How to grow bougainvillea

Author: Virginia Floyd
Date Of Creation: 5 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to grow Bougainvillea From Cutting || Bougainvillea Propagation  (With Result)
Video: How to grow Bougainvillea From Cutting || Bougainvillea Propagation (With Result)


Bougainvillea blooms profusely with colorful flowers from spring to autumn. Bougainvillea plants are a favorite addition to many gardens and walls. If you want to plant them in your garden, this article will show you how to successfully grow them.


  1. 1 Give the bougainvillea a well-drained soil. To this end, add gravel to the soil because bougainvillea prefers poor quality soil. If you are growing it in a pot, read the specific instructions below.
  2. 2 Plant the bougainvillea in the best spot. Bougainvillea is very sun-loving and will grow best in an open area with full sun, facing north (in the southern hemisphere) and south (in the northern hemisphere). Heat is not a problem for bougainvillea.
  3. 3 Water lightly. Bougainvillea plants are weakened by over-watering and have more leaves instead of flowers.
  4. 4 Fertilize regularly. Feed the plant with a high-phosphorus fertilizer and sprinkle well around the roots. However, if the plant is growing too vigorously, cut back on the amount of fertilizer applied.
  5. 5 Cut off. Bougainvillea plants produce a lot of growth and need good pruning to stimulate flowering:
    • Wait until the first colorful bracts form and fall off in spring.
    • As soon as they fall off, trim off the excess growth.
    • Fertilize. This will cause flowering on shorter stems.
    • Repeat this process throughout the flowering season as needed.
  6. 6 Direct the bougainvillea. Bougainvillea plants need support to cover walls, fences, or other areas.Stretch a wire or rope near the surfaces you want to cover. Tuck the bougainvillea branches into the wire / rope at equal distances. Monitor growth closely and adjust as needed until the bougainvillea starts to cover a wall or other surface.

Method 1 of 1: Growing in a container

  1. 1 Select the correct container size. Below are some basic requirements:
    • Choose a pot that is at least 30-40 cm wide.
    • Choose a heavy pot. This way, the pot will not roll over in windy and rainy weather.
  2. 2 Make lots of holes in the bottom to let the water seep out. Bougainvillea plants do not like "standing in water".
  3. 3 Place broken pieces of pot or gravel on the bottom of the pot.
  4. 4 Fill the pot with this mixture: A 50/50 mixture of volcanic slag with well-rotted compost and sand.
  5. 5 Grow outdoors only. Place the container somewhere outdoors, preferably in a location with adequate daily sunlight. If you can't afford it, or prefer to grow your bougainvillea indoors, look for bougainvillea plants that can handle it. In cooler climates, it is a good idea to let the bougainvilleas spend the winter indoors and expose them outdoors during the summer.


  • Don't over-water the bougainvillea; because of this, it can stop blooming, and, in the worst case, it can start to rot or die altogether.
  • In general, bougainvillea is pest resistant. Only occasionally can worms, aphids and moths cause problems.


  • Some people can get skin irritation (rash) when pruning bougainvillea, just like poison ivy. Wear gloves and protective sleeves when trimming.

What do you need

  • Fertilizer with a high phosphorus content
  • If planting in a pot: volcanic slag, rotted compost, sand and container (large)