How to see a ghost

Author: Virginia Floyd
Date Of Creation: 12 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To See Ghosts (Spirits On The Other Side) At Home
Video: How To See Ghosts (Spirits On The Other Side) At Home


Of course, no one has yet invented such a mirror with which those who wish could see restless souls, but you can learn to look in the right direction and from the right angle. Once you find a place with high paranormal activity, you can organize a ghost hunt, documenting your progress and staying safe while interacting with the dead - this will be an unforgettable experience that will leave goosebumps down your spine even after a long time. Read the first step if you want to know more.


Part 1 of 3: Finding the Right Place

  1. 1 Look for places where ghosts live. Usually these places have a rich history and have already experienced their ups and downs, failures and triumphs. A safe choice would be a house in which many generations of the same family grew up, an old hospital or a public building, a boarding house, a battle ship that has not been used for a long time, and other historical places. Paris, London, New Orleans and Japan are well known for their paranormal vibes due to their rich history.
    • You are unlikely to be lucky enough to meet a ghost in shopping malls or newly built houses.These buildings lack the traces of physical activity that are inherent in older buildings with their own history. Try to find a place that echoes the deeds of days gone by.
  2. 2 Look for local haunted houses. More often than not, there is no need to travel far away to see a ghost. There are places in every city that are considered ghost havens. Go to the library and read local history books, ask the librarian about strange happenings in your city, or sign up for a scary storytelling tour. Make a list of places to visit and head there when it gets dark.
    • If you live in a rural area, your chances of seeing a ghost increase at remote intersections of roads and railways, at abandoned bridges, in old cemeteries and crime scenes.
  3. 3 Explore a list of known paranormal attractions. If you live in the United States, consider traveling to:
    • Stanley Hotellocated in Estes Park, Colorado. Room 417 of this hotel became the basis for a true Stephen King horror festival in his novel Shine.
    • Forge of Lafite in New Orleans, Louisiana. When settling into a bar for a cold beer, do not forget to look around - you may notice one or two dead pirates.
    • Eastern State Prison in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. This prison in the city of Brothers' Love, which was once overcrowded, is now closed, but there are rumors that it is run by former prison inmates.
  4. 4 Explore other locations in the world known for their paranormal features. From the Aokigahara Forest in Japan, also known as the "Suicide Forest," where more than 500 people have died since 1950, to the Tower of London, an infamous medieval prison, there are thousands of haunted places around the world. For example:
    • Lunatic asylum Beechworth in Australia, within the walls of which from 1867 to 1995. about 9,000 patients died.
    • Hellfire clublocated on the hill of Montpellier in Ireland. The building was originally built as a hunting lodge, but in its later period it has a long history of satanic rituals, which has given it the bad name of a haunted house.
    • Borly Priest's Houselocated in Sudbury, UK. The history of this building is written according to the canon. Tragic love between a monk and a nun? There is. An eerie monastery built on the burial site of ancient Druids? There is. According to statistical reports, the Borley Priest's House is the most haunted place in England.
    • Rose Hall in Jamaica, it is allegedly visited by the ghost of a dead voodoo witch, at whose will the bloody spots on the walls appear and disappear - and nevertheless, tourists are allowed to stay at this hotel. Unless, of course, they wish to sleep in the room where the witch tortured three men to death by sacrificing a human.
  5. 5 Examine locations associated with severe injury or pain. You don't have to plan a trip overseas in search of ghosts. Look for areas historically associated with physical trauma - ghosts can still cling to them. Explore murder sites, prisons or other historical sites with mysterious legends.
  6. 6 Go to the cemetery.

Part 2 of 3: Hunting Ghosts

  1. 1 Guess the time. If you want to visit any place in search of ghosts, go hiking between 9 p.m. and 6 a.m. During this time period, most reports of paranormal activity were recorded.
    • Explore the area in daylight, marking the locations of interest on the map. If you are going to visit someone's property, obtain a permit.
  2. 2 Gather the necessary supplies. Prepare your equipment and other equipment according to the weather. In addition, the thought that at 3 am somewhere in the middle of the forest your batteries burned out, and there are no spare ones, is not the most inspiring in the world. You will need:
    • Weather-appropriate clothing
    • A map or diagram of the area if you are not very familiar with it
    • Video camera
    • Reliable lantern
    • Clock or any other means of determining the time
    • Diary or notepad for notes
    • Mobile phone
    • Spare batteries and battery for your phone
  3. 3 Be calm, respectful, and quiet. If this is your first time hunting ghosts, you may have very different feelings, such as a nervous giggle from intense fear. In any case, you need to learn how to calm down and control your thoughts and emotions. When dealing with paranormal forces, it is necessary to behave as respectfully as possible, and therefore hunting ghosts is not at all the time for silly games. And then, it will be a shame to miss the appearance of a ghost, distracted by conversations.
    • Inspect the premises slowly and carefully. Bring your consciousness into the visual field. When you sense the sensation of someone's presence, keep your gaze relaxed and receptive.
  4. 4 See not only with your eyes, but with your whole body. It is quite possible that you will sooner feel the ghost, you will see it for weeks. Pay attention to strange sensations from time to time.
    • Look for ghosts with both sight and hearing. Listen carefully to any whispering, rustling, or other sounds that suggest activity. It might be a good idea to bring a dictaphone with you to record your attempts at communicating with the spirit. You will most likely not hear them, but the recorder will record any evidence of feedback.
    • Use all your senses. Look for warm or cold spots - a known sign of presence of mind. Pay attention to any physical sensations, vague or vague, that appear while searching for ghosts.
    • Pay attention to mental sensations. It could be a sudden sense of danger or the feeling that you are being watched. As soon as you feel something, immediately describe what is happening in a notebook, even if you do not "see" anything definite. After all, it's still an experience.
  5. 5 Record a video. This is a fairly common procedure when hunting ghosts. You can use any suitable recording device: camcorder, telephone, etc. It is better to record video in high definition, so that later you can carefully examine the footage down to the smallest detail. In this case, a mobile phone camera is not the best option.
    • You can use the night vision mode on your camera or illuminate the space with a flashlight to capture everything that happens in more detail. The choice is yours.
    • Perhaps it is better to distribute tasks among all members of the campaign. If you do video, then who will take the photos? Who will write what is happening in a notebook? Who will ask questions and try to start a conversation?
  6. 6 Take lots of pictures. Always take good quality photos. Again, it's very easy to miss out on important details in the dark, especially if you're overwhelmed with emotion. However, you can always rely on the camera. Not only will she not lie, but on occasion, she will provide the necessary evidence for the existence of the ghosts that you are looking for.
    • After the hike, carefully examine the photographs for any anomalies, shadows, or luminous spheres that you did not see (or did see) at the scene.

Part 3 of 3: Security

  1. 1 Never look for ghosts alone. Gather like-minded people by organizing a full squad to search for ghosts. Give each individual a personal task so you always know who is responsible for what in case of problems.
  2. 2 Prepare for the outing mentally and spiritually. Start and end the hunt by introducing yourself to ghosts.This may sound silly, especially if you are skeptical, but it can help reduce stress. Plus, the chances of experiencing something paranormal are much greater when you are relaxed.
    • Let all the spirits you expect to meet know that you have come in peace and that they should stay here after you leave, not follow you. You can say a prayer if you like, or perform another ritual with your team to show the spirits your good intentions.
  3. 3 Pay attention to signs and signs "No entry". Do not invade the territory of private property, otherwise you run the risk of running into someone's evil spirit, only a very real and material one. The last thing you need in a moment of utmost focus is a vicious homeowner who fires a gun over your ear.
  4. 4 Communicate with ghosts responsibly. If you want to establish communication, be extremely careful and demonstrate your scientific interest and pure intentions. The inhabitants of the spirit world will see right through you, and therefore do not try to communicate with the dead if you have something unkind in your plans.
    • If you are going on a ghost hunt, take it seriously. Do not joke with life and death, even if you are skeptical about the entire campaign. Some inexperienced ghost hunters disguise their fear with jokes and feigned self-confidence. Don't let them confuse you.
  5. 5 Consider joining an official ghost hunter club. If you want to take your hobby more seriously and gain access to more advanced techniques, it's best to keep in touch with experts.
    • For serious groups like the Atlantic Paranormal Society (ATO) located on the East Coast, you will first have to apply to join and go through a rigorous trial period that tests your skills and dedication.
    • Find and join a local like-minded community that has regular meetings. You can check the list of regional ghostbusters groups here:


  • Keep your mind open to perception. If you do not believe in ghosts and are not determined to see them more than decisively, then most likely you will not see them.
  • YouTube and other sites are literally flooded with questionable information about spells that will allow you to "see" ghosts. For example, you may be asked to cast a spell while looking at the sun. What you will see after that are just tracer floats, i.e. a visual phenomenon experienced by absolutely everyone, without exception. Don't hurt your eyes while trying to spot ghosts.


  • Be careful. You can accidentally disturb evil spirits.