How to lose weight without going to the gym

Author: Virginia Floyd
Date Of Creation: 9 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Lose Weight Without Going to The Gym!
Video: How to Lose Weight Without Going to The Gym!


To lose weight, many professionals advise dieting and exercising. Obviously, such a complex helps not only to lose weight, but also to maintain a healthy weight in the long term. In fact, you don't have to go to the gym every day. Fitness clubs and gyms are quite expensive, besides, many people do not like this idea, and some simply do not have such an opportunity.Fortunately, studies have shown that dietary changes are more effective for weight loss compared to physical activity. Plus, there are many ways to exercise and stay active without going to the gym. Therefore, you can safely put aside the idea of ​​going to the gym and change your diet to lose excess weight.


Method 1 of 3: How to lose weight by changing your diet

  1. 1 Make yourself a protein and fiber breakfast every morning. A healthy breakfast is an important part of the weight loss process. Research shows that eating a high-protein, high-fiber breakfast keeps you full and helps reduce hunger throughout the day.
    • Fiber not only makes your breakfast more satisfying, but also prevents constipation and certain cancers (colon and rectal cancers). Start your day with a fiber-rich breakfast to help you lose weight daily (approximately 25g for women and 38g for men).
    • For example, for breakfast you can prepare: an omelet with fried vegetables and 50-60 g of low-fat sausage, 1 glass of low-fat yogurt with fruits and nuts, or an omelet with spinach and bacon, and a glass of milk (or milk replacer).
  2. 2 Try to fill your diet mainly with protein foods, fruits and vegetables. Research has shown that one of the best weight loss diets is a low-carb diet that focuses on protein, vegetables and fruits.
    • Try to fill your meals and snacks with high protein foods, vegetables and fruits. Concentrating on these foods will help you minimize your intake of high-carb foods. Be sure to include healthy fats (monounsaturated and polyunsaturated) in your diet as an essential part of your new diet.
    • For example, you can create a diet for yourself: grilled chicken with vegetables fried in oil, salad with low-fat cheese and lean gourmet meats, grilled salmon with stewed vegetables, sliced ​​apple with low-fat cheese. Try making a large serving of tuna salad, egg salad, or meat salad with tomatoes, eggs and cheese.
    • Limit your intake of high-carb foods whenever possible. Foods such as bread, rice, pasta, bagels, crackers, chips, and couscous are high in carbohydrates compared to other foods. Although carbohydrates are still part of a healthy diet, limiting your intake of high-carbohydrate foods will help you lose weight faster.
  3. 3 Avoid mindless snacks. Snacks during the day or late at night can disrupt your weight loss process. Healthy snacks can actually help you lose weight, but mindless snacks and junk food inhibit this process.
    • Senseless snacks are those moments when you just decide to eat something without realizing what and how much you are eating. This often happens due to elementary boredom when we sit down to watch TV, go somewhere or work at home. When you are not aware of how much and for what purpose you are eating, most likely you are overeating.
    • If you're mildly dehydrated, your brain generates impulses that can make you mistake thirst for hunger. To avoid this, you need to drink plenty of water throughout the day. Make it a goal to drink about 2 liters of water a day.
    • If you're in the mood for a snack, make that snack planned and sensible. Sit down, get yourself a small meal, grab a snack, and get back to business.
    • Try not to eat from containers, bags, or packages. Indeed, in this case, it will be difficult for you to calculate and estimate how much you ate. In addition, try not to be distracted by anything while eating - turn off the TV, take a short break from work, and postpone checking your mail until later. Concentrate on your snack.
  4. 4 Don't consume extra calories with drinks! Consuming high-calorie sugary drinks is one of the common reasons for weight gain. Avoid sugary drinks and include clean water and other healthy, sugar-free liquids in your diet.
    • Sugary drinks are also dangerous due to the fact that, after drinking them, a person does not feel full. Most likely, after such a drink, you will want to eat something else, which will cause you to consume much more calories than planned.
    • Try to stick to simple drinks like water, sugar-free flavored water, tea, and decaffeinated drinks.
  5. 5 Make no exceptions. Sweets, a glass of wine, or a sugary coffee drink should all be eliminated from your diet if you are trying to lose weight. Even small concessions can slow down or even stop the process of losing weight.
    • Try to avoid sweets whenever possible. This is an important part of losing weight, especially if you don't plan on exercising often. Indeed, in this case, you will not be able to burn the extra calories that you gained due to the desire to eat something sweet.
    • If you are still drawn to sweets, calculate how this sweetness will fit into your daily diet, and how many extra calories you will gain. If you can reduce your lunch portion or skip a couple of snacks (but never skip full meals) and meet your daily calorie intake, you can afford to eat this sweet.
    • In fact, by occasionally pampering yourself, you help yourself "stay afloat." Very often, a complete rejection of everything sweet and tasty leads to the fact that after a while a person simply breaks off the diet.

Method 2 of 3: How to lose weight through lifestyle changes

  1. 1 Go to bed at the same time. Sleep is extremely important to overall health, and even more so when you are trying to lose weight. Studies have shown that lack of sleep directly affects the body's production of so-called "hunger hormones", due to which the next day we feel hungry and the urge to eat something extra.
    • Set a goal for yourself to get 7-9 hours of sleep every night. That is how much, on average, it is recommended to rest for a healthy adult.
    • To quickly fall asleep and sleep well, come up with a so-called "sleep ritual". It includes turning off the lights and all electronic devices. In addition, it is recommended not to use electronic devices that emit bright light (smartphones, tablets, TVs and laptops) at least 30 minutes before bedtime.
  2. 2 Start to lead food diary. Experience has shown that keeping a journal is very positive for weight loss. In the diary, you have the ability to keep track of various things (for example, calories consumed, activity level, amount of fluid you drink, sleep quality, and so on) that help you lose weight. The more accurate your diary is, the more likely you are to be successful. Now keeping a food diary is much easier - just download an application (for example, My Daily Bits) to your phone and feel free to use it for keeping records!
    • Be sure to keep track of two things: the amount of food you eat and the amount of drinks you drink. A food diary will give you an idea of ​​your diet and what is good and bad for weight loss. A food diary can also help you keep track of the calories you eat.
    • In addition, you can track your progress not only with the food diary, but also through the smartphone app. Orientation can be weight, size of pants or dress, and progress in physical activity. People who regularly track their weight are usually more successful in losing weight.
  3. 3 Find support. Losing weight can be tricky, especially if you've been planning (or trying) to lose weight for a long time.Finding a support group can help you build confidence and motivate and support you in the long run.
    • Ask friends and family if they want to join you and lose weight too. You can plan a healthy diet together, or find active activities that you can do together. If you are trying to lose weight with a friend, you will most likely not get out of this path and give up your diet.
    • Consider joining online groups or registering on a weight loss forum. Believe me, many people do not have the opportunity to exercise, but still try to lose weight.

Method 3 of 3: Get Exercise Without Going to the Gym

  1. 1 Find a DVD or video on the Internet that shows you how to do the exercises. If you don't want to go to the gym or go jogging, you can purchase a DVD (or find videos on the Internet) of exercise to help you increase your physical activity.
    • Both of these options do not require a lot of money (videos on the Internet can even be found for free). Therefore, both options are available to most people with different needs and different physical fitness.
    • Find several DVDs or videos on the Internet with sports exercises to find out which ones you like best, which ones are right for you (given your physical fitness), which ones require additional equipment.
  2. 2 Exercise to lose weight. At home, it is quite possible to do strength training, strengthen and build muscle. Many of these exercises do not require simulators or special equipment.
    • To do simple strength training right at home, you can try the following exercises: push-ups, torso lifts, dips, lunges, and planks.
    • As dumbbells, you can use improvised household items. For example, you can take a small bottle of water, a can of beans, and if you are ready to useOFor lighter loads, a 5-liter container with water. These items can be a great alternative to dumbbells for strength training.
    • Consider getting a set of inexpensive dumbbells and resistance bands so you can do your workouts at home.
    • Try to do strength training for at least 20 minutes a day (2-3 times a week).
  3. 3 Try cardio. There are many types of cardiovascular exercise that you can do at home or in your backyard. Many of them can be performed completely free of charge without going to the gym.
    • For example, go for a walk (or jog) in a neighborhood or park. Enjoy the fresh air while exercising. If the weather in your area is bad (or there are no jogging spots nearby), try walking or running in a mall.
    • You can ride a bike around the area or go to some picturesque place.
    • It is recommended that you devote an average of 150 minutes to moderate-intensity exercise each week.
  4. 4 Try to walk more. If you don't have time (or don't plan) to exercise, try just walking more. The more you move during the day, the more calories you burn.
    • Think about how you could make your lifestyle more active. Perhaps you should start parking your car further from your place of work or home, so that you can walk the rest of the way, you can start using the stairs instead of the elevator.
    • Also consider moving more and doing your usual activities. For example, you might start to raise your legs during TV commercials or while sitting at your desk.


  • Talk to your doctor before making any lifestyle or dietary changes.Your doctor will tell you how safe and beneficial these changes are for you, and whether they are right for you.
  • Remember that a comprehensive lifestyle change is important for losing weight. You can lose weight by combining and combining the right diet, exercise and a healthy lifestyle in general.
  • You don't have to go to the gym to lose weight. However, you should make your lifestyle more active in order to lose excess weight faster and not gain it again in the future.
  • Do not aim for a weight that is inappropriate for your height and body type. Weight shouldn't be your only goal! Strive to be healthy!
  • Drinking a drink (such as water) before meals will make you feel fuller.
  • Maintaining a positive mindset and working hard every day, even when distracted from your business, is good for you and your body.