Get the whites of your eyes radiantly white

Author: Frank Hunt
Date Of Creation: 16 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
3 Hacks For Clear White in the Eyes l Sparkling White Eyes, DIY Heated Eye Pads
Video: 3 Hacks For Clear White in the Eyes l Sparkling White Eyes, DIY Heated Eye Pads


The whites of your eyes are called sclera and it shows your general health. A yellowish or reddish sclera can be annoying in terms of vanity as it makes someone look older or tired. But it can also indicate health problems related to allergens, toxins in the body or even serious liver problems. There are several medicines that can treat or counteract reddish or yellowish whites of the eyes, ranging from eye drops and diet changes to strategic makeup application.

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Method 1 of 4: Using eye drops

  1. Use regular eye drops such as Visine or Clear Eyes. These eye drops are used to reduce red eyes and to moisturize them to treat irritated or dry eyes.Visine, Clear Eyes and other brands are available at groceries and pharmacies as well as larger supermarkets such as Albert Heijn, Jumbo and so on. Place 1-2 drops in the irritated eye. Read the instructions on the bottle for additional information.
    • Do not use eye drops such as Visine or Clear Eyes too often. Although they give good results right away, by using it regularly they stop the natural tear fluid in your eyes, your eyes can become chronically dry and red, and they become dependent on the drops. A safer option is to use saline drops or soft eye drops such as Systane that mimic your natural tear fluid.
  2. Try eye drops with a slightly more viscous consistency. The eye drops from the Japanese brand Rohto are somewhat thicker than natural tear fluid. They have a cooling effect and soothe burning eyes and redness. These are available on eBay in the Netherlands. If you've never used eye drops, these are probably not the best to start with as they can feel a bit harsh.
  3. Try blue eye drops. The Swiss company Innoxa makes eye drops that are colored blue. In addition to dissolving burning sensations and red eyes, Innoxa Blue Drops also give your eyes a light, blue film that counteracts the yellow tint in your whites of the eyes to make them appear whiter.

Method 2 of 4: Changing your eating habits

  1. Eat a rainbow of fruits and vegetables. Orange and yellow fruits and vegetables, such as carrots, squash, lemon and orange, contain vitamins and antioxidants that help keep your eyes white. Eating leafy green vegetables, such as spinach and kale, can also have a positive effect on the health of your eyes. Nuts such as almonds, walnuts and peanuts also contain minerals that promote eye health.
    • These fruits and vegetables also help detoxify your liver. A healthy liver helps keep the whites of your eyes clear and radiant. When your liver is full of toxins, it cannot process food and vitamins as efficiently. Detoxify your liver by drinking a glass of beetroot juice on an empty stomach or by eating carrots and spinach.
  2. Cut back on refined sugars and carbohydrates. Reducing the amount of foods that contain refined carbohydrates and sugars, including wheat, helps your body process food better and detoxify your liver. Reduce the amount of unhealthy foods you eat, especially at night, and you'll sleep a lot better.
  3. Take supplements. Your eyes depend on a good amount of vitamins A and C to stay healthy. In addition to eating foods rich in these vitamins, take some supplemental vitamins every day. Increase your omega 3 acids by taking 4 capsules of omega 3 or fish oil supplements every day.
  4. Try to sleep 7 to 8 hours every night. Getting enough sleep every night rests your body and so does your eyes, allowing them to recover to their natural white color. Try to sleep at least 7 to 8 hours every night. If you're having trouble falling asleep, try some soothing music or 10 minutes of meditation before going to bed to let your body know it's time to go to sleep.
  5. Drink plenty of water. Bright white eyes need plenty of hydration, and keeping your body hydrated replenishes body water, reducing puffiness and red eyes. Drink 8-10 glasses of water without bubbles, or about 2 liters, every day.
  6. Cut down on alcohol and caffeine. These both dry out your body and make puffy and red eyes worse. They can also prevent a good sleep pattern, making it harder for you to get 7-8 hours of sleep per night.
  7. Avoid stimuli such as smoke, dust and pollen. Smoking irritates the eyes and can cause redness. It can also dry out the eyes. By eliminating smoking from your daily habits, you help restore your eyes to their natural color and tears. Dust both outside and inside can also irritate your eyes and make them red. Pollen and other allergens can also contribute to irritated eyes. Use inside an air purifier to reduce irritations if they are difficult to avoid.
  8. Reduce eye strain. Working at the computer all day can be stressful on your eyes, but reducing your time at the computer may not be an option. If you have to do several hours of computer work every day, turn to ways to reduce eye strain. You can, among other things, install the right lighting, change the settings on your computer so that your screen has the same brightness as the rest of the room, blink more often, train your eyes and so on.
  9. Wear sunglasses when you are outside. UVA and UVB rays can damage your eyes over time, and exposure to sunlight leads to yellowish whites of the eyes. Wear sunglasses that protect your eyes from UVA and UVB rays. Most sunglasses today have this property, so be sure to check the label. Try to wear sunglasses whenever it is even slightly bright outside. There doesn't have to be a blue sky and sun to wear sunglasses. On cloudy days, there can be quite a lot of bright light that can strain and damage your eyes.
  10. Consult your doctor. You may have a medical condition called jaundice that leads to yellow whites of the eyes. Jaundice is a condition when the hemoglobin in your blood is broken down into bilirubin and not properly cleared from your body. When bilirubin builds up in your skin, it can make your skin and eyes yellow. Jaundice can indicate a medical condition usually related to your liver, gallbladder, or pancreas. Talk with your doctor to rule out jaundice and any underlying diseases or conditions that may be contributing to yellowish eyes.

Method 3 of 4: Using natural medicines

  1. Try Ayurvedic Medicines. Ayurvedic medicine originated in India about 3000 years ago and uses natural medicines and treatments to prevent and treat health problems. Triphala is an herbal blend used in Ayurvedic medicine that treats a number of conditions, including eye health and whites of the eyes. It does that in part by detoxifying your body. Triphala is available from Indian Asian shops in the form of a powder or tablets.
    • Use triphala as an eyewash. In the evening, dissolve a tablespoon of powder in 0.25 liters of water and leave it overnight. Strain it and sprinkle it over your eyes or use it as an eyewash.
    • Be careful: triphala is also used as a laxative to resolve constipation, so handle it with care.
    • One of the main ingredients in triphala is Indian gooseberry, the juice of which can be dripped directly into your eyes at night to brighten the whites of your eyes.
  2. Rub some carrot juice on your eyelids. Eating carrots improves eye health, but so does the topical application of the juice. Wash and dry some carrots and chop the ends off. Put some carrots in a juicer to make a healthy carrot juice that you can then apply to your lids. Leave the juice on your eyelids overnight. Be careful not to get the juice directly into your eyes.
  3. Use a cold compress on your eyes. Putting something cold on your skin will help reduce swelling, but it can also help brighten the whites of your eyes. Soak a washcloth in some ice water, wring it out, and put the washcloth on your eyes for 5-10 minutes. The red in your eyes should diminish after repeating this a few times a day.

Method 4 of 4: Using makeup

  1. Lighten the area under your eyes. Dark circles under your eyes make your eyes look dull. Lighten the area under and around your eyes by applying concealer. Dot a few small dots of concealer along the bottom of your eye and blend it gently with the rest of your skin.
  2. Use blue shades of eye shadow and eyeliner. A navy or indigo blue color around your eyes is behind dramatic and harsh black colors. Blue tones also help counteract yellowish colors in the whites of your eyes, making your eyes look brighter and more radiant.
  3. Use eyeliner. Today, white eyeliner should be readily available. Just a line or two on your eyelid will not only make them brighter but also bigger. You can also apply a little white eyeliner at the corner of your eye and blend, this will give you an angelic look. Your face looks so very fresh.
  4. Use brown mascara on your lower lashes. By making your eyes stand out, you can make them appear whiter. Using black mascara on both your top and bottom lashes will give you a dramatic effect, but it won't help make your eyes look whiter. Instead, try brown mascara on your lower lashes. This softer color helps draw attention to your upper lashes, making your eyes appear larger, more alert and whiter.
  5. Try a light colored eyeliner. By using a light skin-colored eyeliner, your eyes catch and reflect light, making your eyes appear larger. Line your inner corners with the eyeliner to make them appear brighter.
    • Apply a shimmery white or light colored eyeshadow to the inner corners of your eyes to get the same effect.
    • Do not use a white eye pencil to outline your eye as it can be difficult to blend well, making it appear fake and artificial.
  6. Use an eyelash curler. An eyelash curler, which is available at pharmacies and groceries for about $ 4 to $ 5, will clamp your lashes and curl them up. Curling your lashes up makes your eyes look bigger and more open. It can also draw attention to your eyes by making your lashes appear longer.
  7. Use a little pink blush. Apply some pink blush to the apples of your cheeks, lips and along the top of your eyebrows. This lightens and brightens your whole face, making your eyes appear brighter and whiter.


  • If your eyes are puffy, red, irritated, or swollen, you may be suffering from a medical condition, such as a stye, conjunctivitis (eye inflammation), or an eye injury. If you suspect you have any of these or any other medical conditions, see your doctor.