How to cook red potatoes

Author: Helen Garcia
Date Of Creation: 22 April 2021
Update Date: 26 June 2024
Roasted Red Potatoes - Simple Yet Awesome Roasted Potato Side Dish
Video: Roasted Red Potatoes - Simple Yet Awesome Roasted Potato Side Dish


Red potatoes are ideal for boiling, so you can quickly prepare your favorite foods with this potato variety. You can boil red potatoes on the stove top or cook them in the microwave. Boiled red potatoes are a versatile ingredient that can be used in a wide variety of dishes. Read on to learn how to cook red potatoes properly.


4 servings

  • 2 lb (900 g) red potatoes
  • Cold water
  • Salt (optional)
  • 3-4 tbsp (45 to 60 ml) melted butter
  • 1 tablespoon (15 ml) fresh parsley, chopped (optional)


Method 1 of 4: Part One: Preparatory Part

  1. 1 Wash the potatoes. Rinse the potatoes thoroughly under cool running water, gently peel off dirt with your fingers or a damp, clean paper towel.
    • Do not use a vegetable brush when washing red potatoes, and do not squeeze too hard with your fingers or paper towel. The skins of red potatoes are very thin, so they can break easily if you rub them.
  2. 2 Remove all scions. Using a paring knife, cut out the eyes or scions that have started to form.
  3. 3 Determine if peeling potatoes is worth it. You can peel the potatoes, but this is not necessary. The skin of this potato variety is very thin, so this potato variety can be eaten with the skin. However, you can decide for yourself whether to peel the potatoes or not.
    • The peel of potatoes contains the dietary fiber necessary for the body, therefore, without peeling potatoes, you save many useful elements.
    • If you notice green spots on the potatoes, you should peel them off using a vegetable peeler. In addition to their bitter taste, green potatoes are also hazardous to health. Trim the green part of the potato, but if you see mold spots on it, don't use that potato at all.
  4. 4 Cut the potatoes into equal sized cubes. This is to ensure that the potatoes are cooked evenly. Therefore, cut the potatoes into equal pieces.
    • If your potatoes are small, you can boil them whole. However, you can also cut the potato in half or in quarters.
    • For medium-sized potatoes, cut them into at least eight pieces.
    • Regardless of the size of the potatoes, all cubes must be the same size.

Method 2 of 4: Part Two: Traditional Cooking Potatoes on the Stovetop

  1. 1 Place the potatoes in a medium saucepan. Fill with cold water. The potatoes should be covered with water by 2.5 - 5 cm.
    • By pouring cold water over the potatoes, the temperature is evenly distributed. If you pour warm or hot water over the potatoes, the top of the potato will cook faster and the middle will remain soggy.
  2. 2 Add salt if necessary. There is no need for salt, however, if you add salt to the potatoes at this stage, your potatoes will be more flavorful and tasty.
    • Use about 1 tablespoon. (15 ml) salt. Potatoes won't take up all the salt, so don't be afraid to use that amount.
  3. 3 Cook the potatoes over medium heat until tender. With the lid on, cook the red potatoes for about 15 minutes, pierce the potatoes with a fork, they should be soft on the inside, but keep their shape.
    • Cooking times may vary depending on the size of the potatoes. Small potatoes should take 7 minutes, while larger potatoes can be boiled for more than 18 minutes.
    • Potatoes do not need to be poured with a lot of water, as in rice or pasta, because potatoes absorb very little water during cooking. So, don't use a lot of water, the potatoes should be 1 to 2 inches (2.5 to 5 cm) covered with water on top.
    • Note that you can add water during cooking if the water evaporates.
    • Do not put a lid on the pot. If you put a lid on a saucepan, your potatoes can be overcooked, which will certainly affect their taste.
  4. 4 Drain the water. Use a colander to drain the water. Gently shake the colander to remove any remaining water from the boiled potatoes, return the potatoes to the pot or serving dish.
    • You can also drain the water by covering the pot with a lid so the potatoes do not fall out of the pot. Tilt the pot over the sink and drain off the water.
  5. 5 Serve the potatoes with melted butter and chopped parsley. Add oil and chopped fresh parsley, stir to distribute the oil and herbs evenly. Serve warm.

Method 3 of 4: Part Three: Microwave Potatoes

  1. 1 Place the potatoes in a microwave safe dish. Pour in 1 cup (250 ml) water.
    • Use 1/2 cup (125 ml) water for 1 lb. (450 g) red potatoes. Potatoes should be partially covered with water.
    • Arrange the potatoes so that all parts are evenly in contact with the boiling water.
  2. 2 Sprinkle with salt. Salt water if desired, use at least 1 tsp. up to 1 tbsp. l. (5 to 15 ml) salt. Salt the water, not the dry surface of the potato.
    • Salt is not necessary, however, if you add salt to the potatoes at this stage, your potatoes will be more flavorful and tasty.
  3. 3 Cook the potatoes for 12 to 16 minutes at high heat. Loosely close the lid of the dish in which you are cooking the potatoes and boil them until tender, pierce the potatoes with a fork, it should be soft on the inside, but it should retain its shape.
    • Close the container in which you are cooking potatoes with a loose lid.
    • Cook 450g potatoes for 6 to 8 minutes.
  4. 4 Drain the water. Use a colander to drain the water. Gently shake the colander to remove any remaining water from the boiled potatoes, then put the potatoes back in the bowl in which you cooked the potatoes.
    • You can also drain the water by covering the microwave potato pan with a lid to prevent the potatoes from falling out. Tilt the container over the sink and drain the water.
  5. 5 Serve the potatoes with melted butter and chopped parsley. Add oil and chopped fresh parsley, stir to distribute the oil and herbs evenly. Serve warm.

Method 4 of 4: Part Four: A Variety of Red Potato Dishes

  1. 1 Use boiled red potatoes for mashed potatoes. Although brown potatoes are often used to make mashed potatoes, red potatoes can also make delicious mashed potatoes.
    • If you are making mashed potatoes, peel all or most of the skins of the potatoes.
    • Cook the potatoes 5 to 10 minutes longer, until the potatoes are crumbly, check that they are cooked with a fork.
    • Add 2 to 4 tablespoons (30 to 60 ml) butter and 1/2 cup (125 ml) milk after you drain. Pound the potatoes using a pusher or blender until the potatoes are smooth.
  2. 2 Make a potato salad. If you want to use red potatoes for a cold potato salad, boil them, drain the water, and refrigerate for an hour or so to cool.
    • Note that you can use red potatoes for the salad, with or without the skin.
    • Chop the potatoes finely. The pieces should be less than 1 inch (2.5 cm) thick.
    • Toss the potatoes with 6 eggs (hard-boiled and chopped), 1 lb. (450 g) fried bacon, one stalk of chopped celery, one chopped onion, and two cups (500 ml) mayonnaise. Stir all ingredients thoroughly.
    • Chill potato salad before serving.
  3. 3 Prepare cheese potatoes. An easy way to make delicious boiled potatoes is to pour melted hot cheese over them. Parmesan cheese is perfect for this purpose, you won't need to spend time preparing the sauce, but if you are ready to spend a few extra minutes, use cheddar or mozzarella cheese.
    • Grate the Parmesan cheese and sprinkle over the potatoes.
    • If you are using shredded cheddar, mozzarella, or other similar cheeses, sprinkle the cheese on the boiled and dried potatoes using at least 1/2 cup (125 ml) of cheese. Place the cheese potatoes in the microwave for 30 seconds to melt the cheese.
    • If you want to lightly toast the cheese and have a soft crispy edge on the potatoes, place the boiled cheese-topped potatoes on a greased baking sheet and bake for 10 minutes at 350 degrees Fahrenheit (180 degrees Celsius) at the top of the oven.
  4. 4 Sprinkle with spices or seasonings. Red potatoes are a versatile ingredient, so they go well with many herbs and spices.
    • For example, use a quick way to add color and flavor to potatoes by sprinkling with 1 tsp. (5 ml) red pepper.
    • Alternatively, you can try experimenting by pairing 1 tsp. (5 ml) red pepper with 2 tablespoons. (30 ml) olive oil, stir well. Season the potatoes with this mixture for an incredibly delicious dish.
  5. 5 Make some delicious potatoes. Although this dish is usually made with baked Russet potatoes, you can try making it with boiled red potatoes.
    • If you've boiled whole potatoes, cut them into quarters.
    • Prepare a dish.
    • Toss the potatoes with the oil. Sprinkle with grated cheddar cheese, spoon over sour cream, and add chopped chives or green onions. Also add finely chopped bacon pieces.

What do you need

  • Paper towels
  • Vegetable peeling knife
  • Peeler
  • Knife
  • Medium saucepan or utensils for the microwave
  • Colander
  • A spoon