How to store dry ice

Author: Janice Evans
Date Of Creation: 28 July 2021
Update Date: 23 June 2024
Correct Way to Store Dry Ice
Video: Correct Way to Store Dry Ice


Dry ice is a solid form of carbon dioxide and is very cold. Dry ice has many uses, although it is primarily used as a refrigerant. Dry ice has an important advantage - it does not leave behind water, as it sublimes, that is, it turns into gas at a temperature of -78.5 ° C. Dry ice can be very dangerous and can cause serious burns, so it is imperative to know how to handle it properly and how to store it.


Part 1 of 2: Storing Dry Ice

  1. 1 Buy dry ice as close to the moment you need it as possible. You can of course slow down the sublimation process, but you cannot stop it. Therefore, buy ice right at the time you use it. You will lose 2 to 4.5 kilograms of dry ice per day, even if you store it properly.
  2. 2 Wear protective gloves, protect your hands. Dry ice can burn skin due to its extreme temperature. Insulating gloves will protect your hands from frostbite when you touch the ice. Touch the ice as little as possible. In addition, wearing long sleeves will protect your hands when handling dry ice.
  3. 3 Store dry ice in an insulated container. A thick-walled foam cooler will be enough to keep dry ice for extended periods of time. You can also take a standard cooler bag in which you keep your drinks chilled.
  4. 4 Add crumpled paper to the container. Fill the remaining space in the container with crumpled paper. This will help slow down the sublimation process and reduce empty space in the container.
  5. 5 Keep container closed. The more you open the container, the more warm air you let in. Warm air speeds up the sublimation process and dry ice evaporates faster.
  6. 6 Keep the cooler in a cool place. If it's cold outside, keep the cooler outside. If it's warm outside, keep the cooler in the coolest place. In other words, you should keep the outside of the cooler as low as possible to slow down the dry ice sublimation process.
  7. 7 Pay attention to burns. If you have a light burn, only redness on the skin, it will go away on its own. But if a blister has formed on the skin, or the skin begins to peel off, you should go to the doctor.

Part 2 of 2: How to Avoid the Dangers

  1. 1 Store dry ice in a ventilated area. Because dry ice emits carbon dioxide, it can become dangerous to humans in an enclosed space.Adequate fresh air must be supplied to the room where dry ice is stored. Otherwise, people and animals will feel the signs of suffocation.
    • Remember that a closed machine is an unventilated area, especially if there is no air flow into the machine. Do not leave dry ice in a closed parked car. If you are transporting dry ice, open a window or turn on the air conditioner to bring fresh air into the machine. Moreover, keep dry ice away from you during transport.
  2. 2 Do not use an airtight container. Dry ice does not melt, but sublimates, that is, it releases carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide turns into gas, it will need to go somewhere. If you are using an airtight container, the gas will have nowhere to go. In some cases, the gas can expand so much that an explosion can occur.
  3. 3 Do not put dry ice in the freezer. The freezer is airtight, which can cause the dry ice to crack. Another important point is that if you put dry ice in a regular refrigerator or freezer, you simply can ruin the system, since the thermostat is not designed to withstand such temperatures.
  4. 4 Always wear safety glasses and a face shield when cracking dry ice. If you are about to crack a large block of dry ice, you must wear safety goggles and a face shield to protect your eyes. Otherwise, shards of ice may bounce off, get into your eye, and you will get burned.
  5. 5 Avoid low rooms. The carbon dioxide produced by dry ice is heavier than air. Because of this, he concentrates at the bottom. Do not put your head down on purpose.
  6. 6 Be careful when placing ice on different surfaces. Some surfaces can be damaged due to the extreme temperature of dry ice. For example, if you put dry ice on a tile or countertop, it can crack.
  7. 7 Dispose of dry ice properly. The best disposal method is to freeze the unused portion of dry ice until the end. Remember. That the area where dry ice will disappear should be well ventilated.
    • Do not flush dry ice down a sink or toilet; you could ruin them. Also, do not throw dry ice in the trash, do not leave dry ice in places where someone else can take it and get burns, not knowing what kind of substance it is.


  • If at any time when working with dry ice you have difficulty breathing, a headache, or you find blue fingers or nails, immediately thoroughly ventilate the room, as these are signs of suffocation.

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