Do therapeutic exercises for your foot

Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 23 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Foot Strengthening Exercises
Video: Foot Strengthening Exercises


The human foot is made up of 26 bones and about 100 muscles, tendons, and ligaments. It is also the part of the body that carries the most weight, so it is not uncommon to have sore feet or medical complaints on your feet at some point in your life. Painful foot complaints include bunions, pronation, flat feet, hammer toes, plantar fasciitis, and tight, cramped muscles. You can solve many of these problems by doing foot exercises to stretch the muscles and release tension.

To step

Method 1 of 3: Do exercises to strengthen the feet

  1. Seek advice. If your feet are bothering you, you should see a doctor or a podiatrist. If the pain doesn't go away, even with rest, ice, and feet elevation, you may have a fracture. This is even more likely if there is swelling, bruising, or discoloration. You will then need medical treatment and an X-ray should be taken to confirm or rule out this possibility.
    • If you have a fracture or any other injury such as those listed above, ask your doctor if there are any prescribed physical therapy exercises you can do.
  2. Lift your toes. Sit in a chair with your feet flat on the floor. Lift your big toe slightly off the floor while the other four remain in place. Practice this to the point where you can eventually lift all five toes one by one, starting with the big toe and ending with the fifth toe. Then practice lowering each toe one after the other, starting with the fifth toe and ending with the big toe. Do 2 sets of 15.
    • If you find it difficult at first, just lift and lower your big toe at first, until you get the hang of it. Slowly do all your toes, to the point where you can do all five.
    • This exercise is designed to strengthen the extensor muscles, one of the muscle groups that move the toes up and down. Strong muscle stretchers can greatly aid your gait and balance, thus helping prevent foot injuries from accidents, according to the Summit Medical Group.
  3. Curl your toe. Place a towel on the floor under your right foot. Stretch your toes and pull them back to pick up the towel with your toes. Lift the cloth one to two inches off the ground and hold it for five seconds. Lower the towel back to the floor. Repeat this five times. Then repeat this with your other foot.
    • Relax your muscles between each grip.
    • Work towards holding the towel for 10 seconds.
    • Curling the toes mainly focuses on strengthening the toe flexors.
  4. Pick up marbles. Place 20 marbles on the floor next to a bowl. Sit on a sofa or in a chair and relax. With one foot, pick up one marble at a time and place it in the bowl. Then empty the bowl and do the same with your other foot. This exercise strengthens the intrinsic and extrinsic foot muscles. It is also useful for plantar fasciitis, as well as injuries such as "turf toe," a term for damage to the big toe caused by overstretching.
  5. Write the alphabet. Sit on the couch, relaxed against the backrest. Straighten your legs and raise one foot several inches off the ground. Draw the alphabet in the air using your big toe like a "pencil". Switch legs and do the same with the other big toe. This exercise helps to strengthen the stretcher and flexors in the foot.
    • It can also help with plantar fasciitis and a peat toe. It is especially effective in ankle rehabilitation.
    • Make small movements. Only use your ankle, foot and toe.
  6. Stretch your toes. Wrap a rubber band around the center of all five toes of your right foot. This should offer an average resistance so that it yields something. Spread all your toes apart. This will stretch the band as far as it will go. Hold this straddle stance for five seconds and then relax your toes. Do this stretch five times per foot.
    • Make sure to relax for about five seconds.
    • This strengthens the extrinsic and intrinsic foot muscles and is used in the treatment of plantar fasciitis and turf toe.
  7. Pull your big toe. Loop the elastic around your big right toe and that of your left foot. Place both feet next to each other. Pull your toes apart while trying to keep your ankles together. Stretch the elastic as far as you can, then relax. Pause for five seconds between each stretch and repeat five times.
    • This exercise strengthens the extrinsic and intrinsic muscles in the feet.
  8. Do single inversions with resistance. Sit on the floor with your legs extended on the floor in front of you. Attach one end of a therapy band to a stationary object, such as your leg or a heavy table. The table should be at your feet. Loop the other end of the band around the ball of your foot. The table leg is on the side. The loop of the band is wrapped around the ball of your foot and stretches towards the table. Using the resistance band, move your ankle away from the table and use the resistance of the band to stretch the joint.
    • Do two sets of 15 reps.
    • This exercise can help strengthen the malleolus and tibial muscles on both sides of the ankle. It can also help prevent or treat sprains.
  9. Move the ankle out with resistance. This exercise is very similar to the inversion. Sit on the floor with your legs stretched out in front of you. Place the band in the same position as for the inversion and move the loop of the Therapy Band down so that it hangs around the arch of the foot, rather than the ball of the foot. Move your foot up and out with the therapy band resisting.
    • Do two sets of 15 reps.
    • This exercise can help strengthen the peroneal and tibial muscles on both sides of your ankle. It can also help treat or prevent sprains.
  10. Do calf raises. Stand upright in front of a wall, counter, or other stable object. Place your hands lightly against the wall in front of you. Push yourself up by standing on your toes. Lower your heels toward the floor from this position, keeping your balance with your hands against the wall. Repeat this 10 times, making sure to slowly lower yourself to the floor.
    • For an added challenge, try lifting yourself with one foot and do 10 reps with each foot.

Method 2 of 3: Do stretches for the foot and ankle

  1. Test the range of motion of your ankle. Sit with your legs stretched out in front of you. Keep your legs still and point your feet towards your body as far as is comfortable. Hold this for 10 seconds. Then point away from your body with your toes down. Hold this for 10 seconds. Then point your toes from one foot to the other and hold for 10 seconds. Then point your toes away from the other foot for 10 seconds. Finally, rotate your ankles 10 times to the right and 10 times to the left.
    • This exercise was developed by the Summit Medical Group (an American rehabilitation center) to increase range of motion and flexibility of the ankles.
    • According to Summit, increased flexibility and strength in the ankle muscles, especially the tibialis muscles, can help greatly reduce injuries, such as sprains.
    • Use this series as a warm-up for the remaining stretching exercises.
  2. Do plantar flexion. This stretch is similar to a warm-up, but more focused. Sit against the bench with your feet straight out in front of you so that they are perpendicular to your legs. Bend your feet towards you as far as possible while keeping your legs flat on the floor. Try to keep your feet extended so that your toes and heels move in a straight line. Hold this for five seconds. Relax and then push your toes away from your body as far as you can.
    • Repeat this 15 times, moving both feet at the same time. You can also do this exercise lying down.
    • For a deeper stretch, you can use an elastic.
    • Pointing the toes away from the body helps strengthen the muscles in the calves.
  3. Try dorsiflexion. Sit in a chair and straighten your right foot. Get a large towel under your foot. Pull the towel towards you at the ends. Extend your toes as far as you can while remaining comfortable. Hold this stretch for 10 seconds and repeat three times with each foot.
    • This stretches the muscles in the shins. Flexible shins, like calves, are important for full recovery from plantar fasciitis.
    • You can also do this on the floor with a resistance band. Hook the band around a table leg. Walk away from the table and put your foot in the loop of the band. Bring your toes towards you by pulling on the band.
  4. Stretch your Achilles tendon. Stand on a staircase. Stand on your toes. Hold on to the banister or wall on either side to keep your balance. Slowly lower your heels until you feel a stretch in the calf muscles. Hold this pose for 15-30 seconds and relax. Do three reps.
    • This exercise helps stretch the calf muscles. Stretching the calf muscles is essential for treating plantar fasciitis, according to the American Orthopedic Foot and Ankle Society. This is because extremely tight calf muscles make it more difficult to properly tighten and stretch the heel. This is necessary for a better recovery from this painful condition.
  5. Stretch your calf muscles while standing. Face a wall with your hands resting on the wall for balance. Step forward with one leg and bend the knee slightly. Stretch your other leg behind you so that your heel rests on the floor. Then slowly lean into the wall until you feel a stretch in your calf muscles. Hold for 15-30 seconds and do three reps.
    • This exercise stretches the soleus (one of the large muscles in the calf).
  6. Stretch your toe extenders. Stand face to a wall and place your hands against the wall for balance. Extend your leg behind you and point your foot back, placing the top of your foot on the floor. Relax and feel the stretch in your ankle.Hold this pose for 15-30 seconds, and stop to rest for a while if your toes start to cramp. Do three reps for each foot.
    • Work towards holding this position for one minute.
    • This stretch is designed to stretch the extenders in the foot that move the feet relative to the leg.

Method 3 of 3: Massage your feet

  1. Understand the importance of massage. Doctors and clinics such as the Sports Injuries Clinic encourage foot massage. They are not only relaxing, but also stimulate blood flow to the feet. They also help prevent injuries such as sprains and sprains.
  2. Roll with a ball. Sit in a chair and put a tennis ball, lacrosse, or golf ball under your right forefoot (a tennis ball is probably most comfortable for your feet). Roll the ball with one foot, moving the ball along the bottom of your foot from front to back. Continue the movement for two minutes. You should feel the massage all over your foot.
    • Move the ball up and down and in circles to increase the effectiveness of the massage. Do this for two minutes and repeat with the left foot.
  3. Give yourself a plantar fascia massage. Sit in a chair and place your right foot on top of your left thigh. Gently massage your arch in circles with your thumb. Work your hands up and down your foot, loosening the muscles of the entire foot. Place your fingers between your toes as if you were holding hands with your feet. Hold this position with your toes spread for 30 seconds. Massage each toe to release more tension.


  • Before starting this treatment plan, it is best to consult a doctor or physiotherapist to see which specific exercises are suitable for your specific complaints.
  • Don't ignore any pain that comes from an exercise. Report this immediately to your doctor or physiotherapist for further instructions, to prevent (new) injury from the treatment plan.
  • If your feet are sore, use a combination of warm water and Epsom salt. This salt has demonstrably a relieving effect on pain, stiffness and muscle cramps. Let your foot (s) soak for 10-20 minutes until the water cools.
  • You should tell your doctor or physical therapist if you notice that the pain is new or worse than normal, it is five or higher on a standard pain scale of 1-10, makes it more difficult to walk or put weight on the foot, otherwise or feels more intense than before, or is accompanied by redness, swelling, or discoloration.