How to cure a cat of tapeworms

Author: Sara Rhodes
Date Of Creation: 17 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Treat Your Cat For Tapeworms | Simple Over the Counter Solution at Home without the Vet
Video: How to Treat Your Cat For Tapeworms | Simple Over the Counter Solution at Home without the Vet


Every self-respecting cat owner should regularly treat his pet for worms. But many owners do not even suspect that cats can become infected with two types of worms: round and tapeworms (tapeworms, cestodes). If you think your cat has tapeworms, make an appointment with your veterinarian and get the medication you need.


Method 1 of 3: How to recognize tapeworms in cats

  1. 1 Learn what tapeworms are. As the name suggests, tapeworms are long and flat worms. They can grow up to 60 cm in length and are creamy white with segments (proglottids) all along the body.
    • Tapeworms attach to the intestinal wall, so you are unlikely to see it until you start treating your pet.
    • Tapeworm eggs are much more likely to be seen on a cat's fur, especially near the anus.
  2. 2 Look for white objects on the cat's fur that resemble rice. When the tapeworm reproduces, it fills the segments of its body with thousands of tiny eggs.
    • The adult sheds these segments, which then enter the intestinal lumen and exit the animal's anus.
    • Proglottids are about the size of a grain of rice and have the same shape. If you notice something white and like rice on your cat's fur, then your pet is most likely infected with tapeworms.
  3. 3 Take the sample to your veterinarian for examination. If in doubt, glue a segment to a piece of tape (tear off a 12cm piece and glue the item to the adhesive side, then glue the tape to a piece of cardboard) and show it to your veterinarian.
  4. 4 If a cat has fleas, the chances of having worms increases. There are two types of tapeworms that cats often infest (their intermediate hosts are also different).Cucumber tapeworm (the most common type of tapeworm found in cats) uses fleas as intermediate hosts.
    • Cats with fleas are more likely to become infected with tapeworms because young fleas feed on tapeworm eggs in cat feces. The tapeworm grows and develops inside the flea (in the intermediate host), and when the cat licks itself and swallows the flea, its digestive juices destroy the flea's body and release the tapeworm larva.
    • That is why, if you want to prevent the reproduction of tapeworms in your pet, you need to regularly treat it for fleas.
  5. 5 Note that cats that hunt mice are more likely to become infected with tapeworms. The larvae of the second most common tapeworm species (cat tapeworm) develop in rodents such as mice and rats. Cats that hunt these rodents are more likely to become infected with these worms.
    • Rodents become infected with worm larvae when they ingest plants contaminated with cat feces with tapeworm eggs. Tapeworms invade the muscles of rodents. When a cat finds and eats an infected rodent, it infects itself with the tapeworm.
    • These cats need to be regularly treated for worms every 3-6 months.

Method 2 of 3: How to Treat Your Pet for Tapeworms

  1. 1 Take the cat to the vet. If possible, take also a sample of the proglottid found on the animal's fur. This will help the doctor determine the type of tapeworm that the cat has contracted. The veterinarian will then prescribe a worm remedy that contains praziquantel.
    • Although the type of tapeworm does not affect treatment in any way, knowing the type of tapeworm can help you learn more about how to prevent reinfection.
    • Praziquantel is the only drug that can kill tapeworms. At the same time, other components are added to the composition of many remedies for worms that will help get rid of roundworms.
  2. 2 Learn how praziquantel works. Praziquantel paralyzes the tapeworm, causing it to detach from the intestinal wall. The dead worm is then excreted in the faeces.
    • Praziquantel causes paralysis by making the tapeworm's phospholipid membrane (skin) permeable to sodium, potassium and calcium ions.
    • The powerful influx of calcium ions paralyzes the tapeworm's primitive nervous system and its suckers detach from the intestinal wall, after which the worm leaves the body.
  3. 3 Find products that contain praziquantel. For many years, the only products containing praziquantel were Drontal tablets and Droncit injections. However, now there are also Milbemax tablets and Profender drops on the withers on the market. Here is a brief description of these drugs:
    • Droncite injections contain praziquantel and target exclusively tapeworms (no effect on roundworms).
    • Drontal tablets contain praziquantel for tapeworms and pyrantel for roundworms.
    • Milbemax tablets contain praziquantel for tapeworms and milbemycin oxime for roundworms.
    • Drops on the withers "Profender" contain praziquantel for tapeworms and emodepsid for roundworms.
  4. 4 Apply medication as directed by your veterinarian. About 2% of cats have a mild adverse reaction from oral medications. These side effects include nausea, diarrhea, or decreased appetite. If your cat develops any side effects, contact your veterinarian immediately.
    • Anthelmintic drugs kill tapeworms that will be in the cat's body when the medication is taken, but the next day, the cat may become infected with the worms again.

Method 3 of 3: How to prevent tapeworm infections

  1. 1 Don't let your cat hunt rodents. Hunting and eating rodents is one of the sources of tapeworm infestation, so don't let your cat hunt for it to catch cestodes.
  2. 2 Remove fleas from your cat. Fleas are the second source of infection. Cats and other pets should be treated with effective flea control and instructions for use should be followed.
    • There are many different products on sale, but the most effective are those with fipronil (Frontline, Fipronil-spray and Bars Forte) and selamectin (Stronghold).
  3. 3 Treat your cat for tapeworms at least every three months. The presence of tapeworm eggs is a sign of ongoing infection, and therefore all cats on whose fur segments with eggs are found should be treated for worms.
    • If you find fleas on your pet, do not forget to treat your cat for tapeworms as well.


  • Parasitic infections are common, so all cats should be treated regularly for these infections. Check with your local veterinarian which parasites are most common in your area.


  • Droncite injections cause severe pain in most cats during the injection.