember better.
  • If you griefers are a whole team, don't log into the server at the same time.
  • If you are kicked from the server (kicked out), do not go to it for a while.
  • If the LogBlock plugin is not installed on the server, you may not be banned.
  • If you get banned, just register a new account.
  • Do not put up warning signs when working with something dangerous.
  • Use a proxy if you get banned by IP.