Lose 5 Pounds in 5 Days

Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 26 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024


Okay. You still have 5 days to squeeze back into those jeans you only want this opportunity bought. Unfortunately it is a bit too tight. For the next 120 hours, keep following this guide and you can secretly show up at that party without a garter belt!

To step

Method 1 of 3: Set yourself up for success

  1. Set your goal. To lose weight successfully, you will first need to create a strong need and goal. In either case, you will need to be more focused and determined to achieve your goal, to avoid deviating from the path you have taken. That's why it's important to set a clear goal first.
    • Don't start weighing yourself every day. Because of the water your body retains and the way that level fluctuates, your weight will also fluctuate. No, you didn't put away 15,000 calories in one sitting. This is doubly true for women, whose weight can fluctuate even more due to hormones. It is completely normal that your weight can go up or down 1 kilo "within one and the same day". That's why it's important to set an exercise and diet goal for yourself, not a set number.
    • One pound is 3500 calories. Losing 5 pounds Fat in 5 days is unreasonable — that would mean losing 17,500 calories in that time. It is not possible to omit 3,500 calories per day. Losing 5 pounds is "possible", but know that this is mainly due to the loss of water, a combination of muscle and fat, and daily fluctuations in your weight.
  2. Focus on the tasks ahead of you to lose that weight. Focus on how many times you will have to exercise per week, rather than how many pounds you want to lose. By maintaining the discipline to do the number of training sessions you decided on, you will naturally start to lose weight, on top of the feeling that you are reaching set goals.
    • Choose a schedule that you know you can handle. If it's easier for you to run every day, set more stringent goals and eat more calories. If you're short on time and can't go to the gym often, stick to a lower calorie, low fat diet.
  3. Develop self-motivation. You will need to encourage yourself to achieve the goals you set for yourself in the beginning. Write your goal on a piece of paper and post it where you will always see it, such as on your monitor, telephone, mirror, etc. Also write down the consequences that you will have to deal with if you do not achieve the set goal. Be cruelly honest with yourself.
    • Keep a food diary of all food (and drink) you consume each day. This requires you to understand your habits. Even better, show it to a friend. Sometimes someone else's judgment can be more motivating than your own judgment.

Method 2 of 3: Get moving

  1. Exercise regularly. You will have to plan the number of times per week that you plan to train. It is recommended to exercise at least 3 times a week, with each workout lasting at least 30 minutes.
    • Provide a combination of cardio and resistance training. To lose more weight you will have to do both. In these 5 days you do cardio every day; however, do not engage in resistance training more than 2-3 days. Your muscles need time to repair damage and cracks.
  2. Bring on that cardio. While you need both aerobic and muscle-building training, cardio burns more fat than weight training. However, this doesn't mean you have to start training for marathons. Many forms of exercise and sports count as cardio.
    • Running and cycling are the two pillars of cardio — but tennis, swimming, basketball, aerobics, and boxing all count as a great cardio workout (and there are just a few). So if you're tired of running along the well-known trails, shoot the basket, jog to the pool or pick up the gloves.
  3. Grab the weights. Yes, with a short-term goal like this, cardio is your best bet. This is the fastest way to blow away those calories. But to make sure that the calories also stay away (which is what you want, right?), It is better to train with weights at the same time.
    • You don't have to lie on the workout bench and ask some sweaty guy to assist you. Go for a run or walk with light weights, or do core exercises at home. Resistance training really isn't just for the men in the gym.

Method 3 of 3: The right diet

  1. Drink water, water and more water. If you're dehydrated in the slightest, you can begin to retain water — the kind of weight you want to lose in the next 120 hours. Drink water to lose weight and lose weight quickly.
    • Drink two glasses of water before every meal. This will make you feel fuller, so you will eat less overall. Not to mention replacing those empty calories from soda with nothing. On top of that, it keeps the weight off and is great for your skin.
  2. Do not eat processed food. Your diet should consist of mostly fruits and vegetables, supplemented with whole grains, lean meats and low-fat dairy products. Low-calorie food makes you feel full faster and fills you with vitamins and minerals.
    • Processed food (anything that is packaged) is often full of preservatives, artificial sweeteners, and coloring (in addition to bad fats and sugars). Your body considers these foreign substances as toxins and stores them as fat, not knowing what to do with them. Avoid fast food and restaurants as much as possible - you don't know what you're eating.
    • 400 calories of oil or chicken is practically nothing. Your stomach will continue to send signals to your brain that it wants to eat more. But 400 calories of leafy green vegetables will fill your stomach, send Cholecystokinin (CCK) hormones and tell your brain you're full.
  3. Prepare your food in a healthy way. You can sacrifice calories without compromising on taste. There is no need to be a gourmet chef to prepare food in a healthier way.
    • Switch to roasting or grilling, instead of baking. Every time you add just a tablespoon of oil to a dish, an extra 100 calories are added.
    • Use the egg white instead of the yolk, or switch to low-fat dairy products such as milk, cheese, and yogurt.
    • Avoid "prime" cuts of beef and choose "choice" or "select". And cut the fat off the edges before grilling it.
    • Avoid adding salt to your food. This can cause you to retain water, making you look bloated.
  4. Eat at regular times - don't indulge in binge eating. By 5 to 7 little Eating meals a day can keep you feeling full and avoid overeating. Only snack a long way away, as long as you make sure your portions don't get too big.
    • A "snack" can easily get out of hand. Weigh 1/2 cup (100 g) of fruit, nuts, or yogurt beforehand to stay on track. If you are constantly running out of time, measure several servings at the same time so that you can easily have them on the go.
    • Don't skip breakfast! Or any meal, for that matter. Breakfast gives your body the motivation to "get going," to keep up that strenuous training schedule and keep you on track to reaching your goal. Skipping meals is a sign for the body to go inactive and hold on to those fat stores. Obviously not a good idea.


  • Get plenty of sleep. Your body will still burn calories and you will feel more energized, making it easier to stick with your plan.
  • Little things like cycling to work, taking the stairs and staying active at home all add up in the long run.
  • If you live in one house with family or roommates, ask them if you can throw away any unhealthy foods you find in the kitchen cupboards, or if they can at least hide them. You want as little temptation around you as possible.
  • Going to the sauna is a quick way to remove water weight from your system. However, don't go more than once every few days, 15-20 minutes at a time, and drink a glass of water afterward.
  • If you are not feeling well and are overweight, go to a workout at home or in the gym.
  • Do yoga and walk a lot.


  • Consult a physician before embarking on an extreme diet or exercise.
  • Don't get into diet fads or a crash diet. You may see immediate results, but it will shock your body and the weight will just come back. In addition, your hair, skin and nails will suffer.