How to get red wine stain off a white shirt

Author: Virginia Floyd
Date Of Creation: 9 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
The Easiest Way to Remove a Red Wine Stain—No Chemical Cleaners Required  | SPOTLESS | Real Simple
Video: The Easiest Way to Remove a Red Wine Stain—No Chemical Cleaners Required | SPOTLESS | Real Simple


Removing a red wine stain from a white shirt may seem like an impossible task at first glance, but don't despair! Dealing with a stain like this is not an easy task, but you can still take steps to make your shirt look like new. It is very important to start the cleaning process immediately, before the stain has yet eaten into the fabric.


Method 1 of 5: Blot the stain

  1. 1 Take off your shirt. Act quickly. Once you've spotted the stain, you should immediately kick off your shirt and change into something else. When taking off your shirt, make sure that the fresh stain does not touch any other part of it. Failure to do so can lead to the transfer of the stain to other areas of the shirt.
  2. 2 Lay out your shirt. Place it on a flat surface. If the shirt gets dirty on the front, position it so that it doesn't touch the back of the shirt. You can also place a towel between the front and back to keep the stain from spreading.
  3. 3 Blot the stain. Take a clean cloth or paper towel and gently blot the stain. Never scrub it, or the stain may dig deeper into the fabric, complicating the cleaning process. A large spot should be blotted from the edges and gradually moved towards the center. This will help absorb all the liquid from the stain and prevent it from spreading.
  4. 4 Blot the stain with a damp cloth. After blotting everything with a dry cloth, try repeating the procedure with a damp cloth. Moisture will prevent the stain from sinking deeper into the fabric and will help absorb spilled wine.

Method 2 of 5: Use salt

  1. 1 Lay your linen shirt on a flat surface. After blotting the stain, lay the shirt out on a flat surface. Take care not to let it slip over the back of your shirt.
  2. 2 Sprinkle a lot of salt on the contaminated area. Remember to use just enough salt to completely hide the stain. Leave the salt on the shirt until it turns pink. Here the salt acts as an absorbent that absorbs the contents of the stain.
  3. 3 Remove salt from your shirt. Once the salt turns pink, which will happen after about 5 minutes, remove it from the shirt. The easiest way is to hold your shirt over a trash can and shake off the salt. Rinse your shirt in cold water to remove any salt residues. Repeat the procedure if necessary.

Method 3 of 5: Use boiling water

  1. 1 Boil water. Boil about three glasses of water in a kettle. This will take you approximately 10 minutes. In the absence of a kettle, you can use a ladle or other reservoir, from which it will be easy for you to pour out the water in the future.
  2. 2 Prepare your shirt. While you wait for the kettle to boil, find a large bowl or basin. Place the container in the sink. Take your shirt and stretch the stained piece of fabric over the bowl. Take a rubber band of a suitable size and pull it over the rim of the bowl to hold the shirt in place.
  3. 3 Pour boiling water directly onto the stain on your shirt. Remove water from heat as soon as it boils. Bring a pot or kettle to the edge of the sink. From a height over 30 cm, pour water directly onto the stain. Be careful not to burn yourself. The stain should disappear under the influence of boiling water.
  4. 4 Rinse your shirt. After pouring out all the hot water, remove the rubber band from the bowl. Be careful as the bowl may still be hot. Place the shirt in the washing machine or rinse it in cold water.
  5. 5 Let the shirt dry. Do not put your shirt in a tumble dryer. In this case, the remains of the stain under the influence of the dryer can even more penetrate into the fabric. Instead, let the shirt air dry naturally.

Method 4 of 5: Use items from your kitchen

  1. 1 Use white wine. Many people argue that white wine can remove red wine stains. Spread out the shirt and pour white wine over the stain. Then use a clean cloth or tissue to blot it dry. This method works best when you've just applied the stain. In fact, white wine moisturizes the stain area and prevents red wine from getting into the fabric.
    • Make sure the white wine you use is very light, otherwise it can stain the fabric as well.
    • Although many have used this method successfully, there is some controversy in the use of white wine. Some people argue that all white wines have a shade, as a result of which its use can both help and harm at the same time.
  2. 2 Use sparkling water. After placing the stain, immediately pour a large amount of soda over it. Continue pouring until you see the stain start to fade. Keep a paper towel handy so you can blot the stain. In the same way as with white wine, soda helps the stain to stay on the fabric.
    • Some argue that regular water is just as effective as sparkling water. Use water as an alternative if you don't have soda on hand.
  3. 3 Use baking soda. Mix 3 to 1 baking soda and water into a paste. Make enough paste to completely cover the stain. Leave the paste to dry completely. Then gently scrub the baking soda off the stain.
    • Baking soda effectively removes stains by absorbing them.
  4. 4 Use vinegar and baking soda. Instead of using a paste, some people prefer to sprinkle baking soda on the stain. Then take a clean cloth or napkin, dampen it with white vinegar and wring it out. Blot the stain with a vinegar-soaked cloth. After that, it should disappear.

Method 5 of 5: Use detergents

  1. 1 Mix dishwashing liquid and hydrogen peroxide. Prepare a solution of 1 to 2 parts dishwashing liquid and hydrogen peroxide. Apply the solution to the stain. Leave it on for 5 minutes. Rinse the stain thoroughly with a damp towel. Repeat the procedure if necessary. Rinse your shirt in cold water to remove any remaining mixture. Allow the shirt to air dry.
    • There is no need to rub the mixture into the stain. This mixture will suck the stain out of the fabric on its own.
  2. 2 Soak your shirt in bleach. Place your shirt in a large basin or tub. Pour chlorine bleach over the top of the shirt so that it completely covers the stain. Soak your shirt in bleach for about 10 minutes. Then throw it into the washing machine and wash it at a high temperature.
    • Dry the shirt, but do not put it in the tumble dryer, as the remaining stain can be further adhered to the fabric.
    • Be very careful when using bleach. It can be very corrosive, so avoid contact with skin or eyes.
    • Do not mix bleach with ammonia.
  3. 3 Soak your shirt in OxiClean. Place a few scoops of OxiClean in a large bowl or hot tub. Make sure OxiClean is completely dissolved. Submerge the shirt in a bowl of water to completely cover the stain. Leave to soak for 15-20 minutes. Then take out the shirt and drain the water. If the stain is still there, repeat the process.
  4. 4 Use a wine stain remover or linen detergent. There are many stain removers available. You should choose a product that is designed to remove wine stains or linen clothes. If you've chosen a wine stain cleaner, then read the label carefully or do a little test before using it on fabric. Then follow the directions on the package.


  • Act as quickly as possible. Most of the methods we've described work best on fresh stains.


  • Do not place the shirt in the dryer until the stain has completely disappeared, or the heat may cause it to dig deeper into the fabric.
  • When using any other stain remover, you should make sure that it can be used on the fabric. You risk ruining your shirt if you don't.

What do you need

  • Cloth towels
  • Salt
  • White wine
  • Large bowl or small basin
  • Alkali-free dishwashing liquid
  • Hydrogen peroxide
  • Vinegar
  • Bleach