Come up with a username

Author: Tamara Smith
Date Of Creation: 28 January 2021
Update Date: 29 June 2024


Your username is your online identity. Whether you're posting to forums, editing a wiki, gaming, or engaging in any online activity where you interact with other internet users; your username is the first thing they will see. People will form a certain image of you based on your chosen name, so think about it carefully! Follow this guide for a few tips on choosing your own username.

To step

  1. Understand that your username is a business card. This is the first thing other users will see. Make sure you are happy with your own username as you will often have to look at it.
  2. Use different names for different websites. Depending on the service you are using, you may need a different style for your username. If you create an account with a website for professionals in your field, you will want to use a different name than the gamers forum where you regularly leave messages.
    • You may want to divide the use of the Internet into two different categories: work and leisure. You can then use one username for all your work-related websites, and another for private use. This makes it much easier to remember your usernames.
  3. Stay anonymous. Avoid using information that can be traced back to you when coming up with a name. This means, for example, that you will not use your first or last name or your date of birth.
    • Make a variation of your name that is easy for you to remember but does not directly follow your own name. For example, use a middle name that you never use and reverse the order of the letters.
  4. Don't give up if the username you want to apply is rejected. Usually the default names are already in use. If you want to create an account for a website that has been around for much longer, chances are that all common names are already taken. Instead of just using the suggested name (often with a serial number) it is better and more fun to tap into your creativity!
  5. Think about what interests you. For example, if you are passionate about Brazil, search the Internet for names of flowers, famous warriors or mythological creatures from the Amazon. If you like to refurbish old cars, base your username on your favorite motorcycle or car brand.
  6. Create a composite username. Use a combination of interests to create a unique username. Join two or more words to form one name. This makes it easier to make your name unique, which increases the chance that you can use it.
  7. Look beyond your own language. Look up words in other languages. Perhaps the username "Writer" was not available, but the French equivalent "Ecrivain" was. You can of course also use a word from a fantasy language such as Elf or Klingon.
  8. Keep it short. If you are going to use your internet name a lot, you will certainly appreciate a short name! Shorten words (eg Mississippi to Miss or Missi) and keep the username simple to type.
  9. Use symbols for letters and spaces. Most websites do not allow spaces as part of a login name, but the “_” character does. It is also a good idea to use certain numbers as a recognizable substitute for a letter such as the “7” instead of the “T” or a “3” as a substitute for the “E”. This is called “leet speak” in English, and is widely used in online gamer circles.
    • The period is also often used to separate words (just think of e-mail), or as a substitute for a space.
    • Never use your year of birth at the end of your username, especially if you are not yet an adult, because it is very easy to find out how old you are.
  10. Try a name generator. There are several programs available online that can generate random names. These ask for a certain input and then give a list of names to choose from. While this is less personal than choosing your own name, it is a great alternative. Especially if you are hammering your head on the keyboard out of frustration, because you can't come up with anything original.


  • Don't make your username too complex or difficult to remember, especially if you want to share it with other people (eg, to be added to a friends list).
  • In most cases, a name cannot be shorter than 6 or longer than 14 characters.
  • You can also use an internet name for your email, but if it's for work, make sure your username isn't too strange or laughable.
  • Come up with a list of keywords that best describe you and try to include this in your username.
  • In general, the more unique the name, the more certain you can be sure that it will work for different websites, and the fewer names you will have to remember. On the other hand, if you name it too much full of personal information, your privacy can be compromised.
  • Some websites (eg AIM) have a function that will give you 3-5 suggestions for usernames if you enter a few words. These often provide more original results. Don't use a name if you don't think you will be able to remember it.
  • Have the name available so you don't forget it. Make a note of which website the name is intended for, especially if you have multiple accounts with different websites.


  • Read the rules that websites have for using a name. For example, consider the username policy at wikiHow. This is just an example, because this is of course different for every website and internet service.
  • Pay attention to the requirements of the website. "Using suggestive or inappropriate language is not allowed with a username", or something like that, you will usually find somewhere in the terms and conditions.