How to remember a forgotten password

Author: Ellen Moore
Date Of Creation: 14 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
3 Ways To Remember Passwords
Video: 3 Ways To Remember Passwords


A forgotten computer or account password can be a disaster these days. Alas, this situation can happen to almost anyone. If every day is full of new events, then forgetting your password is very easy, especially if there are several options for different accounts. There are not so many ways to recover a forgotten password, because even the site owner usually does not have such information. Do not rush to give up and consider all possible options to recover the missing information and access to your account!


Part 1 of 3: How to remember your password

  1. 1 Try other passwords. Assuming that people can't forget all passwords at once, it doesn't hurt to go over other passwords that you regularly use. Today, users are increasingly using different passwords for different services, but some of them may be repeated.
    • If in doubt, it is also likely that you have not forgotten the password itself, but the account to which it is associated.
    • Also, don't forget to try old or outdated passwords if the account was created relatively long ago.
  2. 2 Start with the obvious. No attempt to remember a password is complete without the most obvious options. This is doubly justified if you completely do not remember the password and are trying to guess it without the slightest clue. Think about the most convenient and obvious passwords you could think of.Passwords like “Password”, “Sandwich” or your last name are easy prey for burglars, but if you really chose such a code word, then at least save yourself a headache.
    • Variants like “123456”, “abv123”, “ytsuken”, “I love you” or dates of birth are also often used.
    • If you think you've acted reasonably enough and strengthened a weak password with some trick, then try the basic options. For example, try your name or year of birth in reverse order for the password.
    • Today, almost every password must have at least one digit. The most popular choice is the number “1” at the end of the password or the user's year of birth (for example, “1992”).
  3. 3 Remember the events in your life at the time of creating the password. Often times, people draw inspiration for passwords from everyday life and events. If you have at least a rough idea of ​​when the account and password were created, then try to remember all the key aspects of life that could have influenced the choice of the code word. Did you have a soul mate or pet? Thinking about the past like this really helps you remember a particular word or set of symbols.
    • Often, the name of your hometown, your favorite sports team, and the name of your best friend are used as a password.
    • Do not overstrain, otherwise the effect will be exactly the opposite. It is much more difficult for the human brain to remember information under pressure, so try to relax, breathe evenly and repeat that nothing terrible has happened.
  4. 4 Make sure you entered the password without typos. Check each character as you enter your password variation. Sometimes it is enough to forget to turn off the Caps Lock key to make the correct password incorrect, and you come to the conclusion that you have forgotten the required combination! Most often, when entering a password, asterisks are displayed instead of characters, so you need to act very carefully.
    • Be especially careful when creating your password. If you accidentally enter a word with a typo, it will be almost impossible to recover your password in the future.
  5. 5 Meditate. This may seem like a daunting task at a stressful time when you are struggling to regain access to your account or computer, but meditation and relaxation can often help you remember the information you need. Sometimes the best way to remember is to not think about it at all. Take a deep breath and slowly release the tension. Anxiety and anger will not bring you closer to your goal, so do the opposite and focus entirely on feeling calm.
    • A person will not be able to completely relax if he thinks of this as a way to remember information, but a clear consciousness always helps to restore logical chains.
    • Go for a run or exercise. If the body is in motion, then the brain works much more efficiently!
  6. 6 Buy and use a password cracker. There are special programs that can find a lost password. Usually these tools are associated with illegal hacks, but legitimate companies recommend such programs as a way to gain access to your computer. Download the program to another computer, write it to a flash drive or disk and run it on your computer. A password cracker will immediately scan your system and sniff out your credentials. This process is automatic and does not take much time, so you don't have to worry about the password for the operating system. Such a solution costs modest money and quickly brings results.
    • Password crackers are only designed to search for data on operating systems like the Windows account. This method will not allow you to recover the password to the profile on the site.
    • Such programs can be used to find your own password, but do not run them on someone else's computer so as not to incur big trouble.

Part 2 of 3: How to recover your password

  1. 1 Try the "Forgot your password?"". If you are unable to remember your password right away, then it is unlikely that you will be able to do this after a while. Fortunately, there are other ways to restore your account. Most sites have an option" Forgot your password? "Click this button and follow the prompts to reset your password ...
    • If it is not an email password (for example, your Facebook password), then resetting the passcode will be easy enough. An automatic confirmation request will be sent to your e-mail, after which you can reset the old password and enter a new password.
    • Some email services (such as Gmail) offer the ability to link your account to an alternate email address so you can reset your password later. In this case, it will be enough to go to your second mail to reset and recover the password even for the mail profile.
  2. 2 Provide an answer to your security question. If you want to access e-mail without being tied to an additional address, then the answer to a few special questions will become an available option. Many email services offer answers to personal questions (such as your pet's name) in case you forget your password in the future. Just click the "Forgot your password?" and provide the answers you want.
    • You will not recognize the old password, but you will verify the ownership of the account and you will be able to enter a new password.
    • Unfortunately, many people do not take security questions seriously and forget the answers to them before the password itself!
  3. 3 Please contact your service provider directly. The owner of the service where the account should be restored will only help you to reset the old password, but not to find out the code word itself. In the process of communicating by phone or by means of messages, you will have to somehow verify your identity in order for the owner of the service to provide access to your account.
    • Be aware that even in the best case scenario, the confirmation process will take some time, so please be patient.

Part 3 of 3: How to Remember Your Password

  1. 1 Create memorable passwords. There are many reasons why you might forget your password. For example, you might have come up with it without much thought, or overcomplicated it. There is no doubt that the complexity of a password plays an important role in security matters, but the most important thing is whether you can remember it. Coming up with an unusual but memorable password is tricky because obvious answers like a name or a place name are too easy to guess.
    • Try to combine a few words that you remember. For example, the name of your pet itself will be too weak a password, but if you combine it with something unrelated, like a favorite dish or a character in a book, then such an option will become much more reliable.
    • Many sites use a strength indicator when entering a new password. Such tools are guided by rather vague requirements, but it is better to use a password of at least moderate strength. Other characters and numbers make it easy to improve password strength.
    • Another trick is to use a mnemonic acronym. Enter the first letters of each word in a catchy phrase to create seemingly complete nonsense. For example, the sentence "Friday is my favorite day of the week" can become "Pmldn", and the phrase "Jazz is the best music in the world" can become "Dalmvm". Any sentence can be shortened in this way if it consists of a sufficient number of words (usually the minimum password length should be 8 characters).
  2. 2 Write down passwords and keep them in a sealed envelope. While the password should be memorable, there is always the possibility of forgetting the codeword, so it's best to just write it down and keep it in a safe place.Seal the envelope and do not mark or write false information so that others do not think it may contain important information.
    • If you are afraid of losing the envelope, then pass it on to a close friend or relative. However, it is not recommended to perform such actions, since passwords, like any personal information, should only be in your hands.
  3. 3 Use a password manager. If you have different passwords for each account, then it is easy to confuse them later. Fortunately, there are special password management programs that will save your data. The main disadvantage is that such a program is not free and will cost you 1200-2400 rubles. However, keeping passwords for important accounts is well worth the investment.
    • The password manager does all the rough work for you, so you can come up with complex passwords without worrying about remembering them.
    • As a free alternative, you can create an encrypted file with all passwords on your computer. In this case, you only have to remember one code word.
  4. 4 Take passwords as seriously as the information they are designed to protect. Needless to say, bank passwords are far more important than your music blog password. Generally, the more important the password-protected information, the more complex the password itself must be.
    • At the same time, an intricate set of symbols and numbers is difficult not only to hack, but also to remember. The trick is to strike a balance between complexity and memorability. Do not enter a password that you cannot remember in a week, or duplicate the password on paper and hide it from prying eyes.


  • The best way to solve problems is to prevent them, so do not enter a random password on sites that will immediately fly out of your head.
  • If you often forget passwords, this could indicate a memory problem. There are many exercises that can train your memory. Train this part of your brain to remember passwords and other important information.
  • Always think about it and do not rush to enter a random password.


  • It is important that your password is not only memorable but also difficult to crack. Never use something as obvious as your name or the word "Password" itself.