How to get out of your comfort zone

Author: William Ramirez
Date Of Creation: 23 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
5 Comfort Zone KILLERS - How to Break Out of Your Comfort Zone
Video: 5 Comfort Zone KILLERS - How to Break Out of Your Comfort Zone


Staying within your comfort zone leaves little room for adventure and excitement. To add a little spice to your life, it's important to try new and sometimes daunting things. Expand your boundaries! It may not be easy for you to step out of your comfort zone at first, but unfamiliar challenges can make you happier and more fulfilled in the long run. To become a pro at taking advantage of these opportunities, learn to be positive about getting out of your comfort zone. Then you can work to ensure that this new relationship stays with you for a long time.


Method 1 of 3: Try new things

  1. 1 Choose actions that challenge you. Think of a few things that scare you or make you nervous. Make a list and put an asterisk next to where you want to start. The rest can be dealt with later.
    • The list might include things like “Go skydiving, read Moby Dick, write a short story, go out on a blind date.”
  2. 2 Formulate and write down the mission statement of your challenge. Come up with a reason (or several) why you want to overcome this obstacle. Ask yourself what you are going to learn from this new experience. Once you understand the answer, write it down on a piece of paper and carry it with you. This can be a short phrase that you will repeat to yourself every time you think about retreating.
    • For example, if you are going out on a blind date, you might say to yourself, “I have gone on a lot of dates myself, and I haven’t met anyone with whom I would see myself in the long run. Perhaps this is my chance! "
  3. 3 Take a buddy with you for extra support. Doing something new alone is even harder. There is no reason why you can't rely on friends or family to get out of your comfort zone! Pick someone who is adventurous by nature and ask them to partner with you as you try to get new experiences. Your partner must know what you are going to do and be willing to do it too.
  4. 4 Do your research for more information. Perhaps you are shying away from new activities because you feel like you are facing the unknown. To answer all the questions hanging in the air, go to the Internet and read about the topic that interests you. Look for reliable information to help you feel more knowledgeable and prepared.
    • If you are looking for information in foreign sources, try, whenever possible, to go to sites with the domain .gov, .org or .edu. Either way, avoid sites with spelling errors or formatting issues.
    • Sometimes the Internet can literally flood with information. While it's great to be more knowledgeable, don't dig too deep so you don't scare yourself with scenarios that are unlikely to happen to you.
    • For example, you may be considering moving to Moscow for your career, but you have never lived in a big city before. Read everything you can find about Moscow and find out how to organize a safe and happy life in this city. You can choose the most suitable areas for yourself and your needs - and feel the joyful excitement of anticipating all the interesting things that await you in the future!
  5. 5 Break the activity into small steps. If the task you choose scares or overwhelms you, don't do it all at once. You can break the process down into several steps that will allow you to slowly “climb the summit”.
    • Perhaps you want to jump with a parachute, but you are afraid to step out of the plane. Climb to the top of a very tall building and look down. Then, try some smaller activities that involve being at an altitude, such as parasailing or bungee jumping at an amusement park.
  6. 6 Give yourself an ultimatum. Don't give yourself the opportunity to back down. Tell yourself you will not do other activities that you enjoy until you try this new thing. After all, if you don't like a new activity, no one forces you to try it again.
    • The punishment for the ultimatum should be primarily moral, but if you really can't get over yourself, make it specific. Tell yourself, "No coffee for a month if I don't try it."

Method 2 of 3: Think Positively to Overcome Fear

  1. 1 View challenges as a chance to get better. The biggest obstacle keeping us from leaving our comfort zone is fear, especially the fear of failure. Instead of focusing on potential failure, see steps outside your comfort zone as opportunities. Suddenly you are one step away from changing your life for the better!
    • Leaving your comfort zone will make you happier and more satisfied. Keep these positive opportunities in mind first to drive out your fears.
    • For example, let's say you want to be a candidate for a promotion that just showed up at work, but you're afraid of not getting the job. Instead of focusing on a negative outcome, imagine what will happen if you succeed!
  2. 2 Encourage yourself to get through the frightening situation. Some positive self-talk really helps you get out of your comfort zone. Repeat encouraging, positive phrases to yourself. Use your name and first-person phrases to make statements more effective.
    • You can say something like: “Alina, I know that you are afraid, but you will try it anyway.Just think how much fun you can get! You are strong and brave. "
    • You can even find a quiet place or a secluded bathroom and talk to yourself out loud in front of the mirror.
    • This will be especially useful for the final push. You are on a plane and ready to jump out for the very first skydiving experience. Don't stop now!
  3. 3 Practice deep breathingto release stress. Take a deep breath and focus on filling your belly with pleasant, clean air. As you inhale, also imagine taking in your confidence. Once this confidence fills you, it stays in the body. Exhale and release all complexes with the air.
    • This is a great exercise to do daily or right before you need an extra boost of confidence. For example, be sure to take a few deep breaths before going on a blind date.
  4. 4 Imagine a worst-case scenario to put fear in perspective. Ask yourself, "What's the worst that can happen?" Think about how you could handle these circumstances if they did arise. Once you prepare for the worst, you will be pleasantly surprised by the best outcome!
    • Don't answer your question with crazy probabilities like "I might die." If such a thought creeps into your head, immediately think about how unlikely it is.
    • For example, you want to tour a deserted area, but all you can think of is that you will get into trouble if your car breaks down or you run out of gas. You can play it safe! Take an extra can of gas with you. You can even invest in a receiver that will allow you to contact emergency services if you are out of range of mobile communications.

Method 3 of 3: Make Lasting Change

  1. 1 Do something small every day that is not yours. Challenge yourself. Look for ways to step outside your comfort zone by taking tiny steps. Once you get out of your comfort zone as usual, you will find it much easier to handle larger challenges.
    • For example, you might start a conversation with a stranger at the grocery store, listen to a new genre of music on your way to work, or have a different flavor of coffee in the morning.
  2. 2 Change your habits for a change. If you're stuck in a routine, break the mold! Identify moments that seem repetitive or monotonous. Mark them as opportunities to step out of your comfort zone.
    • For example, if you always order vanilla ice cream, choose the caramel option next time.
  3. 3 Learn something every day. Change the way you look at everyday life. View every day as an opportunity to learn something new. Remember that this can only happen if you step out of your comfort zone.
    • To do this, constantly try to look for ways to develop. Start reading a book that you have long wanted to start. Buy another newspaper instead of the one you read constantly. Take a different route to get to work. Who knows what you will learn about the world as you explore it from different angles!

Specialist Questions and Answers

  • What does it mean to step out of your comfort zone?

Leaving your comfort zone means expanding your horizons and courageously confronting your fears. You will be able to live a more fulfilling life and with a higher potential for development. Most comfort zones are built on fear, and getting out of this zone shows a willingness to face your fears and expand your capabilities and understanding of the world.

  • Why is it helpful to step out of your comfort zone?

It is important to step out of your comfort zone to stimulate personal development. You will understand yourself better. Getting out of your comfort zone means facing your fears. This is a bold move that will bring new value to life.

  • How did you get out of your comfort zone, for example?

My most significant exit from my comfort zone is when I left my previous job in finance. I have responded to my calling to help and serve other people. I left finance because I didn't like the fact that I had a big impact on the company, but not on society. I left behind a lot of income and an expensive lifestyle and followed my vocation to become a personal growth coach, which meant getting out of my comfort zone, facing my fears, and pursuing my dreams.


  • It can take a long time to get out of your comfort zone. Don't panic, be patient and always believe that nothing is impossible.


  • It's good not to know what's going to happen, ignore the dangers less, and take a little more risk. The main thing is not to ignore the dangers too much. If you take care of yourself and not take risks, you will regret it in the future!
  • Don't confuse stepping out of your comfort zone with recklessness.