Making a girl fall in love with you

Author: Judy Howell
Date Of Creation: 3 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Make ANY Girl Fall in Love with You FAST!
Video: How to Make ANY Girl Fall in Love with You FAST!


Who wouldn't like to fall in love? It's an almost universal need, just as common as the hashtag in a Kim Kardashian tweet. If you like a girl and really want it to be mutual, there are a number of ways to spark her interest. In order for a girl to fall in love with you, you must create attraction through both verbal and non-verbal interaction, while at the same time showing her why you are naturally worth loving and taking the time to get to know her. Above all, be yourself and respect her for who she is.

To step

Part 1 of 5: Understanding attraction

  1. Know exactly how physical attraction works. At the heart of all the emotions, thoughts, and hopes we have when it comes to love is our biochemistry. Who we fall on is determined by our system! Attraction arises from chemical reactions in your brain. A group of neurotransmitters or transfer substances, also called monoamines (dopamine, norepinephrine and serotonin) create the feeling that we experience as attraction.
    • Dopamine is one of the chemicals in your brain that give you a "good feeling" (that's what the term "doping" is derived from). It also plays a role in the motivation and reward systems in your brain. When you meet someone you are attracted to, the dopamine begins to send "rewards" to your body in the form of chemicals that make you feel good.
    • Norepinephrine, which is not the same as adrenaline, sends messages to our central nervous system. This norepinephrine is responsible for allowing you to "block" information that is less interesting than that handsome partner in front of you.
    • Serotonin regulates many functions in your body, including your sex behavior and your body temperature. When you are very attracted to someone, the serotonin causes your body temperature to drop, which makes your skin slightly more able to conduct electricity. This is the reason why your skin can literally tingle under the influence of being in love.
    • Experts say attraction stimulates the same brain chemicals as addiction, including dopamine and oxytocin. If a girl isn't attracted to you, it has nothing to do with you: in the end, it all depends on the chemicals in everyone's brain.
    • It takes, according to a researcher at Rutgers University in New Jersey less than a second before your brain decides whether to find someone attractive or not.
      • Maybe you manage to escape that split-second first impression, or maybe you can get over it, but maybe not.
      • If not, don't take it personally: people cannot control spontaneous impulses and what is being judged may not have anything to do with you in a negative way. For example, some women are attracted to men who like to take risks, while others are more attracted to men who are more cautious by nature. There is nothing wrong with either.
    • Understanding how attraction works may seem to remove some of the mystery and magic of human feelings. What it does make clear is that love and attraction are an indispensable part of the way we are preprogrammed. And that happens in a way that is not exactly rational. And sometimes the chemistry is literally right or wrong.
  2. Take care of yourself. Most women are attracted to men or women who show that they are capable of taking care of themselves. This means that you look well-groomed and make an overall fresh and healthy impression. In fact, keeping your body feeling strong and healthy all the time is an important evolutionary signal of your "reproductive fitness," or your reproductive fitness - a sign that your genes are strong and healthy too.
    • By making sure you look fit and well-groomed you radiate confidence and a healthy form of self-esteem, which is something most people find attractive.
    • That's not to say you should overdo it and run marathons or forcefully lift weights, but you can definitely consider getting a gym membership or joining a running club so you can feel healthier and more confident, which will naturally make you more attractive. Try to be the best version of yourself and be honest with yourself. And remember, you don't have to be the most handsome to look good.
  3. Take care of yourself to increase your chances of success. Your appearance and physical presence combine to form your most important first impression. It is also usually the strongest impression you make. You can have a great profile on Facebook and respond nicely online, but if you eventually meet that girl in person and you smell like sweat and wear old or dirty clothes, it will make a stronger impression than all the online contacts you have before. have had.
    • Keep odors under control. People in most developed countries turn to strong body odors. Someone who doesn't wash regularly, doesn't use deodorant, or wears clothes that stink, can basically shake it.
    • Take care of your body. It's entirely possible to find the love of your life without being perfect: obesity, eczema, baldness ... it doesn't matter. But if you do your best to look your best, you will definitely look more attractive and also have more self-confidence.
    • Wear attractive clothes. Within every culture there is an idea of ​​what attractive clothing is and what is not, and what kind of clothing conveys masculinity, self-confidence and strength. If your clothes are unattractive, repellent or even strange, then you are sending a signal that there may be something wrong with the wearer.
  4. Be aware of your body language. Body language can be conscious (such as winking at someone) or unconscious (such as red lips or widening pupils). People convey a lot of different messages through their body language, including the language of attraction. Most of the signals you send out through your body language that are related to physical attraction convey a few basic messages:
    • I am available: There does not appear to be a partner involved and the person looks confident and gives the impression of being emotionally balanced.
    • I'm interested: When someone greets you and a friendly conversation ensues with possibly a flirty touch.
    • I do not harm anyone: There is no aggressive or "strange" behavior.
    • I am fertile: An overall healthy, youthful and energetic appearance.
    • I am approachable: The body language makes an open and relaxed impression.
  5. Watch for signs of open body language. Details in someone's body language that want to say, "I am available" and "I am approachable" suggest that the other person is in a mood that is open to your advancement efforts. Pay attention to things like:
    • Smile
    • The fact that the other makes eye contact with you
    • Looking up (instead of working on her phone all the time, etc.)
    • She is standing or sitting with her arms or legs relaxed and has not crossed them.
    • She lets her feet point your way during your conversation.
    • She looks at you from a distance, then looks away for a moment, then looks your way again - but without staring.
  6. Watch for signs of attraction. Certain forms of body language are unconscious and occur when we are attracted to someone. We use other forms of body language in a more conscious way. By paying attention to these signs, you may be able to find out if the special feelings you have for this girl may be mutual.
    • Flushing or reddish cheeks
    • Redder lips or lips that appear fuller
    • Dilated pupils
    • The other removes an "obstacle" that blocked the way between you — for example, she slides on a bag that used to be between you.
    • A heart that suddenly starts beating faster or a faster breathing
    • She licks her lips
    • She subtly imitates your body language. For example, if you shift your weight from side to side, she will do something similar a few minutes later.
    • Short touches. For example, it hits short and lightly touches your arm, your fist or your knee.
    • Just keep in mind that none of these behaviors necessarily mean she's attracted to you. Although they are positive signs, do not jump to conclusions. That girl with those ruddy cheeks and big pupils who puts her bag aside for you on the bus might just be a polite girl who blushes easily and just went to the ophthalmologist!
    • Never assume she is sexually interested. That way, you could look very rude and ruin the chance to befriend her.
  7. Notice how she smiles. If a woman is smiling at you sincerely, it could be a sign that she wants to make herself more attractive to you.(It could also just indicate that she's nice, so don't forget to pay attention to the rest of her body language as well.) Look closely to see what facial muscles she uses when she smiles to determine if the smile is real or not .
    • With a real, spontaneous laugh, which is also called a Duchenne smile not only the muscles around the mouth, but also the muscles around the eyes are used. A person who laughs in a proper way usually just moves the muscles around his or her mouth, and such a smile can look tense or empty. It is not without reason that the American top model Tyra Banks always tells models to "smile with their eyes".
  8. Radiate the attraction you feel. Once you've determined whether you stand a chance or not, there are a few things you can do with your own body language to let a girl know you're interested in her.
    • Make eye contact with her and smile.
    • Get a little closer to her. Maybe you can sit at a table closer to hers in the cafe, or ask for a napkin while she's at the bar. This can make her pick up your pheromones more easily, which helps radiate the attraction you are experiencing.
    • Tilt your head slightly while you talk to her or look at her. Tilting your head is a sign of interest.
  9. Try an opening line. An opening line is such a typical question or comment that is intended to start a conversation. Although there are a lot of slick opening lines in the world of decorators, you really don't have to be a "creep" to use an opening line. Studies indicate that there are three types of opening lines:
    • The direct pick up line. These opening lines are sincere and direct, such as, "I think you're so cute" or "I'm kind of shy, but I'd love to talk to you." Men generally prefer to hear these types of opening lines when others are trying to start a conversation with them.
    • The innocent pick up line. With these sentences you can start a conversation without going straight to your goal, such as: "What do you think of this cafe?" or: "Do you come here more often?" Women generally prefer to hear these types of opening lines when someone else starts a conversation with them.
    • The funny or frivolous pick up line. These phrases are funny, but they are often vulgar or even rude, such as: "Do you prefer to boil or fertilize your eggs?" Sometimes these phrases work to break the ice, but you also run the risk of appearing like a desperate creep. Both men and women find these types of opening lines the least attractive.
    • So if you want to try and start a conversation with a girl, it's best to use a harmless opening line.
    • Studies have also shown that honest and helpful opening lines are more likely to lead to long-lasting relationships, while strategies that use manipulation or lies (such as the comical / frivolous opening line) tend to lead to short-lived relationships.
  10. If you find her inviting you, try a light touch. Touch is a great way to show physical attraction. If you've been talking to a girl for a while and she seems to be interested in you, try lightly stroking her arm or touching her hand.
    • Don't touch a girl unless she gives you strong signals that she likes you. And even then, you must proceed with caution. It is usually better to wait until she has initiated a certain touch herself.
    • If the girl responds negatively to your touch, apologize and don't try again for a while. By showing respect for her and giving her space, you have a good chance of falling into her favor. And that certainly does not apply to aggressive behavior.
    • Make sure that your physical touch is acceptable within the culture of the country where you are. What is acceptable in Utrecht may be totally inappropriate in Morocco. And what people at the Free University of Amsterdam think is fine, may be considered totally inappropriate at a Christian school in the Achterhoek.
    • If you're really unsure, ask her for physical touch! For example, reach out as an invitation to gently shake hands with each other. Or ask, "May I hug you?" Or: "Shall I help you rub your back?" That way you can touch her physically while still respecting her boundaries and being honest and direct about them.
    • Don't get fixated on touching the girl. You absolutely do have a girl not to touch physically in the early stages of flirting. Trying too hard or applying too much pressure to touch her can have a very negative effect and make you look like a "creep".
    • The moment for a touch "often just happens" eventually. Once there is a certain bond and attraction, it often just happens naturally for a moment. For example, in the cafe, you both want to grab the same bitterbal at the same time, or she puts her hand on yours while you're in the cinema, or something similar.

Part 2 of 5: Be irresistible

  1. Live your life. Who would want to start a serious relationship with someone who just sits staring at them all day long? If you want her to fall in love with you, get out there and do things that make you interesting and boost your confidence. Go out and do the things that make you happy, fill your life with learning and discovering new things and try to make your dreams come true. People are often more interested in people who lead full and happy lives independently.
    • Have you always wanted to make a video game yourself? That is very well possible! Want to write a book? Go for it! Have you always wanted to become an expert at visiting caves? You can do it! Try to make your dreams come true and you will find that girls are attracted to your passion and determination.
    • Maintaining your interests once you are in a relationship will also help prevent you from becoming "co-dependent." A codependent relationship occurs when one or both partners feel that they cannot be complete or happy without the other. Such relationships are not healthy and you can avoid this pattern by staying honest with yourself. That way you will also be more likely to attract people who are also honest with themselves.
  2. Show her your positive qualities. It's not that people simply decide for themselves who they want to fall in love with. People fall in love because the people involved have traits that make others like them. Love often develops over time, so your job is to show the girl that you are worth hanging out with. Let your personality emerge and allow it to see who you really are and what you have to offer. It turns out that traits like humor, kindness and honesty also make you physically more attractive to make!
    • Other traits that can influence how people perceive your attractiveness are respect, sincerity, hard work, and intelligence.
    • Studies also suggest that women are more likely to value social traits and traits such as caring and intelligence than physical traits.
  3. Be funny. Have a sense of humor. Everyone knows that girls like people who are funny or can tell a comical story - in fact, it has even been scientifically proven! Practice jokes on your friends every now and then and learn which jokes work and which don't. When you're alone with a girl, joking around can be a great way to break the ice.
    • Remember, even if you're not good at joking, you can still have a sense of humor - it's just about having fun and being around funny people. Being a good audience is just as important as being funny yourself.
    • Using bitter or sarcastic humor is not a good idea. Try positive humor or even light self-deprecation.
    • If you are together in a cafe during the day, you could say something like, “I recently heard that there are two kinds of people: coffee people and sad people. What do you think of that?"
  4. Try to be playful. One of the most important things that both girls and boys look for in a partner is playfulness. So you should try to be playful because she is likely to find a playful nature attractive. How can you be playful? Make a boring routine, such as studying, more fun and interesting by turning your math problem into a song, for example. Don't take things too seriously. And, more importantly, make sure you can laugh at yourself.
    • Being able to joke, relax, and even laugh at yourself gives girls the impression that you are not tense or aggressive. You also put everyone in your area at ease with it, so that people will find it more fun to interact with you.
  5. Be self-assured. In order to make sure that you are truly worth falling in love with, you have to believe yourself that you are worth living with. Most girls are not attracted to people who think negatively about themselves all the time. So be confident without being arrogant. Know what you are good at. Don't brag about it or advertise it, just make it part of your routine and don't be afraid to show it off every now and then.
    • The difference between true confidence and arrogance is in the way you think about yourself. True confidence means knowing who you are and feeling happy and relaxed about it. Arrogance often stems from a need to compete with others or to put others down just to gain more confidence in yourself. Boys and girls who are truly confident don't have to belittle anyone or act like an idiot to show that they know they are worthwhile.
    • If you do feel like you need to be self-critical, make sure to deliver it as a joke. Laugh at the mistakes you make and the stupid things you do, as well as the things you don't like about yourself. "Really, you DON'T want me to ask you to dance. I absolutely can't dance. I'm a danger to myself and others. It's better for everyone if I don't."

Part 3 of 5: Winning her heart

  1. Get to know her better. Getting to know her means more than remembering her birthday and place of birth. Spend time with her, gain her trust, and learn to appreciate the sides of her that she doesn't show very often. Find out more about her fear of water (and where that fear comes from), or about the most embarrassing moment she has experienced (and help her laugh about it). Understand her thinking and beliefs. That way, you can learn to love her more easily as a complete personality, and that's something she'll appreciate a lot more than you can imagine.
    • A good way to start is to ask her an open question. Social psychologist Arthur Aron, for example, has made the front pages of the newspapers with his list of 36 questions to arouse intimacy between people. His questions are creative and open and deal with issues that are just a bit more interesting than her favorite movie.
    • For example, you could ask, “Would you like to be famous? How?" Or try it with, "What does a perfect day look like for you?"
    • Not only does this give you a chance to get to know her better, but it also shows her that you think she's smart and that her opinions are worthwhile.
  2. Find out what she likes to do. Then do those things with her. Doing something you know she likes has the added benefit of making her feel safe and comfortable with it. If she's comfortable going somewhere or doing something together, she's more likely to get closer to you, hold your hand, or maybe even kiss you.
    • Whether she's into windsurfing, horseback riding, shopping, or baking, it's a good idea to get her involved in what she likes best. Ask her best friend what she likes to do in her spare time or, if you dare, ask her yourself. (The gods are favorable to you in this.) That way, she'll understand that you've taken the time to find out what gets her excited, and that you're willing to go the extra mile to make her happy. to make.
  3. Come up with the most fantastic dates. Doing something together that she likes to get to know each other doesn't necessarily have to be an official date, but if you want love to really blossom, you still have to ask her out at some point. When you're ready to take that step, try a place that is somewhat familiar, such as the cinema, a cafe, or a place where you can dance. You could also ask her to go to an amusement park or to a haunted house; Research has shown that a certain amount of excitement or a sense of danger during a date can cause the brain to produce chemicals that create a bond between the two people.
    • Be strategic about whether you seriously want to call it a "date." If you've already won over the girl, it's usually better to be clear about it and say directly that you are on a date so that you both know where you stand. On the other hand, if you haven't gotten her that far, you might want to slow down and win her over as a friend before moving on to a romantic relationship. Sometimes a girl will not want a love affair with you until she is sure you are good friends.
  4. Be clear. You probably won't want to ask her if she wants to date you on your first meeting or not even on your first few dates. Yet at some point you will have to be clear and declare your love to her. If you wait too long, you run the risk that she will only see you as a friend. Ambiguity is not your best partner in this.
    • You must also be clear when indicating your interest in a follow-up. If you had a great night out, don't end the conversation in a vague way. Say something like, “I had a great time tonight. Is it okay if I call you tomorrow? ”
  5. Try not to advertise yourself too much in the beginning. Sometimes it's tempting to tell a girl you like all about yourself to show her how great you are or how much you like her. You shouldn't do this for two reasons:
    • First, it means that you talk a lot about yourself, and so you listen to her less.
    • Second, it means that you are too quick to bring up certain things. Those first few dates aren't the right time to talk down your boss or to talk about how much your ex kept nagging you. Telling things like this about yourself is actually making a bitter, tactless impression, or indicating that you don't have a good sense of personal boundaries.
    • You don't have to remain a mysterious personality, but start with what you like and dislike and let your conversations flow naturally. If she is interested in you, she will naturally ask you questions about yourself. Just try to make sure that both of you tell the other equally about yourself.
  6. Give her plenty of room. That doesn't mean that you have to play hard-to-get, but that you put the girl in control of the next step. Choking her and forcing her into the relationship will give you the opposite of what you've been looking for. Show her that you respect her life outside of yourself; if you give a girl enough room to breathe, she will often love you on her own terms.
    • If you give her space, try not to be too distant. Keep calling her regularly and keep showing her you're interested. If you're shy, don't give her too much space or she'll think you're not interested. You'll have to get out of your shell a bit if you want to grab attention.
    • If you've just been out with her and it all went really well, tell her you'll call her before the end of the weekend, if it's Friday. Let her do her own thing on Saturday and then call her on Sunday and tell her you really enjoyed it last Friday and would like to meet again, maybe the following weekend. This could be an excellent time to invite her to a party or any other activity going on at the time.
    • By giving her space, you show her how confident you are. Basically what you're saying is, "I've had a really good time with you, and I like you, but I'm not going to chase you all the time because I'm not looking desperately." Girls and boys alike are attracted to people who are fun and calm, who don't rush things, and who don't seem desperate.

Part 4 of 5: Remain open-minded

  1. Don't judge her. Every woman has her own personality and character, just like you have. Be careful not to get into a thought pattern where you jump to all kinds of negative conclusions about her too quickly. It is not a new car, in which you can choose and buy all the different options according to your own taste. You'll have to decide if that habit or that weird trait, or that other quality of hers is something you can live with or not - but don't try to turn her into something. you want.
    • If you decide that you can live with her inferior qualities, whatever they may be, stick with that decision. Don't try to change her.Don't criticize or complain about her inferior qualities. Accept her as she is.
    • Her personality doesn't make her a bad person yet. Even if you decide there is something you can't live with, it's no reason to dislike her.
  2. Don't expect her to change. In fact, you will likely be a lot happier in your relationship if you can discard any "expectations" you have about her. Often times, we expect unreasonable things from other people that can make us feel tense and unhappy if we don't get them.
    • That does not mean that you should not have certain expectations or that you should let yourself be fooled. You can of course expect the other person to be present at the agreed place when he or she has promised (unless something very urgent has intervened), that she treats you with love and respect and that she treats others is also kind and compassionate.
    • Only if you expect your girlfriend to be able to guess what you need by reading your mind, are you likely to be disappointed because no one can read thoughts.
    • Human characters are also largely fixed. If your girlfriend always seems to be late and you've already told her you don't like it but nothing has changed, chances are this problem won't go away. Then you can decide that that's an insurmountable problem for you, or you can decide to let her be herself (complete with her tendency to always be late), but you can't expect her to change.
  3. Open your eyes to the possibilities out there. Don't get too fixated on one particular woman to fall in love with or try to "force" your love on a girl who just doesn't feel it! Despair is never attractive.
    • Get to know more girls and give love more opportunities to blossom. Sign up for volunteer work or other social activities or committees at school. Also, don't be afraid to attend new social activities at school if a friend asks you to join. You never know when you might meet that special someone who will get your heart racing.
    • Sometimes it happens that when you are no longer looking for someone, love comes spontaneously, at a totally unexpected moment, right at you. The universe is sometimes strangely constructed. Especially if you've been trying really hard recently, or if you feel like you've had it all, don't be afraid to slow down. It may go against the grain and can be quite frustrating, but it works: once you are no longer actively chasing them, girls tend to find you sooner.
    • Be adventurous for love. Maybe the girls you know are all dating, or maybe you're not interested in the girls in your circle of friends. Today, many people find the love of their life outside of their immediate circle of friends. If you are old enough you can try to get to know someone through the internet. If you are interested in people outside of your school or regular circle of friends, get involved in things in a broader way so that you have the opportunity to explore further afield. When looking for the girl of your dreams, it helps to be open-minded and try out as many of the adventures that life offers you as possible.

Part 5 of 5: Treating her as your equal

  1. Respect her thoughts, feelings and emotions. Try to see things from her point of view. Show her that you appreciate her opinions, even if you don't always agree with her.
    • It helps her to ask questions about those things and not jump to conclusions too soon. When she talks about her feelings and thoughts listen then good.
    • If you have a hard time seeing things from her point of view, put yourself at the center when you ask her to explain things: “I really want to understand how you get there, but I just don't get it. Could you perhaps explain to me exactly what you are feeling right now? ”
  2. Orphan always honest and genuine with her and with yourself. With honesty you create trust, but once that trust is broken, it never returns. From that moment on, she will question everything you say. Therefore, always be yourself and be honest.
    • Show your sincere intentions. Be honest and open about your plans, your wishes and your expectations. If she doesn't like it, then at least you have created a starting point that can be adjusted so that you can get to know each other better.
    • There is a difference between being open and honest and being manipulated. For example, you don't have to show another person all your texts and emails to "prove" that you can be trusted. You don't have to let us know where you are every minute of the day. These are intrusive behaviors that don't belong in a healthy relationship.
  3. Be willing to listen and communicate. The most important aspect in a relationship is learning to listen patiently and actively. The understanding you gain will help you communicate in a loving and helpful way. In a healthy relationship, both partners feel recognized and respected.
    • Listen to what she says. While she's still talking, don't try to think about what to answer. Ask her to explain anything you don't understand by saying something like, “I'm not sure I understand you completely. I think you said _____. Is that what you meant? ” Clarifications of this kind will also help avoid misunderstandings and hurt feelings.
    • Avoid passive aggression. Passive aggression occurs when, for example, your girlfriend asks you if something is wrong and you say, "No, why should something be wrong?" while in reality you are angry about something. It is a way of expressing anger or pain without directly confronting it and can be disastrous for communication within a relationship. Talk about your feelings openly and honestly, but stay respectful.
    • Use "I" phrases such as, "I'm worried you didn't call me last Tuesday when you promised," instead of, "You forgot to call and hurt me badly." Phrases that focus on "you" can cause people to become defensive and shut up.
    • Communication is not a one-way street. You should also feel that she is listening to you and that she is also taking into account what you need.
  4. Accept her individuality. Do your best to understand what makes her unique. Actively try to cheer for the things that make her unique and do your best to promote her and enable her to continue doing the most important activities that make her happy and fulfilling.
    • It is great when you can find something that you would like to do together and that you can go for together. Every now and then you will have to compromise and give the other person his or her way. For example, you may want to see an action movie while she prefers to see the latest animated movie (or vice versa). Provide variety so that both of you have a chance to do the things that make you happy.
  5. Help her make her dreams come true. Just as you should give her space, you should also try to help her do the things she wants to do for herself. This usually means that you have no problem with her spending time on the things she wants to work on, such as her schoolwork or a particular hobby or skill, or doing those things with her. When she sees that you are someone who supports her in the things she wants to achieve in her life, she will understand that you are exactly the one she needs.
  6. Demonstrate dedication and commitment. Always try to be there for her, as a friend and as a confidant. Quickly overlook her weaknesses and work to bring out the best in her. And in the same way, open yourself up to give her the opportunity to make you the best version of yourself possible. A relationship that you are serious about is like a partnership, where both partners bring out the best in each other. Stick to that rule and make sure it falls for you more than completely.
  7. Understand that she is under no obligation to fall in love with you. People often talk about the "friendship zone" in which you get stuck when someone doesn't return the attraction that someone else feels. But remember that even if you're doing your best and doing everything right, it still doesn't mean she's going to fall in love with you too. She is a person with a will of her own, not an object to be won in a computer game.


  • Be funny and show that you have a sense of humor, but never at the expense of others. Also, laugh at her jokes to show that you appreciate her sense of humor.
  • You may really want someone to fall in love with you. Still, you should always try not only to follow your heart, but also to use your head. Love is just the beginning of a healthy relationship. The rest depends on communication, whether you fit together and mutual commitment.
  • Don't force her to do what you want; be open to new things. Do the things she likes to do!
  • Resist the temptation to text her all the time. Make sure you have a reason to message her. Instead of just "Hi, how are you?" better write something like, "Hey, we should try that new ice cream shop, play a video game (or something like that)!" Just texting won't help you build a real relationship.
  • Take the time to get closer to her and show that you are interested in what is on her mind. For example, make the effort to read that book she was so enthusiastic about or listen to her favorite music.
  • Let her know that she can always count on you and that you will always be there with advice should she need it.
  • Don't forget to ask her questions and make sure you get answers from her. Get her interested in you. Tell her interesting things.
  • You won't get very far by rushing things. Instead, take it easy so you can get used to each other step by step.
  • DO NOT give her too much space! No? Only then will she know you really care!
  • Always try to find out how she feels about certain things and find out how she feels. That way you come across as someone who is caring and she is more likely to see you as someone she can trust.


  • Remember that you are either attracted to someone or you are not. If she doesn't like you, accept that and don't push any further.