How to regain parental trust

Author: Marcus Baldwin
Date Of Creation: 18 June 2021
Update Date: 16 September 2024
How to build (and rebuild) trust | Frances Frei
Video: How to build (and rebuild) trust | Frances Frei


If your parents stop trusting you, then this situation is unpleasant for everyone. You may be haunted by feelings of guilt, resentment, vulnerability, or embarrassment. Your parents are probably frustrated and devastated. Despite the delicacy of the situation, trust can be restored. With thoughtful communication, thoughtful behavior, and understandable expectations, you can regain the trust of your parents.


Method 1 of 4: Communicate with your parents

  1. 1 Talk to your parents. Tell them how you feel. It is possible that your vision of their feelings about your actions is different from how they actually feel. Take the initiative and invite your parents to talk, perhaps in neutral territory without electronic or other distractions (for example, in a nearby park).
  2. 2 Listen to your parents. For a conversation to be constructive, both sides must speak up and listen to the opposite point of view. Put yourself in the shoes of your parents and try to understand what they are trying to tell you. If the words of your parents confuse you or hurt your feelings, then tell them so. If you can establish communication with them, then this will be the first step towards renewing the relationship of trust.
  3. 3 Apologize for betraying their trust. A sincere apology can go a long way to a parent. It is best to admit your wrongdoing, be clear about what happened, understand the nature of the pain or harm caused, ask for forgiveness, and suggest your ways to avoid mistakes in the future.
    • Try not to expect anything in return. It would be great if your apology would solve the problem, but this is highly unlikely. Your parents may not even know how to properly respond to an apology.
    • The words spoken are not as important as sincerity.
    • Another part of the apology is forgiving yourself.
  4. 4 Ask your parents how you can regain their trust. The most obvious way to find out how you can regain the trust of your parents is to simply ask them about it. They may not have a ready answer, then invite them to think it over carefully and tell you later.
    • Be honest about what they are asking for.If they give you an unreasonably long list of requirements, then tell (don't complain) that you are unsure of your ability to meet all of those wishes. Offer a compromise.
  5. 5 Trust your parents. Trust breeds trust, so trust your parents so they can trust you. You may not trust them right now; this is a fairly natural feeling. Trust is a two-way relationship, not a one-way relationship, so you'll need to learn to trust, too.

Method 2 of 4: Change Your Behavior

  1. 1 Spend time with your family. Time spent together fosters trust for several reasons. First, your parents won't be wondering how you are spending your time. Second, it makes it easier for you to understand and communicate with your parents, which also strengthens the relationship. Third, your parents will see your positive qualities (such as your sense of humor) again and will not only think that you have betrayed their trust.
  2. 2 Be responsible. Do housework. Pick up your brother from school on time. Offer to wash the plates after dinner. If she takes responsibility for her daily activities, then parents will begin to perceive you as a responsible person. This alone may not be enough to regain their trust, but when combined with sincerity and open communication, small details will make the whole picture.
  3. 3 Show concern. Show your parents that you care about them, yourself, and your relationship. This is very important for bilateral trust. Showing concern can take many forms, but try to start with words and actions that are sure to please your parents.
  4. 4 Atone for your guilt. If you hurt the feelings not only of your parents, but also of others, then you should apologize to them and try to fix everything. If you asked your parents how you can redeem your guilt, then do what they ask, even if it seems strange. For example, asking your parents to wash your car may seem like nothing to do with regaining lost trust, but it will show you are willing to do anything.
  5. 5 Show that you are ready for change. If you can change in small things (for example, start making your bed every morning), you can change in more global things, which is necessary to restore trust.

Method 3 of 4: Don't Give a Cause to Confidence

  1. 1 Control your emotions. Often times, situations and events that destroy trust are triggered by hasty or emotional decisions. Behave and control your feelings to build trust. If you are struggling to get your emotions under control, make an appointment with a therapist and discuss coping strategies.
  2. 2 Understand what your parents expect from you. Knowing what actions your parents will not like will make it easier for you not to do them. If you do not have a clear idea of ​​the rules or expectations, then ask about it. If you have just recently lost confidence, then you should be especially vigilant about actions that may be considered wrongdoing.
  3. 3 Follow the house rules. You live with your parents for a limited period of time. Surely they have ideas about what you can and should not do while you live with them under the same roof. Stick to these rules, even if they seem insufficiently reasonable to you.
    • Do not forget that over time you will settle in your own home and will be able to live as you see fit.
    • Even if it seems to you that there is still an eternity before moving to your home, time will fly by very quickly.
  4. 4 Avoid the cause that led to the loss of trust. If it was about a specific person, habit, action or event, then try your best to avoid repeating the situation. If you need help from outside, then ask for help.
    • If you abuse alcohol or drugs, you may need the help of a specialist.
    • If a specific friend caused the wrong decisions, then try to completely or temporarily stop communicating.

Method 4 of 4: Overcome the consequences of specific actions

  1. 1 Restore trust after cheating. If you lied to your parents or did it repeatedly, then you need to learn to tell only the truth. A willingness to be completely sincere will allow you to regain your parents' trust. Alas, this can take a very long time.
  2. 2 Stop breaking specific rules. If the reason for the loss of trust was a violation of a parental rule (for example, do not drink alcohol until the age of majority or return no later than the specified time), then discuss these rules with the parents.
    • It is important to understand what the rules are, why they are set, and how to follow them.
    • Open discussion with your parents will help you make better decisions in the future.
  3. 3 Soothe the pain. If you hurt your parents' feelings, then you need to make amends. Try to understand their emotions if your act disappoints or saddens them.
    • Put yourself in their shoes and think about what kind of apology you would like to receive in such a situation in order to alleviate the lot of your parents.
  4. 4 Repair damaged property. If your offense consisted of damage to property (for example, you crashed a car or destroyed municipal property), then try to repair the damage. Do what you can - paint over the writing on the wall, repair a damaged fender of a car, or peel the toilet paper off the trees. In the case of an accident, you also need to pay the cost of repairing the car.
  5. 5 Accept financial responsibility. If your actions cost the other person money, then you must offer financial compensation to the injured party, even if you have to give everything you earned in a month. Financial responsibility can show that you are aware of the consequences of your actions.


  • Work tirelessly and find opportunities to take initiative and responsibility.
  • It may take time and space for you and your parents to cool off. Everyone should be calm during the conversation.
  • Time heals all wounds. It may take you a long time to regain the trust of your parents, but it will definitely happen. Do not give up.
  • Understand that people (you and your parents) are imperfect and prone to make mistakes.
  • Sometimes it is very difficult to regain parental trust. If you have done a very bad, but clever act (for example, got out of the house at night), then you MUST apologize !!! Do not forget about the little things: start helping around the house on your own, get good grades, tell your mom that she looks good, that you love her, make her breakfast or give her a foot massage, help your dad with repairs, tell him that you love him, buy him new t-shirt.
  • Ask how you can get their trust back, but not ask about it immediately after an argument, otherwise the situation will look like you just want to get out of trouble.

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