How to furnish a studio apartment

Author: Eric Farmer
Date Of Creation: 3 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Studio Apartment Layout Ideas - How to Make Your Studio Cohesive
Video: Studio Apartment Layout Ideas - How to Make Your Studio Cohesive


In a studio apartment, you have to combine the most necessary things, placing a bedroom, kitchen and living room in a small space. At first glance, designing such an apartment may seem daunting and difficult, but in fact, the key point in this is to plan how to occupy every centimeter of the apartment.Even a small apartment can look spacious and beautiful if you choose multifunctional furniture and know how to visually increase the volume of the room. If you are a lover and connoisseur of minimalism, the design of a studio apartment may be very to your liking.


Part 1 of 3: How to arrange furniture

  1. 1 Try to use furniture to divide the apartment into functional areas. The main space of the entire studio should combine three functional areas in one: bedroom, living room and kitchen. But you can create the illusion of three separate rooms by correctly arranging furniture and limiting certain areas with its help.
    • Sofas, armchairs and chaise longues (armchairs for two) can be used to enclose the living room area. The bed can be used to define and separate the sleeping space.
    • With the help of coffee tables, carpets and shelves, individual functional areas can be emphasized, so that the studio apartment looks more organized and harmonious.
  2. 2 Place the bed right next to the wall. The bed should be either parallel or perpendicular to the wall. If you place the bed in the center of the room, the studio apartment will look cramped and cluttered. Consider getting a daybed or pull-out bed if you have too little space.
    • For extra space, you can purchase a low bed without a frame. Thanks to this solution, the bed will not block the windows and take up extra space.
  3. 3 Purchase several movable dividers. Such partitions will help to divide the total area in a studio apartment into separate functional zones. For example, when guests are at home, thanks to such a partition, you can limit the sleeping area and retire. Folding screens and ceiling-mounted curtains take up very little space when not in use.
    • Try to divide the studio so that it looks aesthetically pleasing. The common space and individual sections look harmonious if they are divided in a ratio of 1: 3 or 2: 3.
  4. 4 Choose vertical storage locations. Among the shelves, you should choose narrow and long ones. Thus, you will have the opportunity to productively use the free space for storing things, without having to buy massive wardrobes and mezzanines. In addition, a large bookcase or wardrobe will perfectly fulfill the role of a separator between the bedroom and living area.
    • You can place shelves high above doorways or windows - they will attract the eye upward (again, this will visually expand the space) and allow you to free up more space in the studio apartment.
  5. 5 Choose furniture with legs. This choice will also visually expand the space. For example, sofas and chairs with visible legs (as opposed to legs covered with fabric covers) create a feeling of lightness and airiness. The space between the floor and furniture will create the illusion of an open plan layout.
  6. 6 Clear the passage. Do not place furniture in the middle of the room, because it will block the passage from one area to another. Try to arrange furniture in the corners and around the perimeter of the apartment - this way you free up space, and your apartment will not look too cramped and small. To assess whether you have placed the furniture correctly, walk from one end of the apartment to the other. If you easily walk from one functional area to another, then everything is in order and you have not blocked the passage with furniture.
  7. 7 Be very careful when choosing furniture for a studio apartment. When arranging furniture in a studio apartment, give preference not to quantity, but to quality. Extra chairs and sofas in a small space will only clutter up the room. When choosing between two small sofas and one large one, it is better to choose a large one.

Part 2 of 3: How to expand the space

  1. 1 Leave only what is necessary. If you decide to live in a studio apartment, you need to be ready to give up unnecessary things and leave only the necessary. Disassemble your belongings and leave only the essentials.Throw away or hand out clothes you no longer wear, books you don’t need, and pieces of furniture that only clutter up the room.
    • Good things that you no longer wear (and don't use) can be donated to charity or friends. To do this, you can find on the Internet the contacts of charitable organizations in your city.
    • If you find it difficult to sort out the trash yourself, you can hire (or find) an assistant.
  2. 2 Choose only multifunctional items for your apartment. Every centimeter of floor and space in this apartment must be used effectively. Leave only sturdy multifunctional furniture - this will help you maximize space and increase the volume of the room. You can buy a fold-out sofa bed or coffee table that can also be used as a bench or stool.
    • Buy furniture from manufacturers that are minimalist and produce furniture for small living spaces. Most likely, they will definitely have in stock several multifunctional things for the house that are perfect for a studio apartment.
  3. 3 Find unused places in the apartment and use them. As soon as you arrange the main furniture and things, pay attention to those corners of the apartment that have remained unused. For example, these can be empty spaces on walls and empty corners. Consider how to use these locations to best suit your needs.
    • For example, in your studio apartment there is a free right corner, you can put a beanbag chair there. Now this empty space can be designed as a recreation and reading area.
    • You should not get carried away with the design and fill every meter of the apartment with some things and furniture. It is useful to leave empty space as well - it is this space that will maintain the balance in the overall design of the apartment. The main thing is to make sure that each zone performs its function.
  4. 4 You can hang mirrors around the apartment to visually expand the space. Correctly positioned mirrors will make your apartment look twice as large and spacious. It would be a good idea to place mirrors opposite the windows so that they reflect daylight, visually expanding the space. You can also hang the mirror in front of a large end table or shelf to create the illusion that there is a small room behind the mirror.

Part 3 of 3: How to add personality and originality to an apartment

  1. 1 Choose a light, natural color palette. If you have the opportunity to decorate the walls, it is better to choose neutral colors (beige or pastel). It is these colors that visually expand the space, making the apartment seem larger than it really is. In addition, they make the room more comfortable and harmonious.
  2. 2 Try different textures. In a small room, the abundance of different colors and shades will look too defiant. It is important to be creative when trying to diversify the decor. A great way to add some flavor to your design is to play with textures while sticking to the same color palette. You can buy carved furniture and diversify this furniture with plush fluffy pillows.
  3. 3 When starting to decorate and decorate, adhere to the following rule: avoid bulky, provocative items for decorating your studio apartment. According to this simple rule, any decor items larger than a melon or watermelon only litter small rooms and premises. Of course, you can choose a couple or three large decor items, but in general, everything should be compact.
    • For example, instead of a large floor lamp that takes up quite a lot of space, you can choose a small table lamp or wall lamp. This light will be enough for reading a book or working, in addition, such a lamp does not take up much space.
  4. 4 To make the design of a studio apartment more expressive, you can add bold bright art. However, a classic canvas or landscape in a studio apartment will not look very good. It is better to choose a more daring modern design with a lot of overflows and combinations. The most successful design for a studio would be Art Nouveau or Pop.
    • Again, do not choose paintings and decor in an overly variegated palette.
    • The above rule does not have to apply to paintings. On the contrary, instead of two or three small paintings, it is better to choose one big bold art that will look harmonious in the interior. In a small space, too many decorations and paintings will only clutter up the walls.


  • Decorating an apartment in approximately the same color scheme (for example, white, cream and beige shades) will visually expand the room and make it more airy and spacious.
  • The main thing is to adhere to minimalism and simplicity, starting to design and decor. Effective organization of space is the ability to correctly arrange the necessary furniture and things, and not litter every free corner with unnecessary items. Therefore, try not to collect unnecessary trinkets and not go too far with wall decoration.
  • Folding chairs and other handy folding furniture will help you free up some space when you are away from guests.