How to express your love

Author: Mark Sanchez
Date Of Creation: 1 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
8 easy way to express your love without saying "I love you".
Video: 8 easy way to express your love without saying "I love you".


When we love a person, we want him to know about it. However, it is sometimes difficult to pronounce the three cherished words. Sometimes it's easier to show your feelings. Many people perceive the phrase "I love you" as something banal, but if you really want to show that you are ready to sacrifice your life and everything for the sake of the chosen one, read this article!


Method 1 of 3: Words

  1. 1 Send a letter. If you can't say the main words out loud, try expressing your feelings in writing. Some people find it much easier to open up in a letter than in a personal conversation. Pour your heart out on paper and mail the letter - the person can read it when you are not around.
    • Do not forget to mention why you fell in love with the chosen one in the first place, how you feel when you are with him, and how you see the future together.
    • You can also send an email, but the traditional option is more sophisticated and romantic.
  2. 2 Express gratitude. Showing a little gratitude from time to time can play a big role in the relationship. If your partner does something for you insignificantly, then it is enough to smile and just say: "Thank you."However, from time to time, sit down next to him, look him in the eyes and say: "I really appreciate everything that you do for me - it is worth a lot." By using gratitude, you will make the person feel that you value and need him, which is very important for any relationship.
  3. 3 Tell your partner that he is handsome. Anyone is pleased to hear that the beloved finds him attractive. Do not think that your chosen one already knows that you think him beautiful - tell him about it!
    • Try giving an eye-popping compliment such as "You are the most gorgeous man on the planet." So the person will feel special and understand that you are only interested in him.
    • Or say something simple and sincere, like, "I can see your smile from across the room," or, "You have the most beautiful shade of blue in your eyes, I could admire them all day."
  4. 4 Ask how the person is doing and listen to the answers. This advice sounds simple, but its importance should not be underestimated. To feel loved, a person must feel that they are being listened to and understood. Very often we ask on duty: "How are you?", - but at the same time we do not listen to the answer. Make it a habit to sit next to your partner and honestly and sincerely ask him to tell you about his life. If he is completely happy, great, let him know that you are happy too. If he is not doing well, ask how you can help, or just listen to him sympathetically.
  5. 5 Ask for advice. So you show the person that you respect his opinion and you are not indifferent to it. This demonstrates that you value his contribution to the situation and understand the importance of making decisions together, especially if the decision affects both of you.
    • If your partner has more in-depth knowledge of a particular topic, then by seeking advice, you flatter his pride, as well as receive useful information, for example, when buying a car or a new laptop.
    • Ask for advice on anything nonessential, such as whether you should buy a new Playstation or Xbox. Even if your partner doesn't care, he will be grateful that you asked his opinion.
    • In more serious matters, such as medical surgery or living conditions, it is definitely worth contacting a partner. If you do not allow him to participate in such important decisions, he may feel that you do not value him or neglect him.
  6. 6 Apologize. Admit it when you are wrong. It doesn't matter if you break your partner's favorite mug or make a vile comment during an argument, a sincere and unconditional apology can play a big role in resolving the situation, as well as letting the person know that you care about him.
    • Refusing to apologize will only create resentment and tension. Even if you think you have done nothing wrong, calm your pride and say words of regret. Your relationship is worth it.
  7. 7 Write a romantic song or poem. What could be more romantic than expressing feelings in a song or poem (hint: nothing)? Through the words of a song or poem, you can express all tender and warm feelings, as well as vague feelings that you cannot tell your partner personally. To add a romantic touch, send a recording of a song or a poem by mail anonymously.
    • If you are not very creative, find romantic confessions written by other people and send to your loved one. Look for romantic poems or letters written by great writers such as Shakespeare, Lord Byron, or Emily Dickinson.
    • Alternatively, try dedicating a song to your partner. For example, singing it at karaoke or ordering it on the radio for a loved one will also be a romantic gesture.
  8. 8 Just confess your love. As crazy as it sounds, you can just say out loud the three cherished words: "I love you."Say it in the movies, in bed, while dancing, at dinner, when talking on the phone. It doesn't matter where or when, the main thing is to really keep this in mind.

Method 2 of 3: Actions

  1. 1 Make small gestures. Sometimes love lies not in loud statements or generous actions, but in small everyday things that define relationships between people. For example, you can open the door for a loved one, bring him a cup of coffee in bed, or send a short message so that he knows that you are thinking about him throughout the day.
  2. 2 Be gentle. Kissing gently, hugging warmly, or even just squeezing your hand lightly - all these small expressions of affection are the perfect way to convey your love without saying a word.
  3. 3 Share with your partner. There is no place for selfishness in love. When we really care about a person, we share our thoughts, our blanket, and even the last slice of pizza with them.
  4. 4 Trust your partner. You've probably already heard that there is no love without trust. You need to trust your partner and make sure they are making the right decisions, even when you are not around. It doesn't matter if he says he didn't have anything with his ex, or that he didn't burn the dinner you left in the oven, it's important to take his word for it.
  5. 5 Surprise him. As much as you love a person, relationships can get boring and insipid if you allow yourself to plunge into a routine. Rekindle the spark by doing something spontaneous. Surprise your loved one by sending flowers, calling them unexpectedly, or planning a romantic trip for two.
  6. 6 Cook for your partner. Whether it's a sumptuous bacon and scrambled breakfast or a gourmet themed dinner, show your love by feeding your loved one something delicious. He will clearly mark the effort spent, and eating together will allow you to spend quality time with each other. They say that the way to a man's heart is through his stomach, but delicious food equally conquers both sexes.
  7. 7 Be honest. As mentioned, trust is the key to a healthy relationship, and without honesty, there can be no trust. Tell your partner the truth about everything, such as that you ate your last cookie or left your front door unlocked.
    • However, there are a few notable exceptions to this rule. For example, you should be very careful in answering questions such as: "Does this dress make me look fat?" - or: "What do you think of my parents?"
  8. 8 Encourage him to follow his dream.. If you really love a person, then you want them to be the best version of themselves and to fulfill their dreams regardless of the consequences. Do not hold him back because of your own selfish reasons - in the end, he will only harbor a grudge against you. If your partner wants to learn how to play the violin, then you must come to terms with his tearing rehearsals (or get earplugs). If he wants to study or work abroad, come up with a way to maintain the relationship. They say that love is a compromise, but no one in a couple should sacrifice their dreams.
  9. 9 Be there. To truly show your love for your partner, be there for them no matter what. Share his joy and pain. Celebrate with him when he gets a promotion, or help him cope with the death of a dear family member. Sometimes it is enough to have a drink together at the end of the week to provide support, and sometimes it is important to lend a shoulder so that the person can cry in a moment of discouragement.

Method 3 of 3: Gifts

  1. 1 Send flowers. This may seem like a banal or exaggerated gesture to you, but nothing shows love like a beautiful bouquet of flowers, especially if they are your partner's favorite flowers. Be sure to hand it beautifully. Attach a romantic note or send the bouquet anonymously. Present it personally or arrange delivery to your loved one's home or office.Flowers are a classic romantic gift that will never go out of style.
    • Make sure your partner likes the flowers you choose. Of course, it is not the gift that is expensive, but the attention, but you will earn extra points if you make the right choice. If you do not know what flowers your chosen one likes, and want to follow the classic path, then red roses will be an unmistakable option.

    Allen Wagner, MFT, MA

    Family Therapist Allen Wagner is a Licensed Family and Marriage Therapist based in Los Angeles, California. He received his MA in Psychology from Pepperdine University in 2004. He specializes in working with individual clients and couples, helping them improve relationships. Together with his wife, Talia Wagner, he wrote the book "Married Roommates".

    Allen Wagner, MFT, MA
    Family psychotherapist

    Dig deeper to find out in what form the person would like to receive a declaration of love. ' Marriage and family psychologist Allen Wagner says: “Love languages ​​are different ways of showing someone that you care about them. One of the great ways to figure out your partner's love language is to ask him how he celebrated success as a child. How did family or friends encourage him when he was depressed or upset? For example, if his parents were not particularly affectionate or generous in words, but gave thoughtful gifts, then he can still attach great emotional value to gifts. "

  2. 2 Burn a songbook CD. Make a playlist of songs that remind you of your loved one or your relationship, or even songs that you think your partner will like. You can even casually ask about his tastes. The songbook CD is a great gift because it demonstrates that you have paid attention and have taken the time to find music that the person will enjoy hearing. If you do everything right and the chosen one will like the songs, it will show that you listen to him and know at a deep level.
  3. 3 Present something natural. Choose a place in nature that has special meaning to you - the home where you grew up or your favorite place to relax and reflect. Then take a memorable thing from this place and present it to your loved one. It could be a seashell, a beautiful stone, a bird's feather, or whatever small and cute thing you can find. Tell your partner that you saw this and immediately thought of him. Tell him that this is a piece of you that you would like to give him for safekeeping. As a result, he will feel special and it will bring you closer together.
  4. 4 Buy or make a romance coupon book. Fill it out and present it to your loved one so that he can cash out the coupons anytime. A similar book can be purchased online or in a gift shop, but it is better to make it yourself. That way, you can personalize it and get creative (sly wink).
    • For example, you can make a coupon for a romantic dinner, a coupon for one hundred kisses, or a coupon for an erotic massage.
    • Or you can make coupons for everyday activities like skipping the dishes or walking the dog, even if it's your partner's turn. It is not so romantic, but he will surely appreciate such a gesture.
  5. 5 Frame your joint photo. Choose a photo in which you both look happy and clearly enjoy each other's company. Present it to your loved one and tell us why you chose this particular photo and what memories it evokes. Perhaps it will melt his heart a little.
    • Before you put your photo in the frame, put the date and leave a small text on the back.Then choose a beautiful frame and put it in a gift box or just tie it with a ribbon.
    • Make sure the person likes the way they look in this photo. It is unlikely that he wants to put on the shelf an image where he has something stuck in his teeth or half-closed eyes. Present a photo in a beautiful frame.
  6. 6 Present balloons. If you are looking for a cute and funny gift for your loved one, you can give them a bunch of balloons. Balloons are an eye-catching gift that is perfect for a loud declaration of love. Be sure to look at your partner when you approach him - the expression on his face will be priceless.
    • Choose a bunch of favorite colors of the chosen one and tie it with bright ribbons. The brighter the better.
    • Be sure to choose helium balloons, as they cheer up more than regular balloons.
  7. 7 Buy tickets for your partner's favorite event. For example, it could be tickets to a concert of his favorite band, tickets to a movie that he has long wanted to watch, or tickets to a sporting event. This gift will show that you are listening to your partner and support his interests, as well as thought through that you will do everything for his happiness.
    • In this case, you cannot show selfishness, even if we are talking about an event that brings mortal melancholy to you, for example, ballet or speedway. The main thing is that you like it partner.
    • Before buying tickets, make sure that the person will be free that day. Even if he appreciates your gesture, he will be upset if he cannot go.


  • Do not ignore or neglect your loved one, otherwise he will think that you do not care about him.
  • Don't be too shy or afraid of rejection. Every person is pleased to be loved.
  • Words are not always enough. Tell other people that you love your partner, introduce him to your friends and family, and let him participate in your life. Make him feel like you are proud of him and are not hiding him.


  • Don't be discouraged if you have the courage to confess your love, but your partner hasn't responded in kind. Confessing love can be scary and probably just needs more time.