How to heal chapped skin on your face

Author: Eric Farmer
Date Of Creation: 3 March 2021
Update Date: 27 June 2024
Dry flaky skin on face. Causes, Treatment & Routine |  Diet Tips - Dr. Rasya Dixit | Doctors’ Circle
Video: Dry flaky skin on face. Causes, Treatment & Routine | Diet Tips - Dr. Rasya Dixit | Doctors’ Circle


Of all the skin on the human body, the face is the most vulnerable to the vagaries of nature, all kinds of irritants and cleansers that cause dry skin. Sometimes the skin flakes, cracks and becomes dry. If this is your case, it will be helpful for you to learn about several treatments for your skin. It is also important to understand when to see a dermatologist for a more thorough physical examination and treatment.


Method 1 of 2: Using over-the-counter and folk remedies

  1. 1 Learn strategies to prevent dry skin. By understanding what causes dry skin, you can eliminate (or reduce) environmental hazards. These include:
    • long showers and baths can cause dry skin;
    • harsh soaps (mild cleaners are better for dry, cracked skin);
    • swimming pools;
    • cold windy weather;
    • an irritating material in clothing (such as scarves) that can cause a skin reaction.
  2. 2 Wash your face quickly and not as thoroughly as usual. The less you expose your face to water and cleansers, the better. Use mild soaps and cleansers, and never rub your face.
  3. 3 Be careful when taking a shower or bath. A large amount of water will not make your skin more hydrated. Too much water will only make it dry. Take a shower or bath for no longer than 5-10 minutes.
    • If you decide to take a bath, add a natural oil (such as mineral oil, almond oil, or avocado oil) or 1 cup (120 g) oatmeal or baking soda to the bath. Taking these baths will help relieve dry skin (provided that you do not take it often and for a short time) and moisturize it.
    • After showering or bathing, gently pat dry your face with a towel. Avoid rubbing chapped skin to avoid aggravating the situation further.
    • Use mild soaps as they are less irritating and dry out to your skin.
  4. 4 Use more moisturizers and lotions. Once you get out of the bath, gently pat dry (don't rub) your skin to naturally moisturize it.Apply a moisturizer immediately afterward and use it throughout the day.
    • If you have sensitive skin that is prone to allergic reactions, buy a hypoallergenic moisturizer or lotion.
    • If your skin is prone to acne, buy a moisturizer or lotion labeled “anti-comedogenic” on the label (they don't clog pores).
    • Vaseline can be used to moisturize extremely dry skin areas. As a less oily analogue, the Aquaphor ointment is suitable (you can order it, for example, on iHerb). Its incredible effectiveness helps to restore even the driest skin areas. Since the ointment makes the skin shiny and oily, it is best to apply it at night and not show up like this in public.
    • Cover your face with Vaseline or Aquaphor ointment if the local winters are very dry and cold. This will help protect your face from dryness and cracking.
  5. 5 Do not touch or scratch chapped areas on your face. As much as you want to touch or scratch it (especially if the skin is red or scaly), this will only aggravate the situation and further harm the skin.
  6. 6 Drink plenty of water. Drink at least 8 glasses (2 liters) of water a day, and even more if you exercise (to compensate for fluid loss through sweat).
    • Maintain a healthy moisture balance to keep your skin hydrated. This advice is not curative, but it will definitely be beneficial.
  7. 7 Know when to see a dermatologist. If, after two weeks of treatment with moisturizing products and the aforementioned products, your skin still does not improve, you should seek medical attention. And if your skin has red or scaly rashes and gets worse every day, you should see your doctor or dermatologist (a doctor who specializes in skin care) immediately.
    • Although dry and chapped skin is common, specific skin lesions (unusual lumps, swelling, or skin color), sudden onset of illness, or rapid deterioration of skin condition warrant a visit to your doctor. You may have developed a medical condition that can be treated with medical creams, ointments, or more complex medical procedures (in rare cases).
    • Changes in the skin may also indicate a new allergy or hypersensitivity to something. Consult your doctor if you notice any changes in your skin.

Method 2 of 2: Medication

  1. 1 Investigate possible medical causes of chapped dry skin. All of them can be solved by curing the underlying disease, and thereby improve the condition of the skin. Conditions that can lead to dry and chapped skin include:
    • diseases of the thyroid gland;
    • diabetes;
    • malnutrition or malnutrition;
    • eczema, allergic reactions, or psoriasis;
    • medicines or topical products that tell you to avoid the sun for a certain amount of time after applying or taking them.
  2. 2 Learn about warning symptoms that need medical examination and treatment. If you experience any of the following signs or symptoms, make an appointment with your dermatologist as soon as possible:
    • sudden onset of dry skin;
    • sudden itching;
    • any sign of bleeding, swelling, discharge, or severe redness.
  3. 3 Use topical medicated creams. Your doctor may prescribe special creams, lotions, or ointments to help you quickly treat your skin condition, including:
    • a topical antihistamine to relieve itching;
    • Topical cream with cortisone (a steroid that suppresses overactive immunity) to reduce inflammation caused by skin lesions
    • antibiotics or antifungals if the doctor detects an infection;
    • stronger tablets (oral agents) if topical medications are insufficient.
  4. 4 We wish you a speedy recovery!


  • Stop smoking. Smoking causes dry skin due to lack of nutrients. Nicotine also contributes to the rapid aging of the skin and the appearance of wrinkles.
  • Apply sunscreen to your skin to prevent flaking from sunburn.