How to perk up

Author: Joan Hall
Date Of Creation: 6 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Learn English Phrasal Verbs: PERK UP
Video: Learn English Phrasal Verbs: PERK UP


Perking up is not easy, but clearly worthwhile, if you put an end to persistent advice to cheer up, as if it did not occur to you yourself. Try the following ideas to cheer you up and cheer you up.


Method 1 of 4: Find Interesting Activities

  1. 1 Build a fortress in your living room. Place a mattress on the floor, slide furniture around it, make a roof out of a blanket and sheet, and climb inside with your cat, dog, best friend, and / or computer. Put on positive music, watch movies, eat something tasty (and don't worry about crumbs in bed) and forget about your troubles for a while.
  2. 2 Watch cute or funny videos. On the Internet, at any time, you are probably only two clicks away from a video of adorable and / or funny animals, which is guaranteed to cause you at least smirk. If you don't like this idea very much, watch a show by a proven comedian, a positive video clip, or anything else that might cheer you up.
  3. 3 Connect with an old friend. Well, with the one you going to call for months (or even years) but keep procrastinating. Forget about feeling guilty about not doing this before, and be happy to catch up. If you cannot reach him, write a long email.
  4. 4 Take a luxurious bath. Fill your bathtub with water, add oil, bath salt, foam or even herbs like mint or lavender, place candles, grab a book, or just relax for a while.
  5. 5 Dig in the dirt. It is not joke; Scientists have found that beneficial bacteria in the soil actually cause the brain to produce serotonin and have antidepressant effects. Go to your garden, if you have one, and dig in the ground.Admiring beetles, birds and bright colors, of course, does not hurt either.
  6. 6 Cook yourself a delicious meal or bake a decadent dessert. When was the last time you cooked something out of the ordinary for yourself? Put on some nice music, light candles and cook something extraordinary. You deserve it.
    • If you are tired of cooking the same, look for an interesting new recipe. To go without worry, choose a simple dish that cooks quickly: you don't want to end the evening in tears, because your debut soufflé has crashed into the fire.
    • If you are already turned on by the stove, pamper yourself with dinner at the restaurant.

Method 2 of 4: Don't Forget Your Sense of Humor

  1. 1 Make grimaces. There is such a thing as the "facial (facial) feedback hypothesis", according to which facial expression affects mood. As a rule, the relationship is inverse: if you are gloomy, you frown; if you are happy, you smile. However, new evidence suggests it works both ways. If you want to feel happy and cheerful, force yourself to smile and hold the smile for 10 seconds. Repeat as needed. This suggests that engaging the “smile muscles” activates the “happy section” of the brain associated with smiling.
    • If you are afraid of sounding stupid or being mistaken for a madman, do it alone.
    • Doing this while looking in the mirror at the same time may be more effective.
  2. 2 Sing and dance. While this hasn't been proven, a kind of "body feedback hypothesis" can help you feel a little more confident. Hide from prying eyes in your room, put on a joyful song and start dancing and singing from the heart. If you don't know the lyrics to a song, search the internet or write your own lyrics along the way. When it comes to dancing, try something goofy like the robot dance, the little ducklings dance, the moonwalk, or Macarena.
    • The most important thing here is to give yourself free rein. The more wacky grimaces you make, the better. Even if you feel awful, just pretend a defiantly happy person, and your mood will already improve.
    • If this does not bother you, record your grimaces on a video camera, later you can laugh at your extravagant foolishness.

Method 3 of 4: Common Ways to Lift Your Mood

  1. 1 Get your home in order. This does not mean that you have to scrub from floor to ceiling (unless you are a fan of general cleaning); this means you can just clean up, vacuum / sweep the floor, wash the bedding (which can be compared to a clean sheet!), put candles or a vase of flowers (or with an autumn bouquet of leaves, or whatever you have at your fingertips) ...
  2. 2 Cheer up someone. In new age circles, the idea is that if you want something, sincerely give it to someone else. If you can make another person happy, why can't you be happy yourself? Ask the people around you how they are doing. Listen to them and try to make them feel better. By helping other people, you will be distracted from your own negativity and, quite possibly, get rid of it altogether.
  3. 3 Hug someone. Hugs release endorphins. Find someone who can hug you. In many cultures, even strangers are quite open to hugs.
  4. 4 Go in for sports. Physical activity releases endorphins that naturally lift your mood. Some studies show that exercise is just as effective as antidepressants for depression and negative attitudes.
  5. 5 Take a nap. While fatigue or exhaustion may not be the main cause of your depression, they can certainly make it worse. Sometimes a short afternoon nap can become a "second morning", analogous to the reset button on electronic devices.When you wake up, take a shower or at least wash yourself to feel like you started your day with a clean slate.

Method 4 of 4: Take the broader context

  1. 1 Meditate. In this case, we are not talking about the lotus position, candles or mantras. It's about being aware of your thoughts so that they no longer have you in control. Imagine that your thoughts are scrolling on an electronic screen. Watch them and don't judge them. You will probably notice that the same thoughts are repeated endlessly, like a broken record. If you meditate in this way long enough and often, you will notice that obsessive thoughts disappear by themselves, because you do not give them continuation in the form of actions; you just watch them.
  2. 2 Be grateful. Every person has something to be grateful for. Make a list of all the good things that have happened to you. Think about how life could be worse and acknowledge what you have. If you have poor grades in school, consider that the term has just begun, or that you are generally lucky to have the opportunity to go to school. Take a notebook and pen and write down all the good things you have. Check out this list when you feel discouraged.
  3. 3 Farewell. You will feel better if you forgive those who have wronged you in the past. Sit in a quiet place with your eyes closed and focus on the people you want to forgive. Imagine that you are sitting in a circle with those who have harmed you. Imagine their faces and take turns concentrating on each of them separately. When you feel a real connection with one of them, say out loud, "I forgive you." Ideally, this procedure ends with forgiving yourself for something that you regret or cannot control. The purpose of this exercise is to create calmness as well as a sense of peace and renewal.
    • Note that you do not forgive others in their best interest (or because they deserve it); it's in your best interest so you can leave the past behind and move on.
  4. 4 Accept the world as it is. Central to Eastern philosophies such as Buddhism, this concept is based on the idea that the world is perfect just the way it is. There are many things around us that are not perfect, and that's okay. We can simply accept this state of affairs and decide that we don't need a perfect life to cheer ourselves up.
  5. 5 Use your imagination. Close your eyes and think about the place that makes you happy. Then present your bad mood as an object, pick it up and throw it in the bin.


  • Try to be open with people offering support. Don't shy away from hugs and other comforting gestures, unless they make you feel even sadder.
  • Everyone is in a bad mood sometimes. Remind yourself that things will get better soon enough.
  • Share your smile! A smile can brighten another person's day.
  • Learning to be optimistic is a good way to ensure yourself a great mood in the long run.


  • Whatever you do to lift your mood, make sure it doesn't turn into an escape or addiction.
  • If a bad mood or negative thoughts persist for an extended period of time, see your doctor. Perhaps we are talking about clinical depression. Clinical depression is treatable, but without treatment it can have serious consequences.
  • Some people love to cheer up those who are feeling depressed, for example, by tickling. While most people are cautious in choosing when and how best to do it, some are overreacting. It's perfectly okay to ask them to stop.