Making a wish come true within a day

Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 23 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Do It 1 Minute Before Bed, And Your Dreams Will Come True
Video: Do It 1 Minute Before Bed, And Your Dreams Will Come True


It may seem unrealistic to expect your wishes to be fulfilled overnight, and in some cases that's probably a fair guess. However, this can become a reality as long as you know how to properly describe a realistic wish and take the necessary action to make that wish come true.

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Part 1 of 3: Defining your wish

  1. Give yourself permission to wish. Before you can fulfill your wish, you must give yourself full permission to believe in the possibility that it will come true. Hope can be difficult to muster in certain circumstances, but try to remember that "optimism" and "realism" are not necessarily contradictions.
    • There is a direct link between optimism and success. Those who are more optimistic about life are more likely to recognize greater opportunities and take those opportunities than those who have a lot of doubts in life.
    • Simply put: a wish is a start. Making and believing in a wish encourages you to take action, and the action you take increases the likelihood that your wish will come true.
  2. Make a wish. If you want your wish to come true overnight, you must invest as much attention and action as possible in "one" wish. Spending energy on multiple wishes at once will prevent a wish from getting your full attention, reducing the likelihood that a wish will come true.
  3. Be clear. You must have a clear understanding of your true wish before you fulfill it. Make it clear what you "think" your wish is, and then stop to think about how you are feeling. If there seems to be something unsatisfactory about the words you have used, you may need to redefine your wish in fairer terms.
    • After telling yourself your wish, you should have pleasant feelings, such as joy or hope. The idea of ​​seeing your wish come true should make you happy. If not, then the wish is not expressing your true feelings and you cannot devote yourself to it.
    • For example, if you are currently suffering from unrequited love and express a wish that your feelings will stop, you may feel unhappy afterward. In reality, you probably want your feelings answered. Of course, this is not always possible, but you would ultimately be better off formulating wishes around this true desire than if you were to completely deny the truth.
  4. Dress your wish in positive terms. Fulfilling a wish - especially within a short period of time - requires a significant amount of positive energy. If you wish for something negative, you will inevitably reduce the amount of positive thoughts and action surrounding that wish, making it more difficult for that wish to come true.
    • Desires motivated by jealousy are often the most contrary to this principle. For example, you might be tempted to wish that your rival would lose the game, promotion, relationship, etc., that you're jealous of, but that wouldn't be a good wish to do. A better wish would be for something good to happen in your own life.
  5. Prevent the wish from fulfilling itself. You have to wish for something that you really have some power to fulfill or pursue. The wish can involve other people, but if it depends entirely on someone else or a force beyond someone's control, then there is nothing you can do to make it come true.
    • You can only control your own thoughts and actions, so wishes that depend on others to act on your behalf generally don't come true.
    • However, you may wish to have the ability to influence others towards some kind of action. Wishing an unrequited love to reciprocate your feelings will generally get you nowhere, but wishing you have the courage and opportunity to interact with that person will usually be more successful.
    • Likewise, your wish should not depend on natural or supernatural powers to come true. In other words, a wish for school or work to be canceled due to bad weather will usually not come true and if it does, it will likely be a coincidence rather than anything else.
  6. Focus on the future. There is nothing you can do to change the past, so unfortunately there is no point in wanting to change something that has already happened. Instead, your wish should focus on something positive that you want to see happen within 24 hours or in the near future.
    • If your deepest desire is somehow connected to a past event, you still need to rephrase your desire so that it looks ahead. Desire for a different perspective on a past that hurts, or the ability not to repeat a mistake from the past.
  7. Think about the size of your wish. Big wishes probably won't come true overnight, even if you do everything you can to make them come true. If you have one big wish that you want to fulfill, the best way is to break it down into smaller ones. Focus on making those little wishes come true overnight so that you can gradually see your true, big wish come true.
    • For example, your "ultimate" wish could be to get into a relationship with an unrequited love. However, relationships don't happen overnight, so you must choose an "instant fulfillment" desire to focus on. This wish could be that you have something as simple as the ability or courage to speak to that one individual.

Part 2 of 3: Making your wish come true by thinking and doing

  1. Think positive. Making a wish come true requires positive thoughts, action and energy. Take a moment to clear negative feelings and tendencies from your mind. This includes any feelings related to your wish and any feelings that are not.
    • Negative feelings directly related to your wish can be fear, doubt, or pessimism about the possibility of the wish being fulfilled.
    • Unrelated negative feelings that can still act as roadblocks include anger towards those around you, jealousy or apathy. These feelings tend to use up your energy, which can keep you from devoting the energy you need to make your wish come true.
  2. Visualize your wish. Take the time to actually visualize your wish. The image must be so clear to your "mind's eye" that it appears almost tangible. Imagining your wish so vividly can give you the energy to pursue it.
    • Relax. Go to a quiet place, get comfortable, and close your eyes. Keep your mind as calm and peaceful as possible.
    • Once you feel really relaxed, think about something that makes you undeniably happy. This could be something related to your wish, but it doesn't have to be. Allow the positive feeling around this thought to sink in.
    • As soon as you feel positive, switch your thoughts to your liking. Imagine it has already come out and feel the joy about it. Stay in this state for a few minutes so that you begin to associate the wish with that overwhelming feeling of positivity.
  3. Take action. Unfortunately, just thinking about your wish will not make it come true. You have to make a tangible effort towards your desire to take it in tow.
    • See the making of your wish as the starting point and the fulfillment of your wish as the end point. The space in between is a path that you have to travel. Even if you want to fulfill your wish overnight, you will still have to spend time walking that path between now and tomorrow.
    • Return to the example of the unrequited love mentioned earlier. Rather than just wishing for the opportunity to speak to that person, look for ways to create an opportunity. Arrange your schedule for the next day so that your paths may cross. Brainstorm about possible topics of conversation for when you meet.
  4. Share your wish with others. Tell other people about your wish and emphasize that you want to make your wish come true overnight. Depending on the circumstances, those who tell you can become allies and directly or indirectly help you make that wish come true.
    • Others can help you indirectly by giving you advice or encouragement. They can provide immediate assistance by taking some action on your behalf.
    • If you tell your best friend that you wish you could talk to the person you love tomorrow, he or she can help you brainstorm ways to make that happen and build your confidence with words of affirmation. If your friend knows the other person involved, he or she can even help set things up so that you actually have a chance to talk to them.
  5. Grow your wish without you. You can only actively pursue your wish when you are awake. To make your wish come true overnight, you need to set things in motion so that they can continue even while you sleep.
    • Of course, this is not always possible, depending on the specific circumstances. Just investigate the problem and determine if there is anything you can do to make your desire grow as you move on for the rest of your life.
    • With regard to the example of the unrequited love, if you are already friends with the person in question, or if he or she is part of a group of friends you have some connection with, you might consider send group an invitation via text message or social media. That invitation can help you fulfill your wish by giving you an opportunity to talk the next day, but you will have to wait and give the person an opportunity to read and respond to that invitation first.

Part 3 of 3: Exercising caution

  1. Use amulets sparingly. As a general rule, you should be wary of any object or source that promises indirect fulfillment of your wish without personal action. Amulets should only be used as a reminder to take action; do not rely on the mere existence of an amulet to make your wish come true.
    • When used properly, amulets can be useful on their own:
      • Write about your wish as if it had already happened to aid in visualizing and envision that there is a strong possibility that your wish will come true.
      • Making a wish on a shooting star, the first star you see at night, the new moon, or the full moon, can keep the wish in your mind at night, making it easier to wake up in the morning. , the desire to pursue.
      • Wearing a bracelet or key ring with pendants that represent your desire can serve as a constant reminder to pursue that desire all day and night.
      • Folding a thousand paper cranes can give you time to meditate on your wish and brainstorm how to make it come true.
  2. Do not give up. Even if you make a realistic wish and do everything you can to make it come true the next day, life is difficult to predict and things can happen that can prevent the immediate fulfillment of your wish. However, don't let this discourage you. Keep making and pursuing your wishes even after your first time limit has passed.
    • Too often, the disappointment that results from not getting your wish fulfilled can lead to doubts or excuses. Both doubts and apologies can keep you from taking action for the same or different wishes in the future. Avoid this downward spiral by immediately focusing your attention on positive thoughts and actions, rather than dwelling on the feeling of disappointment.