How to clean white Vance

Author: Eric Farmer
Date Of Creation: 6 March 2021
Update Date: 23 June 2024


1 Prepare a wash mixture. You can easily wash your sneakers with washing powder and warm water. In a large bowl, combine ¼ cup washing powder and 2 cups warm water. If your sneakers are too dirty, you may need to make a new mix for the second sneaker. If you are low on powder, you can make your own use of such detergent solutions.
  • Mix ¼ cup dish soap with 2 cups warm water.
  • Mix ¼ cup glass cleaner with 2 cups lukewarm water.
  • Mix ¼ cup shampoo with 2 cups warm water.
  • Use a sneaker detergent that is available from specialized stores.
  • 2 Prepare a second bowl of clean water. You will need it to rinse the rag with which you will wash your sneakers.
  • 3 Dip a rag in the solution and use it to wipe down your sneakers well. Wipe each stain in a circular motion, periodically dipping a rag into the solution. Rinse the rag in clean water, then dip it back into the solution and wipe down the sneakers until they are completely clean.
    • The inside of the shoe can be washed in the same way.
    • If you want to wash the laces separately, prepare the solution in a bowl and soak the laces in it. When you wash your shoes, rinse your laces in clean water
  • 4 Brush the rubber part of your shoe with an old toothbrush. Dirt can lodge in the rubber part of the sneaker, so you may need something tougher than a rag to wash it. Dip your toothbrush in soapy water and use it to scrub the sole and all rubber parts of the sneaker.
    • If you don't have a toothbrush on hand, use a stiff washcloth or small brush.
    • If the rubber part of your shoe is not too dirty, you can simply wipe off small marks of dirt with a damp cloth.
  • 5 Walk over the top of your shoe with a clean, damp cloth. Use it to wipe away dirt and soap residue from your shoes.After finishing the wash, carefully inspect the sneakers and make sure that you are happy with the whiteness you get. If the cleaning solution doesn't work, you will need to use other stain removal methods.
  • 6 Fill your shoes with newspaper and let them air dry. Using newspaper will help keep your shoes in shape as they dry. Place your sneakers in the sun and let them dry completely before wearing them and putting the laces back in place.
  • Method 2 of 3: Washing in the washing machine

    1. 1 Pull the laces and insoles out of your shoes. This method is great if your sneakers are heavily soiled (do not use this method for suede or leather shoes). So, go ahead, pull out the laces and insoles to bring back their attractiveness and pristine cleanliness to the sneakers.
    2. 2 Place the shoes and all shoe parts in a pillowcase or delicatessen bag. The bag will protect your shoes and washing machine from bumps during washing. Make sure the pillowcase or bag is tied tight, otherwise the shoes may fall out during washing.
    3. 3 Wash your shoes in warm water at low rpms. This will be enough to wash your sneakers and not damage them. Don't be tempted to use hot water, no matter how dirty your sneakers are. Hot water can cause your Vans to come loose.
      • Remember to add the same amount of powder that you would add when washing at low speeds.
      • Remember to add the same amount of powder that you would add when washing at low speeds.
    4. 4 After washing, fill your shoes with newspaper and let them air dry. Do not tumble dry your sneakers even at the lowest temperature, as this heat can damage the adhesive. Fill your shoes with newspaper and let them dry in the sun.
      • Check your shoes to see if you are happy with how they washed. If you still see stains, then you will have to use the stain removal method.
      • Once your sneakers are dry, you can put back the insoles and retract the laces.

    Method 3 of 3: Remove stains and scuffs

    1. 1 Use a magic eraser or other stain remover. The Magic Eraser contains cleaning agents that effectively remove most shoe stains, including grass and dirt. It can also be used to remove abrasions from the sole. Use a magic eraser or other stain remover according to the manufacturer's instructions.
    2. 2 Try rubbing alcohol. It is a very effective remedy for scuffs, ink stains and other stains. Dip a cotton swab in rubbing alcohol and apply to the stained area. Wipe the stain gently with a cotton swab. Repeat the process until the stain disappears.
      • You can also try using nail polish remover to remove scuffs or ink stains.
      • If your sneakers are stained with paint, try using a thinner.
    3. 3 Use baking soda and hydrogen peroxide. Water, baking soda, and peroxide will help whiten and clean your sneakers. If you don't have hydrogen peroxide at home, you can use a simple paste made with baking soda and water. Here's how to do it:
      • Make a paste by mixing 1 tablespoon of baking soda and ½ tablespoon each of hydrogen peroxide and water.
      • Take a regular or toothbrush, dip it in the solution and scrub the stains.
      • Leave the solution on the shoe to dry for 30 minutes.
      • After the soda solution has dried, rinse it off thoroughly with warm water. Repeat the procedure several times if necessary.
    4. 4 Use lemon juice. Lemon juice is another effective stain remover. Mix one part lemon juice and four parts water. Dip a sponge into the mixture and rub the stains with it. When the stain has disappeared, rinse the shoes with water.
    5. 5 Use bleach. If you need to get rid of a stain on your white sneakers, bleach will do the job just fine. Bleach is a hazardous substance, so be careful not to breathe in the vapor, and avoid contact with your skin.Wear old clothes that you are not sorry for, as if splashes get on your clothes, they will become covered with white spots. Here's how to use bleach effectively:
      • Mix 1 part bleach and 5 parts water. Undiluted bleach can stain white fabrics.
      • Take a brush or toothbrush, dip it in the solution and scrub the stain.
      • Rinse your shoes with clean water.
      • Repeat the process until the stain disappears.
    6. 6 Use toothpaste to hide the stain. If you're in a hurry and don't have time for the full range of these procedures, squeeze out some white toothpaste and spread it over the stain. Use the methods above to get rid of the stain.


    • Make your sneakers waterproof. The next time you buy new sneakers, make sure they are waterproof in advance, making them less susceptible to dirt. Buy waterproofing product from the same store.


    • It is not recommended to completely immerse the shoes in water if they have leather elements.
    • Bleach can bleach any color on your sneakers.