How to impress a girl on a first date

Author: Eric Farmer
Date Of Creation: 4 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
11 First Date Tips That Are Actually Useful - Don’t Turn Her Off + Lock Down the Second Date
Video: 11 First Date Tips That Are Actually Useful - Don’t Turn Her Off + Lock Down the Second Date


It would seem that the scariest part is over, she said yes, and you go on a date. But now you realize that this was only the beginning. After all, now we must do everything possible to make the date successful. A first date can make you and your companion really nervous, but we hope our tips will help you calm down and have a great time.


Part 1 of 2: Preparation

  1. 1 First, decide where you want to go. The meeting place definitely sets the tone for the date itself. Want something romantic and sophisticated? Book a table at a nice restaurant. If you prefer a simpler and more unobtrusive environment, go to the park or sit in a cozy cafe.
    • If you do choose a more relaxed environment, go to a place where there will be no crowds. After all, you do not want to stand in line throughout the entire date, while your companion is sitting and bored. Moreover, a crowded establishment will not provide you with the opportunity to socialize normally.
    • If you decide to go to an expensive restaurant, make sure you can afford it. It’s foolish to spend a lot of money on a first date when in reality you’re living a completely different lifestyle.
    Specialist Answer Question

    How to make your first date special?

    Jessica Engle, MFT, MA

    Relationship Coach Jessica Ingle is a relationship coach and psychotherapist based in the San Francisco Bay Area. Founded Bay Area Dating Coach in 2009 after completing her Master's degree in Counseling Psychology. She is a licensed family and marriage psychotherapist and registered play therapist with over 10 years of experience.


    Jessica Ingle, Area Dating Coach Director: “Let the girl have all your attention. The first date doesn't have to be big or out of the ordinary, but the little things matter a lot. These can be gestures such as holding the door in front of a girl or offering her a drink, as well as thoughtful questions that show that you are really interested in her answer. "

  2. 2 Decide whether to meet her right at the establishment or pick her up from home. It is usually best to drop by or pick up a girl, as this will show that the date is very important to you.
    • It will also give you the opportunity to chat along the way. You can ask her about her musical preferences, since in the car you can easily turn on her favorite music.
  3. 3 Consider buying flowers. If you are a romantic, give the girl a bouquet of beautiful flowers when you come to pick her up. It will be very nice of you, and it will also show that you were preparing for this date.
    • Roses are a safe bet if you're not sure which flowers to buy.
    • But if you think that you are getting ahead of yourself or this is too old-fashioned, it is better to do without flowers.
  4. 4 Appearance. It is very important that your clothes are appropriate for the place and the occasion. If you go to a restaurant, then dress more elegantly than if you just went to the cinema or cafe. Take a shower, tidy up your hair, don't forget about deodorant and cologne, brush your teeth, bring gum, put on a nice clean shirt, pants and shoes, and don't forget to shave. Girls love guys who look after themselves. But if you have doubts about what to wear, consider these dress code options:
    • Casual. This option is suitable if you are going to the park, ice cream parlor or bar. A polo shirt, neat jeans or simple trousers, and matching shoes are good options.
    • Semi-formal. This option is suitable for dining in a restaurant or going to the theater. Read our article on how to dress semi-formal;
    • Try to choose clothes that you put aside for special occasions, rather than something that you wear every day on the street.
  5. 5 You can write to her to confirm the meeting. It will be sad if the girl does not show up on the date and you spend the evening alone, so try to make sure that this does not happen. It will also show her that you were thinking about the upcoming meeting and were looking forward to it.
    • For example, a message like “I'm looking forward to meeting you at 7” would be enough.
  6. 6 Turn on silent mode. Checking your messages and emails while on a date can make your date think that your phone is more important to you.
    • But if you are expecting an important call, then just warn her about it in advance.

Part 2 of 2: On a Date

  1. 1 If you decide to pick her up, then instead of writing her a message that you have arrived, go to the door of the house and meet her there. This will show that you are confident and that you care about her. If you brought flowers, it's time to give them.
  2. 2 Open the car door for her and close it gently when she gets into the car. This gentlemanly gesture is considered by some to be old-fashioned. Your companion may or may not like it, but it will help decide what tone to set your date.
    • If you opened the door and the girl reacted rather negatively, then this should be taken into account and, perhaps, let her close the door herself.
    • To get back behind the wheel, walk around the front of the car, it will be faster, and you will avoid the embarrassment of a long pause.
  3. 3 Open the door for her in a restaurant, theater, or wherever you take her. This behavior is expected of men and is considered polite. If the girl is not categorically opposed to such gestures, continue in this spirit throughout the date.
    • Some women do not like it when men open the door for them, because it seems to them a humiliation of their abilities as a person. Your girlfriend will most likely tell you if she is against such gestures.
  4. 4 If you go to a restaurant, be sure to pull out a chair for her. This will make it easier for her to sit at the table. Again, some people find such manners to be outdated, but others find it very gentlemanly and polite.
  5. 5 Be attentive during a conversation. The most important thing you can do on a first date is to genuinely engage in the conversation and show interest in what the girl is saying. Listen carefully when she speaks. Smile and ask questions to show that you are listening. If you do not quite understand what is at stake, ask her to clarify. Share your own experiences that relate to what she told you about. People love to be listened to and understood.
    • During a conversation, eye contact is very important, so look her in the eyes when she is talking.But if you're uncomfortable maintaining eye contact for extended periods (like most people), try focusing on the point between your eyes.
  6. 6 Ask questions that will encourage her to talk about herself. Try to avoid controversial topics such as religion or politics. These topics are almost guaranteed to ruin your date. Here are four safe conversation topics:
    • Family. Ask her about siblings, parents, cousins, uncles, aunts, and so on.
    • Occupation. A few questions about her work and attitudes towards her.
    • Leisure. Ask how she spends her free time. Do you practice any kind of sports? What are her hobbies? What movies / TV shows does she watch?
    • Dreams. What does she want from her future? This is a good way to get her to talk more about herself.
  7. 7 Try to be nice and polite. If you find a common interest (for example, you both enjoy gardening), focus on that topic. Tell funny stories related to this or that hobby, share your tips and tricks. Be sure to return the conversation to your companion: ask her questions, listen to her answers and ask additional questions (“How did you get involved in this?”, “Why is this your favorite hobby?” And so on).
    • Share funny and relevant stories from your past. Talk about the same topics you asked her about, such as family, activities, recreation, and dreams. If you have a plan to achieve your dream, share it with her. This will recommend you as an ardent and confident person who knows what he wants out of life.
    • You should not dwell on negative things and experiences. You will still have time to exchange negative experiences later, with the development of your relationship, but on the first date it is better to share only positive emotions.
    • Be polite when she speaks. Don't interrupt or argue with her.
    • Be enthusiastic and honest about your interests. Better to be honest about your hobbies, as she might like the same thing. It also helps you speak with genuine enthusiasm.
    • In general, just try to be kind and polite. Watch your table manners: do not put your elbows on the table, do not chew with your mouth open, and do not speak while chewing.
  8. 8 Offer to pay for it. Ask to let you pay for dinner, tickets, and the like. Some women don't like it when a man pays for them, while others don't. The safest way not to offend her is to just ask.
  9. 9 Don't be intrusive. For starters, let things take their course. Most girls don't want to be kissed on the first date. If she makes it clear that she is not opposed to accelerating the development of events or wants to hold hands, you will definitely understand this.
    • Try not to get bored. If you've been addicted to her from the moment you saw her for the first time, try not to talk about it directly on the first date. You'd better hint at it with a phrase like "I'm so glad you agreed to meet me tonight!"
    • Plus, you will show her more respect if you take your time, as you will make it clear that you are not only interested in her body.
  10. 10 Last but not least: don't forget to contact her after the date. It doesn't matter how you do it - text message, email, or phone call - just remember to tell her you had a great time. And if this is really true, be sure to let her know that you would like to go on another date with her.


  • Keep it simple. You don't have to dress like you are going to the opera. But that also doesn't mean you don't have to look like a million dollars, but to impress a girl, you don't have to put too much effort into the look. The inner peace is what really matters. Remember, if she likes you, it won't be because of the clothes. Everything else will be the reason for this.
  • Be yourself. Yes, everyone likes to present themselves in a favorable light, especially when going on a first date. Being the good guy will easily ensure your date is a success, or even the bad guy if she likes it. However, this is completely inappropriate for a long-term relationship. Sooner or later, the girl you are dating will lead you out into the open, so it’s better to be yourself. Don't play games with her from the first date.
  • Forget about your ego, listen to the girl and just talk to her like a person. Do not stare at her dignity like a zombie, this behavior is not liked by anyone, at least at the beginning of a relationship. If the girl wants something from you, do her request. For example, watch a movie together, it would be a good idea.
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