Remove dry erase marker from clothing

Author: Charles Brown
Date Of Creation: 2 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Housekeeping Tips : How to Remove Dry Erase Marker From Clothing
Video: Housekeeping Tips : How to Remove Dry Erase Marker From Clothing


If you have young children or work at a school, dry erase markers can occasionally stain your clothes. It is quite easy to remove the stains from dry erase markers with the right supplies. You can use green soap to remove the stains. You can also use a combination of white vinegar and rubbing alcohol. Make sure to test your cleaning material on a small piece of fabric first to make sure it won't stain the fabric.

To step

Method 1 of 3: Using green soap

  1. Place an absorbent towel under the fabric. The towel you use is likely to stain, so choose an old towel that can get damaged. Place the towel on a flat surface (such as a countertop) underneath the fabric you are cleaning. Make sure the towel is thick enough to absorb excess moisture.
  2. Dip a toothbrush in green soap. If you have an extra unused toothbrush, use it. You can also buy a cheap toothbrush from the supermarket. Make sure the toothbrush is completely saturated with green soap. This method works best with a very wet toothbrush.
  3. Rub in the stain. Rub the stain with the toothbrush and add more green soap if necessary. Move the towel underneath as needed to absorb excess liquid. Rub the stain until soapy water appears, then keep rubbing until the stain has largely faded.
  4. Remove the remaining stain with dish soap. Take a cloth or sponge and soak it in some water and mild dish soap. Rub the cloth or sponge over the stain until it is completely gone.
  5. Rinse the clothes with clean water. Take a clean sponge and saturate it with clean water. Rub the sponge into the clothes to remove the green soap and detergent.
    • Rub the sponge over the fabric until the water from the sponge runs clear.
  6. Put the clothes in the washing machine. Once the stain has been removed and you have rinsed the garment, you can wash the garment as usual. When it comes out of the wash, the stain should be completely gone.

Method 2 of 3: Use natural vinegar and rubbing alcohol

  1. Place the clothes on a towel. Use a clean absorbent towel. Place it on a flat surface. Layer the clothes to be cleaned on the towel.
  2. Blot the stain with rubbing alcohol. Dab a small amount of rubbing alcohol on a clean sponge. Then dab the sponge on the stain. Use soft, smooth movements. Rubbing the stain can cause it to smear. Blot the stain until it fades.
  3. Fill a sink with water and vinegar. Use warm water to fill the sink. Then add a cup of white vinegar. Mix it in the water with your hands or with a spoon.
  4. Let the clothes soak. Put the garment in the sink. Leave the garment in the sink for about 15 minutes. After this point, the stain should be gone.
  5. Machine wash the clothes as usual. Once the stain is gone, you can simply put the garment in the wash. This should remove the vinegar and rubbing alcohol.
    • Wring out the garment when you remove it from the sink. This prevents you from spilling water on the floor.

Method 3 of 3: Wash clothing thoroughly

  1. Check the label for cleaning instructions. If a garment still has a manufacturer's label, make sure to read this before doing the laundry. You want to make sure there are no specific cleaning instructions. For example, some items of clothing should only be washed in cold water.
  2. Repeat the process if necessary. If the stain doesn't get removed with either method the first time, try again. Sometimes these stains from whiteboard markers can be difficult to remove. It may take two tries to remove the stain.
  3. First, do a test in an inconspicuous place. Some clothes can react badly to green soap, rubbing alcohol or vinegar. Test the cleaning product you are using on a small piece of fabric from the clothing and wait about an hour. If the fabric does not appear discolored or damaged, it is safe to use it to remove the stain.