How to do the bridge exercise

Author: Joan Hall
Date Of Creation: 25 July 2021
Update Date: 23 June 2024
Glute Bridge Exercise - The correct way of doing it
Video: Glute Bridge Exercise - The correct way of doing it


1 Get into a supine position. It is recommended that you use a yoga mat when performing this element, although any carpet will do to keep your back safe from possible injury when working on a hard, hard surface. Once you have taken the support while lying on your back, bend your knees and spread your hips apart, resting your feet firmly on the floor. Place your heels of your feet as close to your buttocks as possible, or simply move your buttocks towards your heels. Use the muscles in your glutes to push your hips upward.
  • 2 The arms should rest peacefully on the sides of the torso. You can move your hands closer to your hips, resting your palms on the floor to help you balance in an unfamiliar position. Bring your shoulder blades together, which will bring your shoulders down to the floor.You can also lean on your hands and help yourself control the exercise.
  • 3 Lift your hips up. You should tilt your pelvis slightly towards your face. Aim to touch your spine with your belly button, which activates your abdominal muscles. With your feet on the floor, bring your hips to the highest comfortable position. Imagine having your hips touch the ceiling or the sky. Slightly tense your buttocks while performing this movement.
  • 4 Keep your knees and hips parallel to each other. Don't let them spread out to the sides, which could result in a knee or back injury; your shoulders should be flat on the floor to protect your neck.
  • 5 Fix this position for 5 full breaths and exhalations, and then return to the starting position. Stretch your legs straight and rest a little.
  • 6 Do an exercise for 10 repetitions of lifts. You can repeat these three times to benefit from your workout.
  • 7 Combine. You can also start from the same starting position, pushing your hips up for one second and then lowering them all the way down for 25 reps to enjoy a good exercise. Relax a little and do 2 sets of 25 times.
    • Alternately, you can use the same positions, but move your hips up for one minute, lower them almost down, and repeat this 25 times to get a nice flat abs and glutes.
    • You can also try doing a static bridge first, and then 25 quick reps to reach that position.
    • You can even mix traditional exercises with others.
  • Method 2 of 2: Doing the Yoga Bridge

    1. 1 Lie on your back and bend your knees, keeping your feet hip-width apart. Your fingers should be pointing straight ahead and your hands should be at your sides, a few centimeters away from your hips. Try to keep your chin away from your ribcage to avoid injuring your neck as you lift your hips up.
    2. 2 Push off the floor with your feet. You will need to exert effort from your feet to make this movement. Relax your buttocks while doing this. While your hips are moving up, your shoulders and back should sink deeper into the yoga mat. Breathe in as you bring your hips up to build up strength and energy.
    3. 3 Bring your arms together as you lift your hips. You should continue to actively move up until your pelvis reaches knee level. You can lean with the inner edges of your feet to keep your knees parallel to each other. At this time, close your hands together under your back and use the new support to gracefully swing your hips up.
      • The ribcage and chin work like "cats and mice", that is, the ribcage tends to the chin, and the chin goes away from the ribcage. As you move your hips up, move your chin away from your chest, and your chest should be directed towards the chin. Try to open your shoulders by creating space at the base of your neck. Perform all movements smoothly and carefully to protect your neck from injury.
    4. 4 Gently lower yourself down. As you exhale, you should slowly lower yourself to the starting position so as not to injure your neck and back. Slowly lie back on your back and spread your legs randomly, place one hand on your heart and the other on your stomach and rest a little, and then repeat this exercise several times.
      • After exiting the "bridge", take your knees in your hands and swing back and forth, which will massage your back.
      • The “bridge” is one of the most recent yoga poses in a series of exercises, as this position will help you move towards relaxation and recovery.


    • There are several ways to do the bridge exercise.
    • Try closing your hands under your buttocks to make the task more difficult.
    • Lie with your back on a gymnastic ball and begin to walk, lowering your shoulders to the floor, rest in this position.
    • Raise your foot towards the ceiling. Close your arms under your tailbone and allow your leg to rotate from side to center.
    • Stand on your toes and extend one leg parallel to the floor or up to the ceiling.
    • Raise one leg parallel to the floor. Take 5 breaths and 5 breaths, lower your leg and repeat the exercise on the other leg.

    What do you need

    • Yoga mat.