How to heal chapped foot skin

Author: Helen Garcia
Date Of Creation: 16 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Treat Dry Cracked Heels with Seattle Foot Doctor Larry Huppin
Video: How to Treat Dry Cracked Heels with Seattle Foot Doctor Larry Huppin


Cracked heels are a problem of concern to many. As a rule, this is due to the fact that the skin becomes very dry. When the skin gets too dry, it loses its elasticity. Over time, this can lead to cracking and other problems. Deep cracks can be very painful and can lead to infection. Cracked heels are one of the most common foot problems and can get worse if you don't pay enough attention to them. The following tips will help you heal cracks and make your heels soft and smooth.


Part 1 of 3: Treatment

  1. 1 Check cracks for infection. Pay attention to symptoms that signal an infection. If you notice any swelling, pus or blood, or feel soreness, you should consult your doctor immediately. Cracks in the heels are very common infections that require professional treatment.
    • Find out if health insurance is needed when you see a doctor in your area.
  2. 2 Use a sanitizer to soak your feet. This is the first step in the treatment of cracks. Disinfect a bowl or tub and then fill it with warm (not hot) water. Add some apple cider vinegar to the water to disinfect your skin. Use 1 cup of vinegar for 4 liters of water. Thanks to this procedure, you will avoid infection of the cracks.
  3. 3 Exfoliate. Using a clean towel, gently rub the affected area. This will remove dead skin cells. In addition, the products you will use to treat your skin will be better absorbed after the exfoliation procedure. Use only a clean towel and carry out this procedure carefully.
    • After you have healed the cracks, you can use other forms of exfoliation, but they should be done no more than once a week. Your skin is very sensitive, so first think about whether to carry out a particular procedure.
  4. 4 Apply a layer of moisturizer. After exfoliating, apply a layer of moisturizer. It is very important to do this so that the skin does not dry out even more.
    • Many beauticians recommend the use of lanolin. You can find additional guidelines in the next section.
  5. 5 Apply wet bandages overnight. If you have time and can afford to leave bandages on your feet overnight or over the weekend, this is a great way to heal your skin. A wet dressing consists of two layers of fabric: a wet layer and a dry layer underneath. So, let's say there are cracks in your heels. Dampen a pair of socks and then wring them out to prevent dripping. Place them on dry skin and then cover with dry socks. Leave it overnight.
    • Do not do this if you see symptoms of infection, as this can spread the infection.
  6. 6 Apply a bandage throughout the day. For treatment throughout the day, use a wet or antibiotic dressing such as neosporin. You can cover the crack with cotton cloth and then wrap with gauze. This should reduce pain and speed up the healing process.
  7. 7 Keep the sore spot clean until the crack heals. Be patient, crack healing is not a very quick process. Protect the affected area to prevent further irritation. If your legs are cracked, wear socks that protect your skin. Change them at least once (if not twice) a day until the cracks heal. If your hands are cracked, wear gloves when doing things like washing dishes.

Part 2 of 3: Moisturizing

  1. 1 Moisturize your skin regularly. Once you've started to heal cracked skin, make it a habit to moisturize your skin to prevent cracks from forming. Unfortunately, the problem can be recurring, so it is better to focus on prevention rather than treatment. Regardless of which moisturizer you use and what time of day you apply it, do it regularly, as this is the best way to prevent cracks.
  2. 2 Apply lanolin cream. Lanolin is a naturally occurring substance obtained by extracting sheep's wool. Apply the cream daily or every other day to keep the skin soft. Apply the cream to your skin overnight so that it can be absorbed into the skin.
    • Bag Balm Moisturizing Ointment has a lanolin base. You can buy this product at a pharmacy.
  3. 3 When choosing a moisturizer, pay attention to its composition. If you choose a product not based on lanolin, pay attention to the composition of the product you are buying. Most importantly, your remedy must be effective. Many moisturizers include natural ingredients, but they may not do the trick. Therefore, choose products that will suit the needs of your skin. :
    • The product you choose should include moisturizing ingredients. These components include glycerin and lactic acid.
    • The product you choose should include ingredients that soften and protect the skin. These components include lanolin, urea, and silicone oils.
  4. 4 Apply a small layer of cream immediately after bathing. Every time you take a bath or soak your feet, you rinse off the natural oils that protect your skin. Therefore, be sure to use a moisturizer after every shower or bath.
  5. 5 Apply a thick layer of moisturizer overnight. If possible, apply a thick layer of moisturizer before bed. Thanks to this, the cream can be well absorbed. Therefore, apply the cream at night in a thick layer.
    • If your legs are cracked, use socks. If your hands are cracked, use gloves.

Part 3 of 3: Prevention

  1. 1 Get a medical examination. Some conditions can cause dry skin. Talk to your doctor and get the necessary tests to determine if you have any medical conditions that could be causing your dry skin. If the cause is specific to a medical condition, take the necessary steps to treat the condition that may be causing dry skin.
    • Diabetes is a very common cause of dry skin.
    • Check with your doctor if you notice any symptoms.
  2. 2 Don't rinse off natural oils. Our bodies produce oils that help protect the skin and prevent cracks. However, frequent bathing can strip your skin of its natural oils. Also, avoid using products with harsh chemicals that can dry your skin. Also avoid swimming in hot water.
    • If you are doing a foot bath, do not add soap to the water. Since your skin is very delicate and sensitive, avoid using soap. Water and a towel are all you need when you wash your feet.
  3. 3 Protect your skin from various factors that cause dryness. When the outside temperature drops significantly, the skin becomes dry. In addition, the climate in which you live can also affect dry skin. Dry air dries out the skin by taking in moisture that is in it. Protect your skin from drying out. Install a humidifier in your home or office. Wear socks or gloves when you go outside.
    • Protect your skin from the sun, which can dry your skin.
  4. 4 Change your shoes. If your feet are cracked, pay attention to the shoes you are wearing. Open shoes can cause cracks. Wear closed shoes that are comfortable for you.
    • Choose sneakers or use extra insoles to protect your feet from pressure.
  5. 5 Drink plenty of water. Dehydration can make the problem worse. Improper foot care, dry climate and dehydration are the secret to cracking. Drink plenty of water every day to stay hydrated.
    • The amount of fluid that your body needs depends on your needs. Pay attention to the color of your urine. If your urine is clear or pale, your body is getting enough fluid. If not, you need to drink more water.
  6. 6 Get the nutrients you need. Your skin needs a lot of vitamins and nutrients to stay healthy. There are a few things you can do to keep your skin getting what it needs. Include in your diet foods rich in vitamins A, E, and omega-3 fatty acids, which are essential for healthy skin.
    • Good sources of the aforementioned nutrients are kale, carrots, sardines, anchovies, salmon, almonds, and olive oil.
  7. 7 Pay attention to your weight. Obesity and being overweight tend to contribute to dry skin. If you have tried many ways to combat dry skin, and you do not see the result, it is possible that the problem lies in excess weight. Remember, cracks in your skin pose a serious risk of infection. While the problem may seem minor, in reality, it can be fraught with serious consequences.
  8. 8 Consult your doctor. If you are unable to heal your cracks with your home remedies, or if you see symptoms of an infection, be sure to talk to your doctor. This is a common problem with which patients go to the doctor. The doctor will be able to figure out the cause of the dry skin. He will also give you the treatment you need to prevent infection.


  • The main reason for the formation of calluses and cracks in the legs is excessive stress on the legs.
  • Sandals and open-heel shoes also help expand the skin of the heels and increase the risk of cracking.
  • Cracks in the skin of the feet are often the result of various diseases and metabolic disorders such as diabetes, psoriasis, eczema, mycosis of the feet, diseases of the thyroid gland and some other skin lesions. In this case, you need to seek advice from your doctor.
  • Cracking can also be caused by being on hard floors for extended periods of time at work or at home.
  • Excess weight can put a lot of stress on the skin of the heels, as a result of which the skin seems to expand, and, if the elasticity of the skin is insufficient (for example, without additional moisture), cracks can occur.
  • Frequent exposure to water can also cause skin cracking. Water, especially running water, can remove all natural fats from the skin cells of the feet, which in turn leads to dryness. Prolonged standing in a humid place, such as a bath or shower, can dry your feet and cause cracking.