How to be cool in high school

Author: Virginia Floyd
Date Of Creation: 9 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Be Cool in High School
Video: How To Be Cool in High School


Studying in high school brings a ton of interesting opportunities and ideas. Spice up your school years with our tips!


  1. 1 Find friends. Look for loved ones who will love you for what you are! Walk up to your classmates and start a conversation. Do not raise philosophical questions. Keep it simple and clear. It might be worth a little joke.
  2. 2 Be cool with other people. Never try to please everyone. If people see that you are trying to be popular, they will most likely think that you are a failure. Behave well with the people around you. Gossip is not good. You can be cool without gossip!
  3. 3 Try to try something new. Try a new sport that you enjoy and can achieve. If sport is not your calling, visit a club or public place! Meeting people will help you become popular.
  4. 4 Wear cool clothes (your choice). Stop looking at the gray mass and see what most people are wearing. Don't try to beat off someone else's boyfriend or please everyone.
  5. 5 Don't copy the rest. Copying other people's style is not considered cool. Try to be creative and create your own style.
  6. 6 Don't try to impersonate someone. Don't be a liar. You are YOU! And this is YOUR life.
  7. 7 Don't let your friends control your life. You will regret it.
  8. 8 Don't forget about your old friends, but also meet new people. Do not be afraid to approach a person, whoever he is: an athlete, a dude, an alarmist or a punk. There are really cool people everywhere. Don't be afraid to make friends with similar guys and girls!
  9. 9 Don't worry about a "popular" company. This is a group of guys / girls who act like the coolest in the world, but, in fact, they are a group of gossips (it is best to call them “Inaccessible”). They will not pester you if you refuse to communicate with them. But if you hear that someone from a popular company has offended your friend, immediately stand up for him. Most likely, the offenders did not expect such an act from you, but such actions will help you earn RESPECT for your person.
  10. 10 Clothing. Quite a controversial issue. Your best bet is to stay true to your style and not copy the rest. Try to stand out a little. Go to the store, buy some magazines and get some ideas on the subject. Do not change along with the "fashion trends" of this season. Pay attention to what you are wearing, but don't go crazy about it.
  11. 11 Makeup. Yes, some people like the eyes that are drawn with black ink, moreover, with a thick layer. But it seems to me that this is stupid, and so is the opinion of most of my friends.
  12. 12 Most of the students who go to high school take care of their bodies. I have never had such problems. I went in for sports for three years. All I thought about was how fast I could run the distance; how many times can I hit the ring in one go, and can I pass like Beckham. I witnessed how my best friends ruined their physical health. All I can say is watch yourself. Go in for sports: run, take dance lessons, or play as a team. Don't show off! Each of us is going through a transitional period in the middle classes. It may happen that you first gain a little weight and then lose weight again.
  13. 13 Always put learning first. Chances are, you might be mistaken for a nerd, but trust me, your friends will respect you more if you skip an episode to prepare for a test than if you fail the test and end up under house arrest for two weeks.
  14. 14 Most people have boyfriends / girls. Join them. Find the person that's right for you. Having a boyfriend / girlfriend is a great method to become popular. Your spouse can introduce you to their friends, and you will become even more popular. Don't flirt in public too often. It doesn't give you originality. Behave as usual.
  15. 15 Gum. Always carry gum with you and be ready to get it at any time. In the eyes of many people, you will become popular.
  16. 16 Communicate. Take part in sports after school. Do volunteer work, hobby groups, or school plays. You will have more friends and have great fun. In addition, the more often you take part in such events, the more people will begin to recognize you.
  17. 17 More importantly: stay true to yourself. After all, you want people to think that you are a cool dude. Have fun dudes!


  • Try new hairstyles! Browse through teen magazines and you can find tons of great ideas!
  • Try to meet new people! The more friends you have, the higher your popularity rating.
  • Behave roughly at school.
  • Try to listen to more music and introduce new products to those around you! Your popularity rating will skyrocket!
  • Don't use alcohol or drugs. This is at all not cool.
  • Do not tease or interfere with the "tough girls. There is a pattern: they will take revenge on you with the help of a crowd of fans.
  • You shouldn't meet the first person you meet!
  • Be different.Offer your ideas and do not think what others will say about you.
  • Don't hang out with someone just because they are popular.
  • Remember, being cool at school is NOT SO IMPORTANT. If you communicate with your company of friends, you don't need anyone else! You don't have to play the other person. If the new "cool" look isn't for you, don't wear those clothes.
  • Try chatting on Facebook, Twitter, or MySpace. Chat and make friends on Facebook!