How to become blessed (from a Christian point of view)

Author: Helen Garcia
Date Of Creation: 15 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Blessed and Happy Are Those Who Keep the Commandments of God
Video: Blessed and Happy Are Those Who Keep the Commandments of God


The Lord has special reasons to bestow grace on us. Grace is promised to us all nine commandments 5 chapters from Matthew in the Bible (in New Testament). Jesus Christ not did not say that the first seven commandments were intended only for one nationality or only for his followers. They are available to you and to all others who serve God. But the eighth commandment was for those who suffered in the name of Christ. Each of the eight commandments begins with the word "blessed", thanks to your being in goodness. This is the right attitude. Attitude is a clear “point of view”. The Commandments teach that divine grace offers great rewards for the right attitude, which the Bible teaches.

Yes, Jesus said that if you manifest fairer attitude, described here, then you will "be" blessed according to the Scriptures. He gives his own spiritual gifts and even gives faith itself so that people feel love and divine presence. Your love for Father and His love for you. You will be blessed spiritually and physically. To be with God means to be open to his blessing ...


  1. 1 Pacify yourself as Jesus said:"Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven."(Matthew 5: 3). Read also the other eight commandments as explained by Jesus (Matthew 5) - this is the key to your own bliss.
    • Jesus promises that poor in spirit will enter His Kingdom during their lifetime! The Kingdom of godJesus says, “within you,” after all, Christ lives in you, and his Spirit is vital to you. Jesus said, "I am going to My Father ... [and I] will pray the Father, and he will give you another Comforter, that he may be with you forever."
    • The words "poor in spirit" mean that a person does not seek pleasure in life, and although a person is brought up to be self-sufficient and proud in his independence, yet he may become less in his own eyes. If you are ready rely on to the will of God to achieve bliss, not forgetting about God and the fact that he controls your life, as well as that you do not have own choice, and you are not limited to your own self, only then can you achieve bliss.
    • When you acknowledge your limitations, when you belittle yourself in your own eyes, God will be able to control you and be in you, and your life will be filled with bliss.
  2. 2 You need to repent, feel ashamed for bad deeds and want to change for the better."Blessed are they that mourn, for they will be comforted."(Matthew 5: 4)
    • In his greatness, Christ emphasizes the importance of sorrow and remorse about their life mistakes... Therefore, repent and, as it is written, pacify yourself before God, “diminish” in your own eyes and rely on the Lord.
    • Ordinary life events do not bring happiness as much as God's love, and also hope. In ordinary life, you think “if I had ...” (fill in the blank); it makes you feel frustrated about what you have lost: peace, joy, hope. You may find yourself “broken in spirit”, which leads to a wrong attitude towards life ..
    • Repent of past sins, such as when you hurt someone or were far from the Lord. Forgiveness removes selfishness and guilt for a self-centered life.
    • God will grant us forgiveness. And by his grace he relieves us of guilt. You are blessed because you know that God exists.
  3. 3 Be unassuming, unselfish."Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth."(Matthew 5: 5)
    • Here is the third blessing, which (also) contains a word that evokes negative feelings: the meek can be regarded as weak, in other words, spineless and timid. No! Be strong but not cruel, so that you can patiently endure trouble, not angry with people or God. There must be a divine spirit within you.
    • Jesus Christ described himself as: "meek and humble.“He could resolve conflicts, endure grievances and troubles without conceit.
    • So He said that people who are not in an aggressive mood "inherit the land"; and, in the end, you will receive the undeserved gift of being a sister or brother of the King in the Kingdom of Jesus. Whoever receives this gift will become an heir effortlessly; he will control the world around him, just as you control your existence by relying on God's Will Man was created to rule over the earth.
    • The Lord is responsible for harmony in your life and controls it to make your existence easier.
  4. 4 Look for the just path with a desire for good."Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be satisfied."(Matthew 5: 6)
    • Most people think they are clean. You are never have you heard “I did it out of stupidity and cruelty”? Wicked and vindictive acts shame when your mistakes are revealed to people.
    • You must make fair choices for your own sake. It makes life easier. The Apostle Paul talked about the dilemma that he does not control his actions, does not do what he wants, but does what he would not do.
    • Feelings of guilt and being human make the soul "hungry and thirsty" for right decisions and habitual righteousness. It's as if we said, "I'm thirsty and thirsty now!" Likewise, you have a hunger for rightness. You want to be right.
    • Righteousness - that is the food and drink of your spiritual health, it is freedom from feelings of guilt, shame and sin. Believe the Lord's promise to make you righteous.
  5. 5 Be merciful."Blessed are the merciful, for they will have mercy."(Matthew 5: 7)
    • You don't have to pray in long sentences. Just say “Thank you, Lord!”; "Have mercy ...". You can just talk to Him "Lord ..." or something like "Oh, Lord ...". Just be merciful so that He hears you when you ask for mercy on you. God is merciful and will have mercy on you for your sins.
    • Inhumanity towards other people has always been a strength throughout history. So, the history of the past shows us selfishness, inattention to other people and cruelty. All this is the cause of poverty, slavery, lack of interest in social unrest, because people do not want to solve these problems with charity, but try to solve them by being indifferent to the needs of others.
    • Jesus Christ binds the mercy that the Lord bestows on you with your own mercy towards other people. The more mercy you waste, the more mercy returns to you. What goes around comes around. Your mercy bears fruit.
  6. 6 Be pure through faith."Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God."(Matthew 5: 8)
    • Are there popular radio or TV shows, talk shows, or films that extol purity and chastity? Purity is determined by the answer to the question, what is true and what is false, based on God's will and providence.
    • The Lord who loves you will reward you with spiritual gifts. This way you will be able to “see” God, untainted by desires and passions, neither in thought, nor in words, nor in deeds.
    • "Be pure in mind and actions" in every sense, because the Lord helps you get rid of impure desires and wrong actions. The Lord cleanses your nature from the inside.
    • To "see" God is to regard him as your Father. This is the bliss promised to us by the Lord.
  7. 7 Be peaceful and you will be blissful!. "Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called sons of God."(Matthew 5: 9)
    • Living in the world is good, but there is something more important. It all starts at home: Love your wife ... - and be in peace and love with the Lord. It is important not to answer evil for evil. The Lord said turn the other cheek. Do what you are asked to do and goodbye to each other.
    • Love certainly means doing to the person the way you would like them to be treated to you. therefore love your enemies. You don't need to be overly responsive to resentment - just don't let yourself be vindictive! Together with that disappear and hostility.Does it seem impossible to you? This is wrong! He will give you strength. Peaceful intentions can be expressed through simple actions, such as giving the person a nice new pencil, a bag of chips, or a coupon for a free sandwich, if that makes sense.
    • His grace is enough. The Lord “walks” with you, observing your life, how you walk the road of life. He handles difficulties for you (“bless and do not curse!”) In his own way. He protects you, even on the death path. He continually bestows grace upon you, like spiritually, and materially.
    • Your Father in the Kingdom of Heaven can give you everything you wish fulfill your deepest righteous thoughts. Your desires will be fulfilled thanks to his mercy and your faith. Peacefulness brings divine peace and harmony into your life.
  8. 8 Take persecution for granted."Blessed are those cast out for righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven."(Matthew 5:10)
    • The bad news is "persecution" of the righteous, but don't worry! You are endowed with the grace of God with all the gifts of the Kingdom of Heaven if you are offended because your life is in Christ, and He lives in you.
    • You are a different person if you are with God. This scares those who do not understand the basis of being: spiritual life. You put God first in your life, so your worldview seems madness other people who disagree with you. You are just “a little crazy,” because you are getting the best out of this and future life.
  9. 9 Accept persecution (for the Lord).Blessed are you when they revile you and persecute you and in every way unrighteously revile you for Me."(Matthew 5:11) This, for example, means that people severely condemn you for what you call Jesus Christ By the Lord.
    • Persecution is not an insurmountable disaster; again, grace exists. There is so much more grace than negative aspects. There is fun and a sense of deep joy.
  10. 10 "Rejoice and be glad, for great is your reward in heaven: so they persecuted the prophets who were before you. "(Matthew 5:12)
    • Yes, He told you to have fun and rejoice, because you only overcome difficulties in relationships with people because you live His life.
    • Therefore, rejoice in your problems and your weakness, because it is God who makes you strong (and this is another grace). For this, a reward awaits you in heaven.


  • "So, did Jesus Christ come to end the fun?" No ... Jesus Christ came to start the biggest party on earth and to illuminate the whole world with divine light. There is no darkness in Him.
  • Jesus said: "If I am lifted up from the earth, I will attract all people to me ...". This is the beginning of the greatest party of all time ... but if you do not fulfill its requirements, then you will be denied the opportunity to attend this party.
  • In none of his teachings does Christ say that your religious work (inside and outside the church) forces the Lord to be on your side. No, He teaches that every action has consequences. Your grace is your actions towards your neighbor, including good deeds towards your enemies and the children of God. This is the way to receive gifts from the Lord, that is, the grace of God.
  • You may think that grace only means physical health, wealth and protection, but that is not the case. Divine grace is not limited to "material." Of course, his will, according to the Holy Scriptures, includes providing you with material assistance, but everything goes much deeper than your innermost hopes and desires, including your hopes for a prosperous family life and a happy marriage; this is wonderful.
  • If you take Him seriously and follow His directions, then ultimately he will arrange for you a "party", a great celebration in heaven. This is more than a reward.You will be immensely blessed, “as all the prophets will be blessed,” but what did He mean? This means that if you “carry the truth,” then you are like the prophets ... To prophesy means to clearly and without omission to tell the truth about the plans of the Lord.
  • You are already guaranteed to receive God's blessing if you are “a child of God, man or woman,” and even if you “have to crawl,” you will be fine when you get to Him. This means that the Lord sees the good in you.


  • When you meet Jesus Christ and understand how much he has done for you, you will become his most ardent follower. People who “do not love Christ” will not love you either ... if you follow Him!
  • However, Jesus Christ and His providence will not get you into trouble! Perhaps "unbelievers" will insult you, mock you, or condemn you. Some people call simple faith irrational, but you should know that fear of the Lord is the source of wisdom ...
  • If you take Christ seriously and speak favorably of him, you will be punished for “bad behavior” by some people. Why? Many or even most people do not understand it; but although some understand Him, they often forget about Him in their ordinary life (work, entertainment, school ...). Some people will turn against Him by turning against you. Others do not particularly believe in the praise of the Lord, but let him be the Almighty Father for you.