How to be the best student in your class

Author: Mark Sanchez
Date Of Creation: 2 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to be the Best student in your class
Video: How to be the Best student in your class


Want to impress your teacher? Maybe you just want to get the most out of the school year? Whatever your reason for wanting to be the best student in your class, there are several ways you can improve yourself. The top student in any class won't just earn grades. You also need to be a good person and show the teacher that you take their subject seriously.


Method 1 of 3: Get the most out of your studies

  1. 1 Prepare your brain and body for learning. You will be better able to perceive information and it will be easier for you at school if your body is ready for learning! There is a lot you can do to prepare your body. Try:
    • Get plenty of sleep. You need to get enough sleep if you want your brain to function to its fullest. You must be alert and alert for most of the day. If your eyes are already drooping by lunchtime, then you are not getting enough sleep. Most people need 8 hours of sleep.
    • Your body cannot function properly if everything you eat is junk food, such as chips, sweets, and burgers. If you want to be a better student, eat vegetables (like broccoli), fruits, and lean protein (like chicken or fish).
    • Drink plenty of water. Your brain needs water to function properly. In fact, your entire body needs water to function properly. Drink several glasses of water a day, but keep in mind that some people need more water. If the urine is dark, then you need more water, and if it is completely transparent, then this indicates an excess of water in the body.
  2. 2 Learn with methods that work for you. People have different learning methods with which they are best at absorbing information. This is called a learning style. Find one that works for you and try to stick with it as often as possible. You can have more control over this aspect when you study at home, but you can also talk with your teacher about changing teaching techniques in class to add variety for students with different learning styles.
    • For example, you may find it easier to memorize tables, charts, or pictures. This means that you are a visual, which means that you need to use more images and pictures in your teaching. For example, to better memorize parts of a lecture, you can make a diagram.
    • If you notice that it is easier for you to learn when you listen to music quietly, or that you cannot remember what the teacher wrote on the blackboard, but you can “hear” in your head that he was saying that he was in the classroom right now and telling ... This means that you are an auditory, that is, you memorize information better with sound. In this case, for example, you can record on a dictaphone everything that the teacher says in the lesson, and listen to it when you study or do your homework.
    • You may have noticed that during the lesson you want to remain mindful, but you just need to get up and move. You may be walking around the room when you study.This means that you are kinesthetic, that is, you perceive information better when you move or do something with your body. Try playing with a piece of play dough when the teacher is teaching a new topic.
  3. 3 Be attentive. The best thing you can do to become the best student in your class is to listen carefully when the teacher speaks. Distractions can lead to missing important information, making it harder for you to figure out what to do when you study the subject later.
    • If you find it difficult to stay focused during the lesson, try sitting on one of the first desks and being more involved in the lesson. Raise your hand and ask questions when you don’t understand something or when the teacher is saying something interesting and you would like to know more about it.
  4. 4 Learn to take notes. Taking notes (and correct taking notes) can be challenging, but taking notes will make it much easier for you to learn and absorb information, which means your grades and test scores will improve and you can become the best student in your class. Just remember not to write down absolutely everything the teacher says. Just write down the most important things and what you know will be difficult for you to remember.
  5. 5 Do your homework on time and well. Even if you don't get very good grades on your homework, always doing it on time will maximize your scores. You should strive to make your homework grades the highest in the class, otherwise you are not really trying to be the best in the class. Beyond that, do your homework as best you can. If you do not understand something, ask for help! The teacher will be able to recommend you a good tutor or even help you himself.
    • Set aside enough time to complete your homework. This may mean that you have to watch less TV or spend less time with your friends, but in the end it will be worth it.
    • A good environment for doing your homework will help you get it done. Go to a quiet place where there will be no distractions. If you can go to the library, it is a good place. If you can't leave the house and the people who live with you are making a lot of noise, try using the bathroom.
  6. 6 Look for additional ways to learn. Studying topics that are not included in lesson plans can help you understand the information taught in the lesson much better and can also impress the teacher. Seeking information that suits your interests will also help you stay focused in the classroom. Look for ways to learn more about all the subjects you study and you will find that the school is interesting and that you become more and more successful.
    • For example, if you are studying the history of World War I, you can watch documentaries online to learn more about this period of world history.
    • You can learn by studying books from your local library or using online sources. Although Wikipedia is not always accurate, you can usually find quite a lot of useful information on it. You can also find documentaries and educational videos on YouTube, such as the popular Crash Course or TedTalks shows.
    • Learn when you don't need to go to school. Keep studying both summer and weekend, and start preparing for the next school year as early as possible by knowing what you'll be teaching. As for the summer, even a simple review of the information you've already learned for two to three hours three to four times over the entire vacation will help you prepare well for the start of the school year.
  7. 7 Start learning as early as possible. One of the most effective ways to get good test scores is to start learning and preparing for the test as early as possible.It is definitely not worth leaving this on the last night before the test. The more difficult the test is, the earlier you need to start learning. It would be nice to start two or three weeks in advance.

Method 2 of 3: Be a Good Person

  1. 1 Bring people good feelings, not bad ones. Being the best student in your class is a little more than just getting good grades. You also need to try to be a good person. You don't have to be a bully or class clown, that won't make you a better student. Focus on making people feel good by complimenting and complimenting them when they do a good job. Do not be angry with people, do not tease them or say offensive things.
  2. 2 Help others. Be a good person by helping others when you can. If you know how to do something, or know an easier way to do it, show it to the person. Don't make yourself smart or snobbish, just be nice and friendly. You can also do nice little things for people - hold the door or help carry something heavy.
    • For example, if someone has been away for a few days, offer to help them catch up with the material and share your notes.
  3. 3 Treat people with respect, even when they don't behave well. Even when people misbehave with you, you still need to show respect to them. You don't have to yell at them or physically hurt them. You don't have to call them names or queue up in front of them just to annoy them. Just ignore them and treat them the way you would treat others.
    • Show respect by letting the person speak when they want and not interrupting. Respect the other person's opinion, and don't worry if they think a little differently than you do. In addition, you need to allow the person to be himself and not judge him for being unique or just not like that.
  4. 4 Stay calm. When you're in class, stay as calm as possible. Don't run or disturb people. Also, try not to get nervous when learning gets difficult. This is bad for you and can also cause you to vent stress on others.
    • Help yourself to calm down by breathing slowly. Remind yourself that everything will be okay. You are strong enough to handle this!
    • Don't worry about perfect grades. Ideal grades are only important in the last year of high school and university (if you plan on going to graduate school). Otherwise, just focus on the best possible study of the material and don't worry about the numbers that the teacher writes out for you. Knowing the material is much more important than getting a grade.
  5. 5 Try to make everything at school more interesting for others. Try to help everyone enjoy school. Be enthusiastic and positive when in class. This sincere desire to learn will inspire others to show more interest in learning. It may even cause some people to show their enthusiasm when, in ordinary situations, they prevent others from seeing that they care.
    • For example, you can start exploring planets in your science class. Find an interesting and beautiful picture of your favorite planet and show it to other students, then ask everyone to find a beautiful picture of their favorite planet.
  6. 6 Be yourself! Most importantly, be yourself. You cannot be your best self if you are pretending to be someone else. Do what makes you happy. Share what you love. Make friends with people who understand you and make you feel good. Don't worry about what others think. The truth is, many years later, you won't remember the names and half of them. If they don't think you are the coolest now, in five or six years you will absolutely not care, you will not even remember about it. But remember exactly how unhappy you were because you didn't do something that gives you positive feelings.

Method 3 of 3: Keeping the teacher happy with you

  1. 1 Be respectful. If you want the teacher to be happy with you, you need to show respect first. Especially if other students are disrespectful, you will stand out from others and very quickly become a beloved student. You can, for example:
    • Don't disrupt the lesson. Don't pass notes, talk to friends, joke, or fidget too much when the teacher is speaking.
    • Be punctual (come on time or even earlier) and certainly never miss a lesson with this teacher.
    • When talking to a teacher, be polite. Always refer to him by name and patronymic, use words such as “please” and “thank you”. Always be serious when using these words so that the teacher does not feel like you are making fun of him by talking like that.
  2. 2 Ask questions. Teachers love it when students ask questions. There are several reasons for this. First, it tells the teacher that you are attentive in his lesson. Second, it shows him that you find him interesting and that you like his subject (even if you are not). Third, it makes him feel smart and helpful. And everyone likes to feel smart and useful. Ask questions when you have them, and you will see that the teacher will like him more and more.
    • For example, if your teacher talks about chemistry and Avogadro's number, ask him how he remembers that number.
    • However, try not to ask meaningless questions. You don't need to ask a question just to show that you have a question. Ultimately, this will annoy your teacher and he will think that you are doing this only to get attention to yourself.
    • Don't ask personal questions or questions that are important only to you. You can ask about homework, test dates, what worries not only you alone, but also ask when you don't understand. "What pages do we need to read for tomorrow?" or "Is there some other way to remember this?" will be acceptable questions. "Why did I get a deuce?" or "Which boy group do you think is the coolest?" - definitely not. "Do you have a boyfriend?" - questions of this type, which are related to the personal relationship of the teacher, should not be asked at all costs. Teachers are annoyed by such questions and will certainly not arouse their sympathy for you.
  3. 3 Ask for help. You might think that if you ask your teacher for help, he might get angry because you will seem stupid. But this opinion is far from the truth. Asking for help actually makes you seem smart and is pleasing to the teacher. When you ask questions, the teacher knows that you will work hard to understand his subject much better. He will be proud of you for taking the initiative to get the help you know you need.
    • For example, if in a few weeks there will be a math test, and you know that you have not fully understood how to divide fractions, then ask the teacher if he could walk with you in the order of division again or solve two or three examples with you while you you will not understand.
    • Say something like “Galina Ivanovna, homework is difficult for me. For some reason I find it difficult to understand the use of the genitive case. Could you stay after the lesson or for the elective to explain it in some other way? ”.
  4. 4 Be a helpful learner. Be a student who not only doesn't get into trouble, but also makes the class a kinder place. This is more than just provoking quarrels and fights (although this also does not need to be done). You also need to be the person who helps you solve problems when they arise. For example:
    • You remind others (without arrogance or rudeness) to adhere to class rules.
    • If a fight breaks out, you immediately call the nearest teacher or separate it, or do whatever is appropriate for the situation.
    • You help the teacher with assignments, for example, hand out leaflets, materials, make copies, help the student with a question, help where your help is appropriate.
    • You help classmates who are having problems. If your classmate is clearly upset, you try to help him. You open the door to the teacher, who is carrying a lot of lesson material. You do not spread ugly gossip, even if it is rather juicy gossip.
  5. 5 Stay on top of your work. Do your homework on time. Get out your study guides and ask for help at least two weeks before the test, not two or three days. Take notes. When your teacher sees that you are working hard, even if you are not the smartest student and even if you do not get the best grades on your tests, he will still like you the best for your efforts and desire to learn.


  • Get organized. Organize homework assignments into folders or binders. This will make it easier for you to find them and it will be easier to remember where you put them when you need to work on them.
  • When you get home, reread the work you did in class. This will help you better understand what you were doing in class and revisit important details.
  • Try to revisit the main points learned in the lesson immediately after it. This will best help you remember the material for a long time.
  • Remember, there is nothing wrong with friendly competition. If there are other students in your class who are also striving to become a leader, fuel their motivation. However, be careful not to confuse competition with rudeness.
  • Do not be shy. When the teacher asks you a question, take this opportunity and answer confidently, even if you are not sure if it is the correct answer. The teacher will notice your self-confidence and, thus, you will get closer to being the best student in the class.
  • Remain calm during exams. Nerves can lead to the fact that you forget the lessons that you revisited. Get a good rest and eat a healthy breakfast before any test. Good luck!
  • Stay focused and ignore people who make fun of you. You shouldn't be ashamed of wanting to do well in school.
  • Don't keep ideas to yourself, share them with others.
  • Be patient. Your grades won't change overnight.
  • Remember to get at least eight hours of sleep every night. It will be best to sleep for nine hours. A good rest makes a big difference to your studies.
  • Don't waste your time, read the book if you have free time, this way you will get more new information.


  • If you try to cheat, there is a 99% chance that you will get caught, and if the teacher sees you cheating, he will change his mind about you.
  • Don't overwork yourself. Life is not only school and study! Remember that you are human too.
  • There is a fine line between a truly helpful student and an overly enthusiastic "good girl" who is overly dependent on the teacher's praise and attention. Be sure to let others help the teacher too.

What do you need

  • Paper
  • Pens or pencils
  • Ruler
  • Folder
  • Notebooks
  • Marker
  • Colored pencils or markers
  • Eraser
  • Pencil case

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