How to start healing your soul

Author: Ellen Moore
Date Of Creation: 17 January 2021
Update Date: 2 July 2024
How to Heal Your Emotional Trauma & Past Wounds | Healing Workshop πŸ’–
Video: How to Heal Your Emotional Trauma & Past Wounds | Healing Workshop πŸ’–


You can learn to awaken and heal your Soul to activate the inner strength that you have lost or forgotten. Forces of the Soul are passion, creativity, intuition and connection with the Divine. No matter what spiritual path or what religion you follow, you can use the powers of your Soul to create a life worth living.


  1. 1 Explore the true nature of your Soul. The Soul is by nature a woman, and the Spirit is a man. The union of Soul and Spirit gives birth to integrity. Living in a chauvinistic world, we deny the feminine consciousness of the Soul and develop the masculine, thereby creating an imbalance in our lives. Realize that your Soul is by nature a woman, and it suffers from the urge to suppress the feminine energy.
  2. 2 Your feminine energy is 1) imagination, 2) passion and desires, 3) emotions, and 4) creativity. Likewise, your masculine energy is made up of 1) willpower 2) action and motivation 3) intelligence 4) performance. If you value and support your feminine energy, you are nourishing and healing your Soul. Explore the ingredients of feminine energy, discover the power of imagination, creativity, passion and emotion. Taking time to develop these qualities, you strengthen your Soul.
  3. 3 Deepen your connection with the Divine. Reconsider your perception of spirituality and make the new understanding part of your practice, no matter what religion you belong to.Spirituality is your personal and private relationship with God. Everyone has a relationship with God, even atheists. It may be a dysfunctional relationship, but it is still a relationship. This is akin to reason. Each person has their own relationship with their own mind, they can be developed, and they can suffer from a severe lack of interaction, but still these relationships exist. Each person is a spiritual being, and it is through the Soul that we gain a connection with the Divine. Deepen this connection, and God, whatever His name may be, will help you heal your Soul.
  4. 4 Explore passion and pleasure. We are taught to fill the place of passion with responsibilities and obligations. Most people believe that they do not have time for pleasures and hobbies, and thus starve their Souls. If you don't know what you are passionate about, start looking for options and list 5 ways to bring more fun into your life.
  5. 5 Turn inward and learn to meditate in relaxation. In a relaxed state, you can calm your mind and listen to the voice of your intuition. If you are not familiar with meditation, it doesn’t matter, it’s not that hard to learn. The easiest way is to find a good meditation guide CD. Find such records through a search engine on the Internet, and meditation will help you not only relax, but also heal your connection with your own Soul. Relaxing and turning inward, you can meet the love and compassion of your Soul. Tip: Find a teacher with a pleasant and soothing voice.
  6. 6 Dive deeper into your feelings. Your emotions also have a connection with the Soul. Start keeping a journal and try to express in it the suppressed emotions that are seething somewhere in the depths of you. You will find that there is creativity, passion, intuition and imagination underneath these suppressed emotions. It is like finding a buried treasure. The price of this find is the willingness to feel and express all unpleasant feelings, including anger, pain, frustration, and fear. By doing this, you will create a more harmonious space for your Soul.
  7. 7 Ask yourself every morning: "What can I do to help someone?" "How can I serve others?" "Who can you call for support and encouragement?" By serving others and giving them unconditional love, you nourish and heal your own Soul. The goodness, love and support of people are in themselves a reward.


  • Pray and strengthen your connection with the Divine.
  • Buy a diary to write down your hobbies and dreams.
  • Express your feelings on a daily basis, in a journal or conversation with a close friend.