How to talk to the girl you want to date

Author: Gregory Harris
Date Of Creation: 10 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Talk To A Girl For The First Time
Video: How To Talk To A Girl For The First Time


Talking to girls is not easy, especially when you like them. The most important thing is to just start a conversation. Daily dialogues will help you get closer, find out the interests and preferences of the girl.


Method 1 of 3: How to start a conversation

  1. 1 Stop being afraid. Getting rid of fear is the hardest part, but remember this:
    • all people are the same, we all worry and we are all just people;
    • most girls will not be rude or offend you if they do not want to talk to you;
    • it's better to talk to a girl and know for sure than to doubt and guess.
  2. 2 Refer to the girl. Find an easy way to introduce yourself. If you are not already familiar, this is quite enough. When the girl is talking to her friend, just listen to the conversation (but don't spy on them!), And then make an appropriate comment like: "Cool, you like the Harry Potter movies too!" If the girl is alone, share your observation about her outfit, book, or lesson if you are classmates. Then start a conversation!
    • If you have communicated before and the girl knows you, then the situation is simplified. Otherwise, do not forget to introduce yourself and start a conversation.

    John Keegan

    Dating Coach John Keegan is a dating coach and motivational speaker from New York City. Runs consulting firm The Awakened Lifestyle, where he uses his knowledge of dating, social dynamics and attraction mechanisms to help people find love. Teaches people and gives dating masterclasses all over the world, from Los Angeles to London and from Rio de Janeiro to Prague. His work has been featured in The New York Times, Humans of New York and Men’s Health.

    John Keegan
    Dating coach

    Introduce yourself and speak as if you already know each other.... For example, turn to the girl in line at the cafeteria and ask what she prefers to take for lunch. Walk up to her at the supermarket and start a conversation about the fruit she chooses.

  3. 3 Start small talk! This is a surefire way to gauge a girl's desire to keep the conversation going. All you need to do is talk about the weather, homework, or school activity. Depending on the reaction and the verbosity of the answer, you can understand how interesting you are to the girl.
    • For example, if your high school soccer team won the district championship, ask, "Were you at the finals yesterday?" A question like this can start a great conversation. If she replies that she did not watch the match, then there is no need to retell the details of the game. In this case, it is better to shift the focus of the conversation to the girl and ask what kind of sport she is interested in.
  4. 4 If in class you are sitting together or at neighboring desks, say humorous remarks - not loudly, but so that they can be made out. For example, when a teacher gives out written assignments, you might say, “Wow, I'm already scared. You will have to write so much ”. Speak loudly enough for the girl to hear. If she responds to your line, then you are on target! This means that she listened to you. Otherwise, it may turn out that you spoke too quietly and she did not hear anything or was surprised that you spoke to her. Keep trying and sooner or later she will answer you.

Method 2 of 3: How to befriend a girl

  1. 1 Communicate regularly. Discuss the girl's likes and dislikes. To get started, just talk to her. Ask questions about brothers, sisters and various little things. For example: "How are Katya and Lesha doing?" - or: "This skirt brings out the color of your eyes." Girls like it when guys remember and notice different little things.
    • Look for common interests, such as favorite groups or teams. This will give you topics for discussion.
    • If you're studying together, come and say hello to her at recess after talking in class.Do various courtesies - hold the door or tell her that the girl's lace is untied to make a pleasant impression on her.
    • Do not try to please the girl all the time, otherwise this behavior will seem strange to her.
  2. 2 Become friends. Many guys prefer to get down to business right away, but it's best to start with friendship if you're serious about it. If you rush with an invitation to a date, then she may refuse, because she does not know anything about you yet.
  3. 3 Exchange messages. Start texting with the girl. Girls tend to like to talk a lot. If you've been texting for a while and think you've become buddies, you can ask if the girl likes someone. If she doesn't ask the answer, then she almost certainly likes the other guy. Also try to correspond in the evening, because it's doubly cute!
  4. 4 Make sure you fit together. Do you have common interests? Are you about the same age with her? If you want to date a girl, then it is important to make sure that you have fun with your time together. People often tend to build unrealistic fantasies, but it is not always easy to assess the situation soberly. Ask what drives the girl's decisions. These conversations will help you bond.
  5. 5 Offer to spend time with the company. Invite a girl and a group of your friends to a movie or entertainment center. If you feel comfortable in the same company, you can later invite the girl and friends to your home. The company always helps to ease the feeling of embarrassment.
    • You don't need to plan an event just around your meeting with a girl, and then invite your friends. Better to organize an event with friends and invite a girl to join you. This will make it easier for you to get over the rejection and you won't need to cancel anything.
    • Your invitation should be fun and stress-free. No need to look at the floor and inaudibly ask what she's up to this weekend.
  6. 6 Make sure the girl doesn't have a boyfriend. If she's already dating someone, always respect the other person's relationship. If a girl likes someone else, you can try to win her favor, but you don't need to build high hopes.
  7. 7 Remain calm, but don't pretend that you are not interested in the girl. If you start spending a lot of time together, people will talk about you and wonder about the nature of your relationship. In case of questions, answer: "We are interested in communicating" - and: "We always have fun together." Never say, "We're just friends," or you might make the wrong impression on a girl.
  8. 8 Invite your girlfriend to meetings without strangers. Offer to meet together sometime, and make sure the invitation doesn't feel like a date. Gradually invite fewer and fewer friends to meetings so that one day you can say: "Maybe we will meet this weekend?" In case of a polite refusal, do not rush to give up. Surely she is not yet comfortable being alone with you, but after a while she may agree. You can explain that this will not be a date, and you will go to the cinema or to the pool as friends.

Method 3 of 3: How to ask a girl out on a date

  1. 1 Try to invite her in a comfortable environment. Choose a place that is quiet and free from crowds. At such a moment, it is important to relax and feel confident. The more comfortable you are, the easier it will be to relax and ask her out on a date.
    • Make sure the girl is in a good mood. Otherwise, it's better to wait.
    • It is advisable to invite the girl in person. It is more difficult and exciting than the message, but the likelihood of success and the ability to evaluate the girl's response will increase significantly.
  2. 2 Realize that you don't need a big romantic gesture to invite. Films and TV shows have already taught us that an ambitious and large-scale event is the only way to get consent. In fact, this is very far from reality.Just take the girl aside at work or school, wait for her at the exit, or invite her when you ride home together on the bus. It is not the place that matters, but your words.
  3. 3 Think over your words if you are worried. It is not necessary to rehearse the conversation in too much detail, as it is impossible to predict the girl's response, but practice expressing your idea briefly and without stress. A couple of sentences are enough. Examples:
    • "It's always interesting to be with you and I would like to invite you on a date."
    • "Will you agree to go on a date with me this weekend?"
    • "Let's have dinner together sometime, just the two of us?"
    • "I really enjoy communicating with you and would like to move to a new level of relationship."
  4. 4 Consider a specific date. As a last resort, be prepared to suggest one or two days that suit you. A specific sentence will help you more accurately assess the answer. If a girl wants to go on a date, then voice your proposal:
    • "Excellent! How about Wednesday dinner? " - or: “On Saturday there will be an interesting performance at 20:00. Maybe let's go? "
    • Prepare a backup date in case the girl is busy, or ask when it is convenient for her.
  5. 5 Get up the courage and invite a girl in, even if you're uncomfortable. In the end, you only need to say a few simple words. It’s not easy, but there’s no other way out. Be short and to the point. "I like you very much and I would like to ask you out on a date." This is quite enough. Don't forget why you decided on this conversation. Any answer is better than guesswork. [[Image: Lose-Your-Virginity-Without-Pain- (Girls) -Step-3.webp | center]
    • Count to three and invite the girl.
    • Don't talk too long before being invited. Say hello, ask about business, and get to the point. The longer you wait, the weaker your determination.
    • If you decide that you want to invite a girl, then do not postpone the invitation.
  6. 6 Be sincere. If she refuses you because of a slight initial awkwardness, is it worth dating a girl like that? Just be yourself and invite the girl in despite the fear, excitement, awkwardness, and anxiety. Figure out how to formulate this idea.
    • "I'm a little worried, but ...".
    • "It may sound embarrassing, but I want to confess my feelings."
  7. 7 Relax and take your time. The dating phase takes as much time as the friendship phase. Don't rush to commit yourself.


  • Do not try to understand the girl's feelings for sure, otherwise she may lose interest in you.
  • A little tip: if you invite 100 different girls on a date and only the last one answers you with consent, then the previous 99 refusals will no longer matter. Better to take a risk than a lifetime of guesswork.
  • Make the girl laugh. They value a guy's sense of humor.
  • Take your time, otherwise the girl may get confused, especially if you barely know each other.
  • Earn the girl's trust.
  • Write a cute note! Contrary to popular belief, the girl will be very pleased.
  • Show the girl that she is special and not one of your many friends.
  • Show your best qualities so that the girl wants to agree to you.
  • Notice the girl's frequent glances, interest in your hobby, calm attitude towards light touches. If you approach her, she may shyly move away from you or take a step forward. These are all signs of sympathy.
  • Confess your love if you are happy together.


  • Be prepared to reject, but don't let the thought stop you.
  • Don't pretend to be another person. If a girl is right for you, she will like you for who you are, but this advice is of no value if you are only interested in sex.
  • "Don't judge a book by its cover." Don't let looks fool you. It's important to get to know the person before starting a relationship.