Understanding girls

Author: Tamara Smith
Date Of Creation: 27 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Understanding how girls think
Video: Understanding how girls think


It can be difficult at times to understand the opposite sex - almost as if each gender speaks a different culture and language. This is partly because girls and boys are brought up in different ways in our culture from birth. Instead of throwing your hands up and yelling "oh, women," the next time a girl's behavior baffles you, read this article so you can understand and respond to her better.

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Part 1 of 4: Understanding why she behaves differently from you

  1. Understand why girls behave differently. When a man becomes confused about a woman's behavior, he may dismiss her behavior as crazy or irrational. However, everyone has reasons for what they do - you just have to take a closer look to see the logic behind the differences. In women, many of these behavioral differences have to do with something called "socialization." Socialization is all the positive and negative influences that the world and other people have on a person; it affects their personality, beliefs, attitude and world view. Some examples of socialization include:
    • The idea of ​​"girls and boys toys.". Some people have begun to defy this idea in recent years, but it is still a common rule that dolls and kitchen sets are "for girls" and trucks and toy guns are "for boys".
    • The idea that femininity is inferior. Typically this is an undertone, not overt. Think about it: Calling a girl "boyish" or "tomboy" is an innocent description, while calling a boy "girlish" is an insult. "Girl movies" are mocked. Stereotypical feminine hobbies, such as shopping and beauty treatments, are seen by many women as superficial or stupid, even by many, who consider themselves superior because they love sports or books.
    • Cultural Measures of Beauty ". In most Western countries, according to TV and magazines, the ideal woman is slim but shapely, with flawless skin and beautiful hair. This gives girls an impossible standard to aim for.
  2. Recognize that girls have also been socialized to hide feelings just in a different way than boys. A "good girl" is calm, obedient, and very polite. For example, girls may feel uncomfortable for others to express less than happy feelings or say they are upset about something you've done.
    • Girls can be discouraged from expressing their anger or even claiming to be angry. So, some of them end up suppressing a lot of their anger.
  3. Remember that every woman is different. This article is here to give you a general idea of ​​what women are like. It certainly won't be proverbial for every woman. Use these steps as a guide and starting point.

Part 2 of 4: Understanding her behavior

Some girls hide their unhappy feelings, which can make meaningful communication difficult. If a girl you know does this, here's how to pick up on clues about how she's feeling.

  1. She may seem distant when she's upset about something. She talks less, is more physically distant, or looks away. She may seem uninterested, tense, or sad.
    • Asking what's wrong can work, but it can also result in something like "I don't know" or a denial. This is usually a sign that she is afraid of being assertive. You can ask more specific questions (eg, "Did I do anything to upset you?") Or say something like, "I'm here to listen to you if you want to talk about it."
  2. She can pretend nothing is wrong when it is. Some women are very reluctant to express their needs or wants because they feel they shouldn't. Obviously, this is not healthy. She will behave differently than usual, and will likely collapse or start talking if you ask nicely once or twice if something is wrong. Many girls don't show when they are struggling, no matter how much they would like to be comforted or helped.
  3. She can pretend you don't care about her when she's mad at you. Girls can act cold and distant if you have upset them. Conversations with you can be short, and she can seem hurt or frustrated. She may suddenly prefer the company of other people.
    • In this case, it's especially important to ask her what's wrong. After that conversation, give her a reminder of how much you love her (a big hug, kind words, give her an ice cream or propose a romantic date, etc.).
  4. She may become quiet if you say something that upsets her. Some girls don't like to voice their opinions when they disagree with something, so they can back off instead. This is especially likely if you say something rude or insensitive, or if you insult someone or something she cares about.
    • Ask what's wrong before assuming it's your fault. For example: Maybe you mentioned someone who acted like a jerk and this reminded her of someone who bullied her in the past. Her grief may not be your fault.
  5. She may seek attention or affection if she feels insecure. If she's upset, lonely, hurt, or otherwise unhappy, she may seek the attention of a person she trusts. This gives you the opportunity to comfort her.
    • If it's a bad time, be clear and schedule another time or offer an alternative. Offering her another opportunity to meet up shows her that you're not rejecting her, but just don't have the time at the time.
  6. Recognize that openness is a sign of trust. When she feels safe with you, she will open up more and share her interests, opinions, ideas, and even secrets with you.

Part 3 of 4: Understanding her in a relationship

  1. Recognize flirting. Girls tend to flirt when they want to deepen their relationship with you or get your attention. Monitor her body language. Common signs that she likes you include:
    • Playing with her hair
    • Make up reasons to touch you
    • Trying to get your attention
    • Turn and lean towards you
    • Smile at you
    • Making eye contact for a long time, or looking at you a lot
    • Appearing happy when you pay attention to her
  2. Recognize clues that she wants to kiss you. Girls may not immediately ask for a kiss, but give you a hint in the hope that you figure it out. She may be reticent, or act weird about it, or take a more assertive approach. A girl can signal that she wants to kiss you as follows:
    • Bringing her face close to yours
    • Smile at you
    • Bite her lip or run her tongue along it
    • Making eye contact (or trying to make it, but acting shy)
    • Touch your face
    • Looking excited when you make it clear you want to kiss her.
  3. Know when she's talking about the things she actually wants. Since girls may be afraid to ask for what they want, they might talk about something they want in the hope that you'll notice and do it for her.
    • If she doesn't stop talking about a romantic gesture her boyfriend's boyfriend did, she might appreciate a similar romantic gesture from you.
    • For example, "Picnics are so romantic" could mean, "I'd love to go on a picnic with you, especially if you surprise me with it."
  4. Keep in mind that being extra nice can be a sign of insecurity. Sometimes when she goes the extra mile for you, it may be because she's afraid of losing you and wants to please you. If she's nervous about doing something nice for you, it might be worth asking if she's worried about anything and reassuring her that you're not going anywhere.
    • Don't jump to conclusions: Friendly gestures don't always mean she's worried about something.They can also mean that she really likes you, or is in a really good mood, or thinks you make her happy and want to make you happy too.
  5. Ask her what she thinks if you can't figure it out. It's good to ask for clarification whether you're doing it casually or flirtatiously.
    • "Are you flirting with me?"
    • "Is that a hint for a kiss?"
    • "Tell me what are you thinking about?"
    • "You seem a little stressed. Is there something wrong?'

Part 4 of 4: Getting to know her as a person

Every girl is an individual. Spending time with her and learning her unique personality and demeanor will help you understand her better.

  1. Learn how she reacts in different situations. Every girl is different, so don't expect her to always follow the above patterns. As you spend more time with her, you will learn the unique way she reacts to different situations.
    • Personality, experiences, cultural background and disabilities such as autism can influence body language.
  2. Take the time to to listen to her. Listening is more than hearing her words: don't distract yourself, ask questions to understand her better and focus on what she is saying (not what you want to say).
    • Try to validate her feelings to encourage her to process her feelings (and it can help her feel better when she's stressed, too).
  3. Pay attention to her demeanor and handling situations when she is tense. Everyone handles difficult situations differently. Maybe she's going for a walk, hitting a punching bag, talking to her older sister, or getting incredibly sweet. If you know she's having a hard time, pay attention to what she's doing to deal with it. This can help you spot problems, even if she's feigning a smile.
    • If you find that a certain way of handling things calms her, keep it in mind so you can help. For example, you may have noticed that your wife likes to play with the dog to calm down. If you see her getting stressed at a family reunion, feel free to mention that the dog may need a walk. This gives her a chance to unwind if she wants to.
  4. Ask questions if you don't understand. You don't have to be able to read her mind. If you notice that something seems wrong, take her aside and ask if something is upsetting her. If you listen carefully and let her take as much time as she needs to talk, she will likely be clear about what's going on in her head.
    • Acknowledge her feelings.
    • Being non-judgmental is key. Try to understand first and then try to work together to solve the problem.
    • If you angered her, don't immediately jump on the defensive. Take a deep breath, be strong and listen. Apologize for hurting her. It's okay to explain your actions, but don't try to excuse them.
  5. Find out what makes her "excited." Bringing up the topic will make her smile more and talk a lot, and come across as if she's in her element doing it. It could be anything from computer programming to playing punk rock.
    • If you are romantically interested in her, try to learn about her favorite topic. Ask her to teach you something, or look it up yourself.
    • See if her favorite topics overlap with things you like. This can be a great way to connect.


  • Don't forget her birthday! If you have forgotten that, make up for it with something very thoughtful. Not necessarily expensive, but something she will absolutely love.
  • Understand what moves her. If she seems angry or upset, don't immediately think that you are the cause.
  • Never assume she has her period just because she's angry with you or a little more annoyed than usual. If she wasn't angry with you before, she will be when you bring up that, because it downplays her feelings. Whatever her problem, treat it like it's important - she wouldn't be upset if it were unimportant to her!
  • Don't worry about her too much or be overprotective or she might feel unable to take care of herself.


  • Don't play with her feelings. Be sincere with her.
  • Her parents may not approve of you dating her, so don't be discouraged if she hasn't told them or other people; it doesn't mean she's ashamed of you.
  • Don't keep flirting with her if she's indifferent to it. That doesn't come across as strongly and can lead to her becoming less fond of you, and who knows she may have a partner or protective family member (cousin, big sister) who will come and get a story.