Be beautiful

Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 20 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Video: To Be Beautiful ▶ FAZBEAR FRIGHTS SONG (BOOK 1)


The word beautiful is usually associated with what a face looks like. But it is actually a much broader and more relational concept. You or someone else can look beautiful. That means the face looks almost perfect. The shape of the nose, lips, cheeks, chin, forehead, hair and other parts of the face are well-groomed and of normal shape. Actually, there is no such thing as a perfect face shape. So whatever face you have, if you take care of your appearance, your face will look good.

Whoever you are or wherever you have been, it is never too late to develop your inner beauty and bring beauty to the world around you. Being the best possible outwardly is part of feeling beautiful. But nothing is better than someone who is also beautiful on the inside. Read on to learn how to be beautiful in every sense of the word.

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Method 1 of 2: Show your outer beauty

  1. Have a nice body. You don't have to follow a cabbage smoothie diet or run ten kilometers a day to have a beautiful body. Having a beautiful body means paying attention to what you put into your body and what your body does.
    • Get some exercise. Exercising just for thirty minutes three times a week can do wonders for your body. You will be amazed what a little yoga, walking, or swimming every day will do for your sense of well-being.
      • You can meet new friends at a gym or give some thought while walking or swimming.
      • Your skin will also have a healthy glow, and you will radiate a sense of vitality.
      • If you exercise enough, you will also feel happier and have more energy.
    • Eat healthy. You may enjoy your favorite foods from time to time, but it's important to have a healthy diet so that your body can feel good on the inside and look great on the outside.
      • Eat three balanced meals a day. Many people skip meals because they think it will make them lose weight, but this will only make you cranky and tired.
      • Eat a healthy portion of fruits and vegetables every day. Grab the fruit bowl a few times a day and eat as many vegetables as possible.
      • Avoid foods that are overly processed or fatty, as this will make you feel tired and not be good for your digestion.
    • Listen to your body. Part of having a beautiful body is not to overdo it when exercising or eating healthy food.
      • If you're feeling extra tired or think you're getting a cold, it's okay to skip exercising. It is better to take a break than to feel worse, so you may not be able to exercise for longer.
      • If you really fancy an ice cream, have one. That's better for you than eating everything in your fridge except what you really like. You must give in to your desires - in moderation.
  2. While beauty is on the inside, you do need to protect your skin. You will feel best when your skin looks healthy and clean. Washing your face and using the right lotions and moisturizers can keep your face looking its best.
    • Whatever skin you have, don't spend too long in the sun. If you do get a lot of sun, make sure to use sunscreen with SPF 15 or higher protection.
      • Even when you're outside on a cloudy day, the sun can still affect your skin, so touch your face or look in a mirror to avoid an unexpected sunburn.
    • Drink lots of water. Water moisturizes your skin from within and will help with flakiness and dryness. At least eight cups of water per day is recommended.
    • Wash your face in the morning and at night. If your skin is oily, use a cleanser to keep your face acne-free. If your skin is dry, use a milder cleanser and cream.
    • Take care of your lips. Use lip balm, especially in winter. If you want a bit of color with your protection, buy colored lip balm.
    • Wear makeup if you have the time and feel good about it. But if you wear makeup, you have to remove it completely at the end of each day.
  3. Good hygiene is essential. Maintaining your daily hygiene is part of having a beautiful body. If you smell fresh and clean, you will leave a much better first impression.
    • Shower every day. Your body will then continue to smell and look fresh.
    • Wash your hair as often as necessary to keep it from looking greasy.
    • Use deodorant to avoid unpleasant odors.
  4. Keep your feet and hands looking good. These parts of your body have to endure a lot every day. Keep your skin moist and your nails neatly groomed.
    • Take the time for a manicure or pedicure to freshen up, whether you're doing it at home or at a spa.
  5. Protect your teeth. They not only give you a great smile, but also make sure you can eat whatever you want at any age. Brush your teeth every morning, every night, and after every meal if possible.
    • In addition to regular brushing and flossing, you also need to see the dentist every 6 months for a check-up. This will prevent possible dental problems.
    • If you want, try whitening remedies.
  6. Choose a nice haircut. Your hair is the crowning glory of your work. If you have it, wear it in a way that makes your face stand out and choose a nice color if you don't like your own.
    • If you don't have much, cut it short or wear a nice hat (or several hats) for a personal touch.
    • Keep your hair healthy by brushing it every day and getting your hair cut at least every two months. This is how your hair will look its best.
  7. Choose a great wardrobe. Your wardrobe doesn't have to be expensive to be beautiful. It just has to show your own style and make your body look beautiful. Choose quality over quantity.
    • Choose good fabrics and flattering colors that you can wash without steaming. Instead of buying 2 cheap shirts that wear out quickly, save up for a good shirt that you can wear for several years.
    • You can always find great brands and unique pieces for less at mail order or thrift stores.
  8. Know that you are timeless. Your beauty regime will change as your body changes, but you are still you. You don't have to look like you did when you were 25 to be beautiful. You just have to take good care of yourself and put your best foot forward every day.

Method 2 of 2: Develop your inner beauty

  1. Seek wisdom. People who grow their inner wisdom and live their lives by following wise principles will radiate beauty and bless those around them. Wisdom can never be fully obtained - it is a growth process, and there is always something to learn.
    • Meditate or reflect on your actions. You can learn a lot if you take the time to just think, whether you are meditating, writing in a journal, or enjoying the view in a park.
    • Read the works of wise people. You can learn a lot from novelists, poets or historians. Reading can help you gain knowledge and put your ideas in perspective.
    • Listen carefully to the ideas of people you really respect. People doing the same work as you, who are in a healthy relationship, or simply have a lot of life experience can give your daily life more meaning.
    • Be culturally evolved. Watch foreign movies, learn a new language, or visit a museum once a month to help you appreciate how big the world is and educate you.
  2. Be generous. You don't have to be rich to develop a generous mind. Give to a good cause regularly, even if you can't give much.
    • If you can't give money or things, then give your time generously. Open up your home and share a meal, some tea, or a bottle of wine with friends.
    • The holidays are a great time to have the spirit of generosity. Visit an elderly neighbor or relative, buy gifts for someone short-lived, or help prepare a feast for someone who could use some company.
  3. Search for spiritual truth. You may be a staunch follower of a religion. Or maybe you don't believe a particular god, but you find tremendous spiritual satisfaction in creating art or spending time in nature. You will starve your spiritual side if you focus too much on rules and dogma or if you only want scientific truth instead of spiritual truth.
    • Find a way to see yourself as part of something bigger so that you can show more empathy towards your fellow human beings.
    • Visiting new places, or seeing fantastic views can help you with this.
  4. Let go of negative feelings. Your feelings are important because they tell you what you like and what you don't. But if you hold on to bad feelings for a long time, they will poison your soul.
    • Control your emotions. If you're angry with someone, don't let it turn into bitterness or resentment. Go out into your yard and scream, call a friend to get your heart out, or take a kickboxing class to get rid of your frustration. Then forgive, be the bigger person, and make smarter choices next time.
    • Close the book - if you really need to. If you want to share your feelings with someone who hurt you because you think it will help resolve your conflict, that's the good thing. But if you just want to yell at someone, or rummage through a laundry list of complaints, you better write down your feelings. An unproductive or even one-sided conversation will only make you feel worse and remind you of your negative feelings.
  5. Be sincere. Say what you mean. Live your life according to your values. Give your opinion in a polite way. Don't act like someone else to please someone else. The world needs you just the way you are.
    • Be sincere - with caution. Part of being a beautiful person is knowing when to shut up. Here are a few situations when you shouldn't say what you mean:
      • If a loved one is having an off day, don't bring up their shortcomings. Timing is important if you want to share your opinion.
      • If someone is rude to you in public, there is no reason to fight back. Stand above that and realize that that person is probably having a bad day.
    • Keep room for improvement. While it is important to be yourself, it is equally important to recognize that we all make mistakes and that you can always improve your character. Be aware of your mistakes and accept constructive criticism.
  6. Be grateful. Whether you are grateful for a Higher Power, your family and friends, or someone who helps you in the marketplace, take the time to say "thank you." Many people find that a gratitude journal helps them focus on what they have instead of what they don't have. Here are a few other ways to be grateful:
    • Send cards to your close friends telling them how much they mean to you. You can do this on a birthday or holiday, but your words mean even more when you do it just like that.
    • Give small and meaningful gifts. Even if you don't have a big budget, you can show your gratitude by giving your friend the poetry collection she was talking about, or even painting her of your favorite place.
    • Tell your loved ones how you feel. Tell your partner, best friend, and family members that you love and appreciate them as often as possible.
  7. Develop a beautiful environment. You don't need an estate or extensive country garden. But your environment often reflects your inner state.
    • Less is more. Tidy up your stuff and throw away things you don't want anymore. Give your room a lick of paint, or buy a beautiful plant for your living room.
    • Clean up things. Tackle that maintenance issue you ignored. Wherever you are, you can make your space your own.
    • Add a few plants to your life. If you have a balcony, plants can be a great addition, and even help spice up your meals.
    • Remind yourself of what you love most. Hang pictures of your loved ones or your favorite places. You will always feel at home, even when you are far away from your favorite people.
  8. Maintain healthy relationships. Even if you don't have many friends, having good support is essential for being a beautiful person. It is important to maintain the relationships that will help you grow as a person.
    • Make time for old friends. Old friends have known you the longest, and can help you remember where you came from and how far you got.
    • Develop new friendships. It's never too late to make a new friend, even when you're busy with work and family. You can learn something new, grow as a person, and have fun getting to know a new individual.
    • Stay in touch with your family. Make time to see your family as often as possible. If they are far away, call them or write them a letter.
    • End unhealthy friendships. It's important to nurture your relationships, but if you're in a one-sided friendship that only makes you feel bad, you have to recognize that not every relationship is worth maintaining.
  9. Get involved in your community. Would you like to help make the world a better place? Then find your own little corner and start participating. Here are a few great ways to get involved:
    • Collect money for an animal shelter.
    • Buy from convenience stores. This will grow your community.
    • Go to a festival nearby. You will meet your fellow residents and learn more about your surroundings.
    • Organize a street party for your neighbors.
    • Start a book club for your community.
    • Volunteer as a teacher at the library or a community center. Teaching adults and children how to read will change them forever.
    • Remember you have what the world needs. People of inner beauty don't hide it; they share it with others.


  • You are not superficial if you want to focus on your appearance in addition to your inner beauty. Just make sure you don't sacrifice one for the other.
  • Many people have poor judgment and fail to recognize beauty when they see it. They can say things that hurt you, but don't let their ignorance ruin your happiness. Always remember that people who are offended don't matter, and those who matter don't.


  • Beauty behaves beautifully. If you treat others badly, physical attractiveness will not make you beautiful.
  • If you are being bullied for how you look or what you do, talk to someone. Remember, there are people who care about you, and it will get better.