How to date two guys at the same time

Author: Sara Rhodes
Date Of Creation: 15 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
You Might Want To Consider Dating More Than One Person
Video: You Might Want To Consider Dating More Than One Person


There are many reasons why you might be wondering how to date two guys at the same time. Perhaps you are polygamous (that is, your sexual preferences are not limited to one partner), perhaps you are in an open relationship, which implies having several partners. You may be looking for an easy relationship because you don't want to burden yourself with obligations yet. On the other hand, you can secretly date two guys at once. If so, keep in mind that it could undermine your relationship with both partners, as well as ruin the possibility of a serious, harmonious relationship with one of these guys in the future. There are many arguments in favor of dating and an easy romance with several people at once. But a serious relationship with two guys at once, each of whom believes that he is the only one with you, characterizes your moral qualities in an unflattering way.


Part 1 of 4: How to Be in a Free Relationship with Two Guys

  1. 1 Establish an open relationship to get to know the person better. A relationship with two (or more) people can provide many benefits for both you and your potential romantic partners.
    • Simultaneous communication with several people at once dramatically speeds up the process of finding the right person for you.
    • By dating two guys at once, you can compare their personal qualities. In addition, you can learn something important and interesting about yourself and your preferences.
    • You will be able to hone your first date skills and become more confident in yourself. The more you experiment with dating, the sooner you will realize that you can already leave your nervousness behind and get an analytical approach to the question of whether this person is right for you.
  2. 2 Tell your boyfriends that you are not in the mood for a serious relationship (at least not now!) Honesty in this matter will help you both understand how you fit together. Plus, you can see for yourself how helpful it can be to induce competitive instinct in guys.
  3. 3 Do not hurry. Don't jump headlong into relationships that you might later regret. Taking advantage of the open-ended relationship to get to know and understand yourself, your preferences and priorities better can help you make better decisions when it comes to a serious relationship.

Part 2 of 4: How to start a relationship with two guys at once

  1. 1 Think about why you need it. Do you think a relationship with two guys is cheating? If so, immediately consider that you will live in moral stress. If you are firmly convinced of your polygamy, you may be looking for a relationship that better suits your personality.
  2. 2 Think about whether your guys will know about each other. Perhaps both you and them will enjoy an open relationship. Even if your boyfriends do not support the idea of ​​a free romantic relationship, they can respect your honesty if you are really not ready to be with only one person.
  3. 3 Decide in advance about your expectations for each guy. Are these guys meeting different needs? How do you organize and allocate your energy and your time?
    • Consider making a schedule. When do you plan to see each of the guys? What are you planning to do?
    • If you plan to keep the fact that you are dating two guys a secret, how can you be sure they don't know about each other?
    • Think about how a relationship with two guys at once could affect your other relationships. Will your family and friends approve of this? Who will you tell about this? How do you feel about the fact that in the circle of family and friends you will be with one guy, and for those around you - with another?

Part 3 of 4: How to manage a relationship with two guys

  1. 1 Consider a relationship strategy with each guy. Making the "schedule" mentioned above implies that you will need to stick to it at all times to make your relationship with both guys happy. This is a prerequisite for both open and any other relationship.
    • Think about how much time you will spend in your relationship to get involved in your boyfriend's lives and meet each other's needs. You will not only need to properly organize and manage your time, but also to control your thoughts and emotions in order to maintain a relationship.
    • To maintain a relationship with each of the guys, it can be helpful to split classes. For example, you can run in the morning and play tennis with one of the guys, and you can walk with another guy, do homework together, and go to a cafe.
  2. 2 Decide in advance what you will do if you accidentally bump into another while walking with one of your boyfriends. If you are in an open relationship, this question may not be very important. But if you keep this relationship a secret, you will need a plan in which case.
    • In this case, you can try to disguise the romantic relationship by behaving with each of the guys as with a friend. Think about what each of them might answer. Will they be embarrassed or upset if you suddenly start giving them less attention?
    • Keep in mind that you may soon become entangled in a complex web of lies. You will need to make quick decisions, which will make you feel even more morally uncomfortable.
  3. 3 Think about how you will behave at various social events. Which guy will go with you to events like weddings, birthday parties, and the like? What you already know about your boyfriends will help you answer some of these questions. But other times, you have to choose.
    • If you are not ready for your friends and family to consider one of your boyfriends "official", it is worth considering attending such events alone.
    • Think carefully about your social circle. If you come to an event with one of the guys, will that oblige you to come with him to such events in the future? Would you be in trouble if people in your social circle see that you are romantically involved with two guys at the same time?
  4. 4 Think about how you will manage your social media profile. Even if you don't mention any of your romantic relationships on the social network, chances are high that you will be “friends” with one of the friends or relatives of one of your boyfriends. If your guys know about each other, it will be less problematic to maintain their account. However, you should keep in mind that one of your partners may get jealous if they think you are spending more time with the other guy than with him. If your boyfriends think you are in a serious monogamous relationship, you may need to find a plausible explanation.
    • Be prepared for your boyfriends to share the news of your relationship with friends on their social media.How do you deal with this situation if they don't know about each other?
    • Consider adjusting your privacy settings so that other users do not have access to your personal information and your friends' posts.
  5. 5 Take time for yourself. Even being in a relationship with one partner, we often get too busy. But having two partners at the same time will make you spin like a squirrel in a wheel, especially if each of the guys believes that you have a serious monogamous relationship with him. Think about the activities you enjoy and make sure you give yourself enough time per day or per week for these activities.

Part 4 of 4: Consider Safety (Yours and Your Boyfriends)

  1. 1 If you have sex in your relationship, consider appropriate protection. Even if you want to enter into an intimate relationship with only one of the partners, be prepared for the fact that, perhaps, at the most "interesting" moment, the temptation will be too great.
    • Remember that oral contraceptives do not protect against sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). You just have to think about yourself and your boyfriends so that each of you stays healthy. Therefore, ALWAYS, ALWAYS use condoms.
    • To be on the safe side, schedule regular checkups for yourself.
  2. 2 Remember that there are times when you need to talk. Never jeopardize the health of your partners! If you find that you have contracted an STD, your partners need to know about it, even if you have to tell them about each other to do so.
  3. 3 Acknowledge the fact that trying to keep it secret can negatively affect your emotional state. The human brain is tuned in to the truth. And secrets and secrets (especially those that we perceive as negative) can cause unnecessary stress, since they overload the part of the brain that is responsible for the exchange of information. To cope with this stress, your body begins to release stress hormones that can affect your memory, blood pressure, gastrointestinal function, and metabolism in general.


  • Think carefully about your values, beliefs, and self-worth. How would you describe your code of ethics? Once you answer this question, it will be easier for you to decide whether or not you should create relationships with multiple partners, as well as how to behave in these relationships.
  • Remember the "golden rule" and its "silver conclusion": "Treat others as you would like to be treated with you, and do not do to others what you do not want yourself." oriental cultures, and they are a good guide for decisions that you won't regret.


  • A secret relationship with two partners who think you are in a serious monogamous relationship jeopardizes the possibility that you will indeed develop a serious relationship with one of these guys in the future. If one of them finds out about your past, it will be very difficult for him to trust you in the future.