How to date a nudist if you are not a nudist

Author: Marcus Baldwin
Date Of Creation: 17 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Date a Nudist when You Are Not One
Video: Date a Nudist when You Are Not One


Is it possible to build a relationship with someone who is a nudist while you are not a nudist? While you may have a different view of whether or not to wear a swimsuit to the beach, you can make concessions in your relationship with a nudist friend (they are sometimes also called "naturists"). Instead of taking a one-sided view of the situation (you may think being naked is very embarrassing, while your partner thinks it's great), to increase your chances of success in your relationship, set aside your biases and embrace the differences. between you. It doesn't matter if he or she is a regular nudist or does it from time to time, you can find common ground to build a healthy relationship based on what you want to try to create.


  1. 1 Do your homework. Before you form your opinion about nudism, find information and study this lifestyle in more detail. For most nudists, the fact that they are naked in public (or for themselves) has no sexual connotation; they practice this lifestyle because it helps them to feel freedom and unity with nature. Nudism is dedicated to special clubs, fenced-off beaches and even conventions, at which whole families gather, celebrate, rejoicing that they are people and glorify nature.
  2. 2 Determine how you feel about the topic. Your nudist friend may have his own opinion about why the nudist lifestyle is the right one, but you must decide on your own opinion.
    • You have no opinion whatsoever. Since your friend may not go naked 24 hours a day, seven days a week, commute to work, communicate with people every day and live in the modern world, you may not have a special opinion about his or her nudism, because you do not encounter it constantly (or limitedly encounter it). In some cases, you may be dating a nudist, avoiding being part of his lifestyle and maintaining a relationship with a nudist in public and traditional crowded places - what nudists do in their free time doesn't matter to you.
    • You are uncomfortable with nudism. Especially if you are embarrassed about your own nudity, it will be difficult for you to understand your partner's nudism.Determine if you are uncomfortable with your partner all the time and if you feel uncomfortable when he or she wants to undress (while you are not).
    • You are curious about this lifestyle. Perhaps you do not want to arrange a revolution, you are curious about nudism. You can do your own in-depth investigation and then, when you know that your nudist friend is comfortable, you can ask questions.
  3. 3 Talk seriously about potential problems. If your relationship is planning to end in a couple of dates, you can put your feelings aside and ask all the questions that interest you.
    • Choose an opportune moment to talk, such as over lunch or over coffee. Choose a time when he or she is dressed so that you can focus on the topic of the conversation rather than the fact that he or she is unclothed.
    • Determine the importance of the conversation. If you've only had a few dates and you like the other person, decide what aspects of nudism you can explore for yourself. You do not want to start a serious conversation ahead of time about what bothers you or offend the person.
    • Identify the root of the problem. Before starting a serious conversation about what bothers you, determine what it is about nudism that annoys you the most. That your nudist friend loves to practice nudism in the wrong places and at the wrong times, or that you are generally embarrassed by the fact that he or she is a nudist? If you are confused about nudism in general, then the problem can turn into a conflict between your opinion and experience and what the other person is doing. You can torture nudism and exhibitionism (which, unfortunately, is very often done by the media) In this case, your understanding of nudism is wrong, and it will be useful for you to talk about the basics of nudism with your nudist friend.
  4. 4 Determine what aspects you can live with. If you really like the other person and want to continue dating him or her, then you need to decide if you can come to terms with his or her nudism. In many cases, you can study where and when he or she practices nudism.
    • Set a specific time when there are no restrictions on nudism. If you are not a fan of nudism, but feel that you want to continue this relationship, then establish a few basic rules in such a way that everyone feels comfortable. For example, if he or she likes to be undressed at home, and you feel uncomfortable with this, then establish a rule that he or she can only do this if you are not around. Be honest and say that you will find more information about nudism and maybe one day change your mind.
    • Identify situations in which you are willing to come to terms with nudism in a way that reflects your wishes. Such situations may include nudist beaches, clubs, or indoor venues. Let your nudist friend know that you are completely normal when she or she undresses.
  5. 5 Try not to be decisive and be prepared for change. If this is your first experience with a person who is a nudist, then be open and kind, and accept the interests of your friend. This does not mean that you need to become a nudist, however, if your feelings grow in a person, understand that you can come to terms with nudism and feel quite comfortable and, perhaps, see a completely healthy lifestyle in nudism.
    • Taking a point of view on another person's life does not mean that you have to fully participate in their life. Different hobbies and outlooks on life foster a dynamic and interesting relationship in which you both accept each other's interests without judgment or feelings of coercion. The main thing is to accept the interests of a person and not put pressure on him.


  • There is nothing shocking or vulgar about the human body. If you feel differently, then it is important to talk to someone about your feelings of inferiority and appearance.
  • Understand that nudism does not make a person a pervert or sexually anxious. Find some information to understand what is behind this movement and try not to confuse nudism with exhibitionism or other difficult yum behavior.
  • Explore different areas of nudist culture such as topless or the tradition of friendly family nudist beaches or areas.
  • Try practicing nudism if you're curious about this lifestyle. Even if you fail, your nudist friend will be pleased with your attempt.
  • Remind your nudist acquaintance to use just the right amount of sunscreen because burnt body parts can interfere with your love life.


  • If you are completely uncomfortable dating a nudist, and you see no way to find a compromise and accept this fact, then be honest and stop dating this person. In this case, you will be happy with someone more appropriate to your requirements instead of being with the person around whom you feel unhappy.