How to date a Leo woman

Author: Clyde Lopez
Date Of Creation: 20 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024


So, what can you say about the queen among the zodiac signs - the Leo woman? Ardent and passionate, cheerful and open-minded, they become terrific friends and lovers. The Leo Woman is the epitome of romance: passionate, poetic, fiery and adoring. Never doubt, however, that she expects love in return with the same intensity and enthusiasm, passion and dedication. These women are born between July 23rd and August 22nd.


  1. 1 Fall in love with the item. This woman is fire. She is emotional, but with a kind heart. She is one of the most romantic of all lovers, she is loyal and noble. It is as bright as the sun and warm in summer. This is how she attracts people to her. It tends to be quite popular. She is known for her lush mane of shimmery hair and almost cat-like eyes. This woman is the queen of all the zodiacs. So behave accordingly.
    • Leo girls treat guys with utmost respect and will place them on a very high pedestal. In return, she expects you to do the same. You are "her Leo, the leader."
    • For a truly meaningful relationship, she chooses the most unique people who are different from her regular fans.
    • Ruled by the 5th house, her sign rules the heart. She is by nature an extrovert, and her sign is fixed.
    • The potential partner of a Leo woman must be sensitive and intelligent. The presence of intelligence is required. Leo constantly asks questions, so you must be able to reason and formulate, and also know everything in the world. You must have the strength and confidence to always be ready to take the initiative in your own hands. These qualities are very attractive to her, and she will purr with pleasure and enjoy. They do not always want to decide everything and take responsibility.
  2. 2 Independence. She wants to be sure that the person next to her yearns for independence, just as she does. She is looking for a guy who will guide her, not control her. Any partner of such a Lioness girl must have a strong and somewhat independent character, otherwise your romance will become the subject of this girl's domination over you.
  3. 3 Leo women love to be admired. Yes, they love praise for their particular uniqueness and creativity, as long as the praise is genuine. Compliments can take you far, and very often will make her blush. Leo women are known to be creative and hate the established order. Defeat her by falling in love with her unique style and the way she lives. And always come on time, otherwise you will face reckoning!
  4. 4 The intensity of the emotions. In anger, a Leo woman can be hot-tempered and dramatic. The best thing to do in this case is to let her keep her pride, apologize, and show that you care. No matter how restrained and detached she may seem, you should know that she is grateful to you. Leo women love tolerance in character. In case you come across an angry Lioness, make sure to express your opinion firmly but calmly.
  5. 5 In her head. Beneath those shiny outer laces and nail polish, you might be surprised to find an insecure woman. She has a fragile heart under the shield of smiles and laughter, so you must have a sensitive heart. She will be very shy at the beginning of a relationship if she really likes you. You need to not only date her, but become her friend and talk to her. The way to the heart of Leo is through friendship.They value friendship and trust with passion.
  6. 6 Lion cub versus Lioness. A young Lioness will appear arrogant, vain, and screaming. But a mature Lioness will seem very generous. Her level of generosity and caring will become so high and warm that she will tend to forget about herself.
  7. 7 Leos in general love luxury things. Her tastes are known for their extravagance and grandeur. She purrs when presented with good quality wine or chocolates during courtship, or a pre-booked table at this elegant upscale restaurant. If you can't afford it, your Lioness would prefer a picnic in the park, or a slow walk around town at night, or a good dinner at home. She loves sparkly lights and deep romantic situations.
  8. 8 Love. The Leo woman looks at love with apprehension. She knows that love is like kryptonite for her fragile ego. She will fight back before giving someone the power to break her heart. She will be very vigilant and above all, defend herself.
    • When a Leo woman is immersed in love, she is usually very shy. You may need to tell her and make the first moves, as well as reassure her that you are serious about your intentions. She longs for your love, but she is too insecure to ask you for it. She will enjoy your movements.
    • If you neglect your kitty's ego for too long, she will distance herself from you, become destructive and gloomy. The Leo woman's pride is always at stake, and no matter how loud she growls, her ego is thin and fragile.
  9. 9 Leos can indulge their desires, be stubborn and prone to resentment, if they do not get what they want in the form in which they want. In other cases, they can be needy and demanding. Don't let the Leo woman feel that she is giving and not receiving the same in return. On the positive side, they are warm, demonstrative, theatrical, and spectacular.
  10. 10 Family. Her family is her pride and her life. So get ready for your Lioness friend to shed buckets of tears at her family's weddings and family gatherings, or when viewing family photos. Lions love big numbers, just think of a lioness and her cubs.
    • The phrase "I love you" means vulnerability for Leo women. Leo women are on the watch for their well-being, she will find pleasure in poking fun at you, teasing you and making you nervous. She is playful like a kitten and will most likely start teasing you as soon as she gets used to you.
  11. 11 I need romance. Leo will love anything that has the magic of the moment and romance. Leos are dreamers and their day consists of random moments. She may even respond with romance in return. Your Lioness will appreciate whatever you put your idea into, whether it's a sudden trip to nowhere, red roses tucked away in her mailbox, or a homemade map under her doorway, and so on. If a Leo woman loves you, then she will go more than halfway, if only your plan worked, and everything would see in pink. Take care of her, or she will seriously doubt the correct choice regarding you. She loves luxurious romantic gestures and courtship. Nothing is ever too much as long as it is sincere.
  12. 12 Under the sheet. Your kitten needs a man who can make her purr. Yes, you need to be dominant in bed when it comes down to it. Your kitten is a person of pleasure, she will do everything in her power to please you. In bed, the Leo woman wants you to be her leader (lion). Take on the challenge and show her passion and romance and she will be yours alone. It is believed that Lions' favorite area is the lower back. The back and neck massage is a delight for her.Some Leo women can be quite weird and love to play seduction with furry handcuffs and a blindfold.


  • Fit
  • A lioness craves respect from her other half. She will not hesitate to slam the door when trust is undermined or in doubt. She is very proud and it will be difficult to bring her back.
  • The Leo woman enjoys a partner who can expose her inner sensitive sides, which she hides for protection.
  • The Leo woman can prove herself as a femme fatale, but all this is because she wants to be perceived as such. This is a defense mechanism. She may love to play and provoke, but she will never deceive or do meanness. If you only hint at cheating on her part, it will upset her.
  • Restrained Leo women are secretive and careful in their emotions. It will take time to gain her trust.
  • "Why is my Lioness different?"
  • Remember, this is only her zodiac sign (a zodiac sign describes a personal path in which your life takes on meaning and you gain strength). To get an accurate description of her personality, you should look for her ascending and lunar signs. Her moon sign describes her inner emotions, and her rising sign will tell you about the social mask she wears in public. Do not confuse them with her zodiac sign. These are very different concepts.
  • Libra and Leo: The Leo woman will be enchanted by the charm of Libra. He will seem very funny and outgoing, but deep down he longs for true love, so he is careful with his affection. The Leo woman will become shy as soon as she likes his sympathy for her. Libra men will be captivated by her flamboyant personality, and will use their aggression to lure her into a romantic relationship. The Leo woman will be in awe of his aggression, and will easily allow him to take the place of the leader. They are both extremely fond of romantic gestures and gifts, and declarations of love will flow like a stream. Leo is very selfish and worries more about himself, while Libra believes in the concept of "Us" and this helps to strengthen the connection. Libra's "dangerous" sexual aura will be new to the Lioness.
  • Sagittarius and Leo: a fiery duo in which both signs are broad-minded. Leo will soon discover that Sagittarius never compromises. Spontaneity, laughter, adventurism and passion - all this will be experienced by these two in the future. It all starts, as always, with a charming friendship. They are a great couple. Ideal couples usually work with Sagittarius men, whose name begins with the letter of the second half of the alphabet.
  • Leo and Gemini: The relationship will feel like a burning house. A child sits in each of them, and the playful and cheerful side will only benefit. Between them, from the very first second, there will be a sexual attraction to each other. They will attract each other, and at the same time oppose each other, a rather strange combination. Both are social people and love to have fun as well as partying together. Sex will be a gentle and joyful experience; the couple will especially enjoy a sensual full body massage.
  • Aries and Leo also belong to the same group of fire signs, but the relationship will turn out to be more free. When these two decide to get into a serious relationship, they should learn more about their partner's attachment needs. Both love to be always on the move, and it works well for both. Both are passionate and will enjoy sex. When they join forces to implement a joint project, it is doomed to success.
  • According to her zodiac sign, she may be Leo, but have a moon in Pisces and an ascendant in Virgo. An ascendant (rising sign) in Virgo means that people perceive her as a soft, creative and timid person, and the moon in Pisces means that she can be extremely sensitive and passive.Her Leo nature can manifest itself in love and care for her appearance, the need for emotional excitement and a thirst for your attention or quick temper and laughter, some time later, or in her tenacity.


  • Don't pollute the air of her self-confidence with your complexes. She craves balance and self-confidence. Next to her, she wants to see someone who can calm her down and plunge her into a state of seriousness and back.
  • Do not take the horoscope too seriously, each person is unique, and you need to treat people in this way ...

What do you need

  • Flower bouquets
  • Invite her on a date
  • Self-confidence
  • Education
  • Neatness
  • Charm
  • Independence
  • Creativity
  • Ease of communication