How to use a dehumidifier

Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 18 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Dehumidifiers: How do they work?
Video: Dehumidifiers: How do they work?


Dehumidifiers are designed to regulate humidity in a certain space. The device is portable or permanently fixed indoors, used to reduce the relative humidity in the air, reduce allergies and respiratory problems, and generally provide a more comfortable atmosphere. your house.


Part 1 of 5: Choosing the right dehumidifier for your needs

  1. Choose a dehumidifier the right size for the size of the room. The size of the dehumidifier will depend on the size of the room to be dehumidified. Measure the area of ​​the main room where the dehumidifier is located and choose the corresponding dehumidifier size.

  2. Find a dehumidifier with the right capacity. Besides the size of the room, the humidity in the room is also a factor to take into account when choosing a dehumidifier. The capacity of a dehumidifier is the amount of water that the machine draws from the air in 24 hours. The result will be a room with ideal humidity.
    • For example, a room of approximately 46 m2 with a musty smell and a sense of humidity would need a 19-21 liter dehumidifier. You should refer to the instruction sheet to determine the suitable dehumidifier size for your needs.
    • Dehumidifier can suck 21 liters of water per day in a large space of about 230 m2.

  3. Use a large dehumidifier for a large room or basement. Large dehumidifier can remove the humidity in the room faster. In addition, you will also not need to pour the water tank multiple times. However, the larger machine will of course also be more expensive and use more electricity to use, leading to higher costs.

  4. Buy a dehumidifier dedicated to certain environments. If you need to dehumidify in a spa room, home with a swimming pool, warehouse or other special areas, you should purchase a dehumidifier dedicated to those spaces. You can check with the store to determine the right device for your needs.
  5. Buy a portable dehumidifier. If you plan to move the dehumidifier from room to room regularly, you can purchase a portable model. These machines usually have wheels on the bottom or are lightweight and easy to move. With portable dehumidifier, you can also easily move the machine around the room.
    • If you need to dehumidify more than one room in the house, you might consider attaching a dehumidifier to the central heating and air conditioning system instead of buying a separate dehumidifier.
  6. Consider the features of the dehumidifier. Modern models have many features and settings, and the more options there are, the more expensive the machine is. Some of the features of a dehumidifier include:
    • Adjust humidity: This feature allows you to control the humidity in the room. You can install the ideal relative humidity. When this level has been reached, the machine will automatically turn off.
    • Humidity measuring device integrated in the machine: This device will measure the humidity in the room and help you correctly set the dehumidifier for optimum dehumidification effect.
    • Turn off automatically: Many models of dehumidifier turn off automatically when the set humidity is reached or the water tank is full.
    • Automatically defrosting: If the dehumidifier works excessively, snow can easily form on the indoor unit and damage its components. The automatic defrost feature will keep the fan running to defrost it.

Part 2 of 5: Determining when to use a dehumidifier

  1. Use a dehumidifier when the room feels damp. Rooms that feel damp and must smell must have a relatively high level of humidity. The dehumidifier can restore the ideal relative humidity in the room.You should use a dehumidifier often if you feel damp walls or have patches of mold.
    • Dehumidifiers are essential equipment for stagnant houses. You should use a dehumidifier continuously to remove excess moisture from the air.
  2. Use a dehumidifier to improve health problems. A dehumidifier can help people with asthma, allergies or colds. A dehumidified room will help people breathe easier, clear their sinuses, relieve coughs and improve cold symptoms.
  3. Use a dehumidifier in the summer. Humid climates often cause discomfort and humidity in the room, especially in the summer. Using a dehumidifier in the summer is the ideal way to maintain the ideal relative humidity indoors.
    • The air conditioner when used in conjunction with a dehumidifier will work more efficiently, bringing cooler and more comfortable air to the room. Furthermore, this can also help reduce electricity bills.
  4. Use special dehumidifiers in cold weather. Many dehumidifiers, such as those that use compressors, are often ineffective when the air temperature drops below 18 degrees Celsius. Cold weather increases the risk of freezing on the indoor unit, reducing performance and may interfere with the operation of the machine.
    • Desiccant rotor dehumidifiers are effective in cold environments. If you need to dehumidify in a cold environment, you can buy a dedicated dehumidifier in low temperature environments.

Part 3 of 5: Put the dehumidifier in the room

  1. Place the dehumidifier in a place with air circulation. Many dehumidifiers can be placed close to the wall if the air vent is mounted on top. If your device does not have this feature, you should pay attention to place it in a well-ventilated place. Do not place the machine against walls or furniture. Better air circulation will help the machine operate more efficiently.
    • Leave a space of 15-30 cm around the dehumidifier.
  2. Carefully place the exhaust. If you are using a drain hose to drain the water tank, you should place the drain hose neatly in the sink so that it does not splash out. Check the drain hose from time to time to make sure the water is properly draining into the sink. Use a lanyard to fix the drain hose to the tap if it will not rest.
    • Avoid leaving the drain hose near the electrical outlet or power cord to prevent electric shock.
    • Use the shortest possible drain hose in case someone walks past it.
  3. Avoid placing the dehumidifier near dust sources. Keep the dehumidifier away from dusty places, such as wood handling equipment.
  4. Install a dehumidifier in the room with the highest humidity. The wettest rooms in the house are the bathroom, laundry room, and the basement. These are usually places where dehumidifiers are installed.
    • Dehumidifiers are also used on boats while anchored in ports.
  5. Install a dehumidifier in a room. The most effective way to use a dehumidifier is to install it in a room with closed windows and doors. You can mount the machine on the wall between two rooms, but it will perform less efficiently and have to work harder.
  6. Place the dehumidifier in the middle of the room. Many dehumidifiers are mounted on the wall, but some are portable. If possible, place the device near the center of the room to help it operate more efficiently.
  7. Install a dehumidifier on central heating and central air-conditioning. Some of the larger machines, such as the Santa Fe Dehumidifier, have been specifically designed to attach to the central heating and air conditioning system. These machines are installed with sets of pipes and other accessories.
    • You may need to hire a professional to install the dehumidifier into the system.

Part 4 of 5: Using a dehumidifier

  1. Read the instruction manual. Read the manufacturer's manual carefully to become familiar with the machine and how to operate it. Keep the manual in an easy to access place.
  2. Humidity measurement with a hygrometer. This device is used to measure humidity in the air. The ideal relative humidity in air (RH) is about 45-50% RH. Humidity above this level will create conditions for mold to grow, and humidity below 30% RH can contribute to structural damage, such as chapped ceilings, flaking wood floors and other problems.
  3. Plug the dehumidifier into a grounded outlet. Plug the dehumidifier into the 3-pin electrical outlet and polarize. Do not use an extension cord. If you don't have a suitable outlet, hire an electrician to install a grounded outlet.
    • Always hold the plug out from the wall outlet. Never grab the power cord to pull it out.
    • Do not let the power cord get bent or pinched.
  4. Turn on the dehumidifier and adjust the settings. Depending on the model, you can adjust the relative humidity, measure the humidity, etc. Run the machine until the ideal relative humidity is reached.
  5. Run the dehumidifier for several cycles. The machine will have the highest performance when first turned on. You will be removing most of the water from the air after turning it on for hours, days, or even weeks. After the first batch, you'll just need to maintain the right humidity instead of trying to drastically reduce the humidity in the air.
    • You can set the desired humidity on the dehumidifier when it is plugged in.

  6. Close doors and windows. The larger the space, the harder the dehumidifier has to work. If you close the door of the room while using a dehumidifier, the machine will only have to remove the humidity in that room.
    • If you dehumidify your bathroom, determine where the source of the moisture is coming from. Close the toilet lid so the dehumidifier doesn't absorb water in it.
  7. Regularly pour water in the water tank. The dehumidifier will create a lot of water depending on the relative humidity in the room. If you do not use a drain hose to drain the sink, you will need to fill the drawer frequently. The machine will automatically turn off when the water tank is full to prevent overflow.
    • Unplug the dehumidifier before pouring water.
    • Check the water tank every few hours if the air is especially wet.
    • See the manufacturer's manual for how often to fill the tank with water.

Part 5 of 5: Cleaning and maintenance of a dehumidifier

  1. See the manufacturer's manual. Read the complete manual that comes with the machine to become familiar with the specific instructions for caring for the machine. Keep the manual in an easy to access place.
  2. Turn off the machine and unplug the dehumidifier. Before cleaning or maintaining the machine, you need to turn it off and unplug it to prevent electric shock.

  3. Clean the water tank. Remove the water tank for rinsing with warm water and mild dish soap. Rinse off with water and dry thoroughly with a clean rag.
    • Clean the dehumidifier's water tank periodically, about once every 2 weeks.
    • Place deodorant tablets in the water tank if there is a bad smell. Deodorant tablets dissolve in water when the water is full, and can be found at home appliance stores.
  4. Check the unit's indoor unit after each season. Dirt on the indoor unit can reduce the dehumidifier's performance, forcing it to work harder and less efficiently. Dust can also freeze in the machine and damage it.
    • Clean and clean the dehumidifier's indoor unit every few months so it doesn't get dust. Use a rag to remove dust.
    • Check the indoor unit for freezing. If you see snow, do not put the dehumidifier on the floor, as it is the coldest place in the room. Instead, you can place the machine on a shelf or chair.
  5. Check the air filter every 6 months. Every six months, you should remove the air filter and check for damage. Look for holes or tears that may impair the performance of the machine. Depending on the type of filter you are using, you can either rinse it and reinstall it in the machine or have to replace the filter. Read the instruction manual for details.
    • The air filter is usually located in the ventilation part of the dehumidifier. You can open the front panel and remove the filter.
    • Some dehumidifier manufacturers recommend testing the filter more often, depending on the degree of use. You should read the manufacturer's manual for specifics regarding the machine.
  6. Wait 10 minutes before restarting. Avoid sudden shutdowns and turns on again to prolong the service life of the machine. Wait 10 minutes after shutting down before restarting. advertisement


  • Discard the water in the dehumidifier's water tank. Do not use water in a dehumidifier for eating, drinking or washing.