How to call a traffic light green

Author: Sara Rhodes
Date Of Creation: 12 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How Can I Make A Traffic Light Turn Green?
Video: How Can I Make A Traffic Light Turn Green?


1 Understand how a traffic light works with a ringing system. These traffic lights give a green signal only when a traffic sensor is triggered, usually to allow the car to cross the street or turn left. Before problematic traffic lights, look for a loop of wire built into the sidewalk or road surface closer to the stop line. It is an "inductive loop traffic sensor" that works on the principle of a metal detector and reacts to any electrically conductive metal (aluminum, steel, iron, etc.). Sometimes these sensors are improperly made or installed so they don't respond to small cars. Inductive sensors do not respond to the weight of the vehicle, but only to how strongly the vehicle is exposed to the electromagnetic field. As soon as the sensor is triggered, the traffic signals will start switching according to the previously programmed pattern (within 30 seconds, usually faster). Cars that are larger or more sensitive to the sensor will not "force" traffic signals to switch faster, the sensor will either identify your vehicle to initiate the switching process or not. There are ways that you can make your car feel more "tangible" and help you avoid endless waiting in front of traffic lights.
  • 2 Find the loop of the inductive sensor and move your bike, scooter or motorcycle to it. If you pass problematic traffic lights every day, take the time to survey the area in which you are stuck. Look for the cuts in the road surface where the loop was installed. There are generally three standard cut patterns, and how you position your two-wheeled vehicle will determine whether or not the sensor is triggered. If you do not see any loop marks (in case the pavement was refurbished later), try both methods and find out which one works.
    • Dipole Loop - Position both wheels directly on the left or right cut line. If the sensor does not recognize you, move closer to the center.
    • Quadrupole Loop - Place both wheels on the center line of the cut where the two wires are - this is more sensitive. If the traffic lights do not switch, move slightly to one of the outer cut lines on either side.
    • Diagonal quadrupole is more sensitive to two-wheeled vehicles. If it does not recognize your vehicle, the loop sensitivity may be very low overall.
    • You can also find round hinges built into the road surface. Unroll your bike as much as possible around the loop, placing both wheels on the slots. Try to position your bike so that its largest metal part is above where the loop intersects with the other slot leading to the adjacent loop or towards the controller with the calculator. Typically, this is where the strongest field is generated.
    • In some cities, there are markings on the road surface indicating where the front wheel of a two-wheeled vehicle can be most effectively positioned to illuminate the green light.These markings are especially useful when the road surface has been refurbished and no footprints are visible on the asphalt concrete. Look for a small white T or X sign, usually on the right-hand lane in front of an intersection (or pedestrian crossing).
  • 3 Attach neodymium magnets to the vehicle. While there is controversy as to whether a magnet is capable of changing the magnetic field to trigger a sensor, since it uses a frequency in the thousands of hertz rather than direct current, you can still give magnets a chance. You can either buy a magnet or make one yourself.
    • If you are making magnets yourself, be careful with them as they are very strong. Wear safety glasses: magnets are very fragile, if they hit each other or another surface, a piece of the magnet could get into your eye. Take care to protect the magnet before attaching it to vehicle parts (for example, put it in a chrome cover with a rubber ring). Do not come close with a magnet to a person with a pacemaker (a strong magnetic field can interfere with its operation), to children (they can stick their finger between two magnets, swallow it, or a magnet fragment can get into the eye), floppy disks, credit cards, magnetic passes, cassettes, videotapes, televisions, VCRs, computer monitors and other electrical appliances.
    • Attach the magnets to the underside of the car using epoxy paste or screws. Where you attach the magnets depends on which loops you come across on your way. If you want to accommodate all cases, place magnets along the center and sides of the vehicle (in line with the wheels). If you attach the magnets with epoxy paste, wait for it to dry and check if the magnets have attached well enough. You don't want the magnet to bounce onto the road at 70 km per hour, do you?
    • If you are driving a two-wheeled vehicle, you can glue the magnet to your shoes with epoxy paste, and when you come to an intersection, find the wire and put your foot directly on it.
  • Alternative methods

    • Click on the crosswalk button. If there is a pedestrian crossing at the intersection, you can get off the motorcycle / scooter / bicycle and press the pedestrian crossing button to activate the traffic light. However, this may not be legal or secure.
    • Report traffic lights. If none of the above methods work, the sensor may be poorly installed or broken. One way or another, the problem needs to be solved.
    • Press the starter button If you are riding a motorcycle, you can depress the clutch, stop the engine and press the engine start button. The starter motor is driven by an electromagnetic motor and will generate more magnetic energy, which will trigger the sensor.


    • Sometimes it can help to place the motorcycle or scooter sidestand directly on the inductive loop. On some motorcycle models, lowering the foot while the engine and transmission are on will activate the safety device and the motorcycle will shut off.
    • By restarting the motorcycle or electric motor, or moving it forward / backward, the magnetic field can be sufficiently influenced to trigger the traffic light.
    • Electromagnets can be purchased and attached to the underside of the motorcycle, designed specifically to help the sensors identify you after a stop if the sensors are not responding to you. Ask your local authorities about them.
    • Don't yawn while the green light is on. The detector only needs about three seconds to determine that there are no cars on your side about to cross the intersection. If you hesitate, the switch flips and you stare at the red light again. THIS will not please anyone behind you.
    • You can make very powerful magnets using old hard drives. Remove the top cover of the hard drive and take out the round magnetic disk. The magnets are in the corner, your screwdriver will find them quickly. You will most likely need a Torx screwdriver to remove the special screws. Torx screwdrivers can be purchased at almost any auto parts and computer hardware store. These magnets are attached to a metal plate that you can use to attach the magnet to your car.
    • Several cities and counties in the United States: Bakersfield, California; Santa Cruz, California; Chico, California and Santa Clara, California have taken steps to create and configure transport sensors capable of recognizing bicycles
    • Some traffic lights use cameras instead of sensors. If you are driving a two-wheeled vehicle, you can turn perpendicular to the road to become more visible to the camera. If this does not work and your vehicle is not identified, report it to the responsible authority.
    • In the UK, while waiting in front of a red light, you shouldn't keep the distance between cars more than one and a half cars long, because computers are most often programmed to identify the gaps and can switch the traffic light back to red ... you can drive to yellow, but stop following drivers. If on a rural road you notice that you have already passed the traffic light sensors, you can bet that if you exceed the speed limit for this section of the road, the traffic light will turn on a red signal. The way out is as follows: keep the speed allowed for this section of the way at a distance of about 0.8 kilometers before the traffic light. If many speed sensors and buried sensors are concentrated in one place, they analyze the causes of the accident.


    • Approaching rescue vehicles (mainly fire trucks) may in some cases interfere with the normal operation of traffic lights. Both the rescue vehicle and the traffic light must be equipped with special devices. Such devices are installed only in some cities and at some intersections. The most common is the Opticom system, which is recognized by a rapidly flashing, pulsed white light installed on or near the roof of the rescue vehicle (not to be confused with the front high beam warning lights). A small receiver mounted on a traffic light pole receives a "pulse code" and switches the traffic light to green for an approaching car and red for all other directions. Such systems, as statistics show, have reduced the number of accidents, injuries and deaths that occur with the participation of rescue vehicles and, at the same time, have reduced the response time to life-threatening emergencies. As a rule, rescue vehicles traveling in emergency mode with all emergency lights and sirens on can only monitor traffic lights at intersections. As soon as the emergency vehicle has passed through the intersection, the standard traffic light mode is activated. Sometimes the Opticom system is also used on public intercity vehicles to enable them to pass intersections faster, thus improving their efficiency and reliability. When the Opticom system is installed on one of these vehicles, it blocks the standard traffic light sequence, but may not turn on the red signal in other directions.
    • Not all cities have traffic lights equipped with a ringing system. Don't assume this will always work.

    What do you need

    • Neodymium magnets and / or damaged hard drives (with neodymium magnets), 6 J each.
    • A roll of heavy-duty external mounting tape.
    • Protective coating for magnet (comrade).