Interacting after intercourse

Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 5 September 2021
Update Date: 19 June 2024
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For most people, making love is a way to feel connected and a beautiful intimate experience. But sometimes you feel a bit uncomfortable after having sex. In fact, most people are too preoccupied with the post-intercourse moment, and then start mimicking scenes from movies and television shows, or trying to make the perfect comment. But in the end, it's all about being respectful to each other, spending time together, and relaxing together so that you are intimate after sex.

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Method 1 of 2: How do you behave right after intercourse

  1. Hold the intimacy of the moment for a while and let it go slowly. You have had a good time together, but of course that doesn't mean there is no more intimacy when you are done making out. You could argue that you use foreplay to stimulate sexual attraction, and that you use the time after intercourse to slowly return to "civilization". The biggest mistake people make after sex is getting up and leaving as soon as it's done, wiping out all the intimacy you've built together.
    • There is no rule that dictates that you should start talking to each other immediately after having sex. Spooning, cuddling, or even holding hands are good ways to slowly but surely return to everyday life in a relaxing way.
    • If you want to put on some clothes again, keep it simple (underwear, sweatpants, pajamas, etc.) and jump back to bed. Of course you don't have to lie naked in bed if you don't feel comfortable with it.
    • Turn off your phone - no one wants to feel like their partner would rather talk to someone else than you after sex.
    • Stay away from the kitchen - it's normal to be hungry after sex, but that doesn't mean your first comment after sex should be "I'm hungry".
    • Stay awake - if you fall asleep right after intercourse, your partner will feel disrespected and loved, and used.
  2. Enjoy the silence for a while if it feels uncomfortable to talk. Enjoy the silence and only say something when you really have something to say. It is somehow very special to really be with someone and enjoy each other's presence and then not have to say anything at all.Making love is very intimate, and since only a small portion of intimacy consists of words, you don't need to say anything. Just try to make eye contact, smile or laugh together, hold hands, or hug. When you are both ready to start talking again, at some point you will feel that the conversation will start automatically.
  3. Keep the conversation honest and light. After an intimate moment such as after intercourse, a conversation can seem very trivial and difficult to have. You really don't have to say a perfectly smooth phrase from a romantic movie - because you can't get the sentence right at that point anyway, and it won't come across as romantic as you want it to be. The most important advice for a chat after sex is that you can just be yourself. Be relaxed, honest, and open, and the conversation will flow naturally.
    • For example, you can tell something about your day - share a funny story, talk about your work, or explain what that new project is about, what you are doing, your hobby, or an event you are going to and where you are very much feel like it.
    • Ask questions - it doesn't have to be an inquisition; simply ask your partner how his or her day was, if he or she has any plans for the weekend, and just let the conversation unfold.
  4. Tell your partner what things you liked, but keep it short. Don't criticize or elaborate on the lovemaking too much. Letting your partner know what you liked in a concise and respectful way is a great way to stay connected and let your partner know about your sexual needs. Try not to assume that the other person will respond to your comments - if you ask something like "Did you like that?" You put pressure on the other person to give the "right" answer and that ruins the atmosphere.
    • Keep it short, because if you go on praising how great your partner was in bed, it can quickly get a little uncomfortable: `` I really liked it when you ... '' or `` That was really lovely then ... 'should suffice.
    • Never give criticism or advice after intercourse and do not judge it (negatively). The moments after sex are there to enjoy each other's company, to relax and to respect each other, not to lecture each other.
  5. For example, you could cuddle up while watching a movie or television, or listen to music when you've finished talking. Really, being together after sex is more important than having a conversation with each other. It can be difficult to move from an intimate moment, such as when you are making love, to a conversation about a trivial topic; so find a relaxing activity where the two of you can lie in bed together and relax together.
    • Watch some clips on your laptop.
    • Share some of your favorite music.
    • Make a crossword puzzle together or do a puzzle together.
    • Sit in bed together and enjoy the view through the window, or just enjoy each other's company.
  6. You can also take a shower or bath together. Without being too plastic - some people like to wash after intercourse. This is normal, and a good way to keep your partner from feeling "dirty" is to shower together. This is a good way to avoid lying in bed together, while still staying intimate with each other.
  7. Treat each other with respect before, during, and after sex. Sex is a natural, organic addition to a relationship, not a wonder of the world in its own right. So take a deep breath and just enjoy your partner's company. The mood will already be relaxed and loving, just go with that, and be kind and respectful as you normally would.

Method 2 of 2: Your behavior the "morning after"

  1. Don't just leave after having sex with someone, especially if it's the next day. Unless you have stated that making love is without any commitment, before you make love to each other; you should never sneak out because you've finished making love, and because sex was the reason you were with the other person. Because with that you show too clearly that you were only with the other person for sex. And whether you like it or not, people will start talking about it, and it is not only disrespectful, but also hurtful to the person you have had sex with.
    • If you get a call or get text messages - answer as soon as you can and reply kindly and sincerely.
    • Being available doesn't mean being very affectionate - although you should make the effort to be open with the other person and show that you're not running away - a quick text, phone call, or brief conversation is enough.
  2. Stay friendly and polite when you are together in public. It's very painful to see someone you've been intimate with and expect a greeting or hug, and then be turned away. If you're ashamed of the person you were intimate with or embarrassed about him or her, you shouldn't have gone with them.
  3. Spend time together in places other than the bedroom. Call your partner and have a drink together, take a walk in the park, or go out for dinner and then go to the movies. This does not automatically mean that you have to start a steady relationship with each other. It is better to quietly build a relationship that is not all about sex, and that shows that you care and respect the other person, even if you do not plan to sleep with them again or have a romantic relationship with them or want to concern her. If you don't spend time with the other person outside of sex, you will appear superficial, and the other person may feel like they are being used.
  4. Communicate with the other about how you view the relationship. Relationships, whether sexual in nature or not, need good communication in order to survive. This does not mean that you have to spend hours on the phone with each other. It simply means that it is important to be open and direct about the expectations you have of the other person. For example, if you are looking for a committed relationship and your partner thinks you just enjoy making out with him, one of you will be seriously disappointed. Manipulating, forcing, or trying to get the other person to change their mind will not work. You achieve the most with honest communication.
    • What are you looking for in a relationship?
    • What is the other looking for?
    • How do you see the relationship in the future?
  5. Never use sex as a means of getting your way. Sex is a natural, organic part of a relationship, not a tool you use to get what you want. The only reason you want to have sex with your partner should be because you already love your partner and want to be intimate with him or her. Making love to each other is not just about having fun, it is also about becoming one with another soul and expressing genuine feelings of love. Making demands, asking for favors, or expecting to be treated in a certain way makes something as intimate as making love cheap, and that can irreparably damage a relationship.
  6. Don't try to pretend you are just because you made love to someone. Everyone has different ideas about what sex "means". Ultimately, sex means that there is growth in a relationship, and that there is more intimacy, however short it may be. Whatever happens, always try to be friendly, available, and respectful, and don't go too fast. All kinds of people, and also in websites and movies, it seems like there is a fixed order and time in which it all happens, and that there are certain rules and words that go with it. But every relationship is different, and there is no perfect scenario for you to learn how to behave after intercourse. So just be kind and empathetic. And most importantly, be yourself.


  • Before making love, talk to the other person about your expectations so that there is no embarrassing or hurtful situation later on.