How to know if a guy is cheating (for girls)

Author: Janice Evans
Date Of Creation: 24 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
10 Signs Someone Might Be Cheating On You
Video: 10 Signs Someone Might Be Cheating On You


Whether you are starting a new relationship or are already in a serious relationship, there is always the chance that your boyfriend is cheating on you. If you have reasons to suspect him of cheating, or are just wondering if you are cheating yourself, follow these simple tips to find out if your man is faithful to you.


Method 1 of 4: Pay attention to its appearance

  1. 1 See if its appearance has changed. Your man's physical appearance can tell a lot about whether he is cheating. If he didn't care about his appearance before, and now spends a lot of time smartening up, something is not clean here. He can improve or change his appearance to please the newcomer even more. Here are some signs that he is cleaning feathers for someone else:
    • If he always had sloppy stubble, and now he always shaves.
    • If now he constantly cuts his hair, and before that he never attached any importance to it.
    • If his clothes got better.
    • If you catch his constant glances in the mirror.
    • If he always looks good, even if he needs to study or work late.
    • A clear alarm, if it smells different... Maybe his natural smell has changed slightly due to intimacy with another woman, or maybe he smells someone else's perfume - in any case, this is a serious reason to assume that he is spending time with another.
    • If you find hairs on his body or clothes, and they are not yours (and not his).
  2. 2 Pay attention to how he relates to his body. If your man suddenly starts caring more about his body than before, he may not be doing it just for you. Unless he's about to run a marathon, chances are he is improving his body for another. Here are some signs:
    • If he constantly goes to the gym and cares very much about his appearance. Remember that going to the gym can be another excuse to see someone else.
    • If he drastically changed his diet to a healthy one. Perhaps he does it to impress someone.
    • If he is ashamed of his body in front of you and does not want you to see him without a T-shirt and wants to have sex only in the dark. This could mean that he feels unfaithful to his other woman.
  3. 3 Pay attention to body language. Your man's body language can help you a lot if you want to know about his feelings for himself, or whether he is thinking of someone else instead of you.Here are some signs that he may be cheating on you:
    • If he doesn't look you in the eye when you speak. If he has always done this before, and now he constantly averts his eyes or looks at the floor when you talk, he may be acting this way out of guilt.
    • If he doesn't pay attention to you. If earlier he paid you a lot of attention, and now he rarely even touches you, this is a bad sign.
    • If he pays attention to you in private, but not in public. While some guys are embarrassed to show his feelings in public if he's all yours when you're alone, or even when you're at home with a few friends, but keeps his distance when you're in a restaurant, he's probably worried that another woman will see him. you together.

Method 2 of 4: Pay attention to his actions

  1. 1 Notice if your sex life has changed. If he has another girlfriend, he will stop spending so much time in the bedroom with you, but he may also want to have sex more often. Here's what to look out for:
    • If you are in a "dry period". If he never wants to have sex again, maybe he gets it somewhere on the side.
    • If he has a sexual appetite. If he suddenly wants to have sex all the time, it may mean that his desire has increased due to sex with a new woman.
    • If in bed he suddenly actively begins to try new positions and techniques, perhaps he learned them from another woman.
  2. 2 See if he is more caring and helps you more. Maybe your boyfriend is feeling guilty because he is cheating on you, which makes him treat you much better. If you notice that he has become a lot more helping around the house or indulging your every whim, he is probably doing it as compensation.
    • If he cleans your house, fixes your car, or buys groceries that he has never done before, there might be a reason.
    • He always asks if he can help with something.
    • If he suddenly becomes romantic and gives you candy and flowers, especially after being distant for a long time.
  3. 3 See if he has become very neat for no reason. If your boyfriend has never taken care of the cleanliness of his car or apartment, and now fiddles with it for hours, perhaps this is how he prepares to meet another or is hiding evidence.
    • If his car used to be dirty and now has no specks on it, he may be trying for another girl.
    • If his apartment has become much cleaner than it was, and if he began to say that he needs time to clean up, perhaps he removes traces of the presence of another girl. If you really want to know if he is cheating on you, come during the "cleaning" and see what he is really doing.
    • If he uses an air freshener, he may be doing so to hide the other woman's scent.
  4. 4 See if his mood changes. Is he always in a good mood, or is his mood constantly changing, although he is usually calm and balanced? If so, something has definitely happened. Here are some suspicious changes in mood:
    • If he is sometimes in too good a mood, as if he is in heaven, for no apparent reason. If he has an ear-to-ear smile and is constantly looking nowhere, as if recalling pleasant moments with another girl, chances are that his good attitude has nothing to do with you.
    • If he is suddenly in a terrible mood. If everything is okay, and he is suddenly angry or very upset, especially after a call or message, then another girl is involved.
  5. 5 Pay attention if he has become secretive. Covert behavior is easy to spot, and if he's clearly hiding something from you, it could be due to trying to escape and spend time with someone else. Here are some signs:
    • If he spends a lot of time texting or sitting on the phone. If he stops texting or hangs up as soon as you walk into the room.
    • He suddenly started spending a lot of time online. This could be a sign that he is spending a lot of time chatting with another girl. If it closes your browser or laptop when you enter the room, that's a bad sign.
    • If it disappears for several hours, is out of reach for the whole day, night, or even the weekend. If he cannot find a minute to answer your call or SMS, perhaps he is spending this time with someone else.
    • If he turns off the phone for a few hours. Why else would he do it?

Method 3 of 4: Pay attention to what he says

  1. 1 Pay attention to his excuses. Previously, he always wanted to spend time with you, and now more and more often he finds a reason to avoid meeting. At first you believed when he said that he had a stomach ache or he was too tired to meet, but now you are already wondering if he is trying to let you know that he does not want to spend time together because he has another. Here are some signs of cheating:
    • If before he wanted to spend his free time with you, but now he always wants to be with friends. This is especially suspicious if he doesn't have that many male friends, or has never shown much interest in meeting them.
    • If he suddenly starts working late. Although sometimes he was late at work before, now he is suddenly very busy and spends more time there than with you. Of course, in many professions, employment depends on the season, and he may be working on a complex project, but most likely he spends his free hours with his second girlfriend.
    • If he's always too tired to stay with you late or just spend time together, although there were no such problems before, maybe he spends all his energy on someone else.
    • If before you often dined or dined together, but now he is always not in the mood or feeling bad, or not hungry.
    • None of these signs alone mean your boyfriend is cheating on you. But if all these signs are repeated for a long time, he either spends time with another, or does not want to spend it with you anymore. If he always finds reasons not to spend time with you, consider whether you need this relationship.
  2. 2 Pay attention to his words. Even when your boyfriend doesn't come up with excuses, he may start saying things that you would never have heard before. If he suddenly starts talking to you differently or has changed the way he communicates altogether, he may be thinking of another girl. Here's what will point you to treason:
    • If he stopped complimenting you. Previously, he always complimented you, but now everything has suddenly stopped? If he no longer tells you that you are beautiful and praises your character, then maybe he is telling someone else.
    • If he began to compliment more often. If he never complimented him a lot, and now he started to constantly say how good you are, he may do it out of guilt. If he behaves this way after a long and inexplicable absence, it is definitely suspicious.
    • If it sounds different. If he says things he never said, uses words he never used, or even laughs in a new way, he may have chosen those words for a special woman.
    • If he doesn't answer messages in the middle of a call. If you are texting for a long time and he suddenly interrupts the conversation, it may mean that his new girlfriend has come.

Method 4 of 4: Investigate

  1. 1 Ask if he is cheating on you. When all the signs are there, and you are sure that he is cheating, it's time to force him to confess. It's easiest to just talk about it. This way you won't have to dig into his things, it won't hurt if you find something unpleasant, and it will also get rid of additional pain and humiliation. Here's how to do it:
    • Catch him when he doesn't expect. You have to choose the right time to do it, but ask him when he doesn't expect, so he won't have time to come up with brilliant lies.
    • Tell him that you like the truth more than the lie. Let it sound like he's doing you a favor by confessing - it really is.
    • Say, "I think both of us will be better off if we find out." Let it sound like it will be much easier for him once he stops lying. It will really be easier for him. It is very exhausting to lead a double life.
    • Look him in the eye. Be sincere. Show him that he offends you.
    • If you're afraid to ask yourself, but don't want to chase him or dig into his things, ask one of your friends or even a friend of his you trust. There is a chance that if his friend finds out about his wrongdoings, he will not like them either.
  2. 2 Watch him. If you're afraid to talk or feel like you don't have enough evidence, follow him to see what he really does. You must be careful, otherwise he will find out, stop trusting you, and you will no longer receive any evidence. Here's what you can do:
    • Follow him in your friend's car. If he says he wants to spend time with the guys and you want to see where he is really going, follow him in his girlfriend's car without him noticing that it is you.
    • Show up suddenly when he is not waiting for you. Come unexpectedly when he says he is cleaning or feels bad. If he's really not feeling well, bring him some fruit or chicken broth and act like you just want to take care of him. Even if the other girl isn't there, look at his reaction. Is he glad to see you, or is he angry that you showed up without warning?
    • Make sure he works late. It's easy. Stop by his office to get him coffee or an evening snack to see if he is there. Or just drive past the building where he works to make sure his car is nearby.
  3. 3 Dig into his things. This is the fastest way to destroy trust and jeopardize relationships, but if you are sure that he is cheating, and you want to end, then you can take the risk. Here's what you can do:
    • Check his phone. If he knows how to disguise, then he will make sure that you cannot find anything, but try anyway. Check the phone while he sleeps, or pick it up if he left it in the car.
    • Check his computer. If he's stupid enough to leave his computer on, check your emails and social media posts. This will tell you quickly enough if he is cheating. Also notice if he deletes emails. This also looks suspicious.
    • Check out his stuff. If he's asleep or not at home, investigate his desk, bag, and even wallet for clues.
    • Check his credit card statement or SMS alerts from the bank. Remember him spending a hefty sum for dinner at an Italian restaurant with you? So he is spending money on another lady.
  4. 4 Consider hire a private detective. Sometimes it just doesn't work to prove that a guy is cheating - this happens when there is not enough evidence or for other reasons. If this is your case, the best option would be to hire a private detective - he can figure out which side is on the truth.
    • Private detective services are not cheap, so consider if you can afford it.


  • If he finds reasons not to spend time with you, but does not mind spending time with friends, it may mean that he does not want to date anymore.
  • If a guy in your presence begins to behave like he does without you, this may also be a bad sign.
  • If he's talking or texting with another girl more often than with you, or while you're busy doing something, this is a sign that he may be cheating.
  • If he doesn't look you in the eye when you talk, that could also mean he's cheating.
  • Do not just ask, in between times: "You didn't cheat on me, did you?" He will say no anyway and think that you do not trust him.
  • Talk to a friend who has been cheated on by your husband or boyfriend - she can give you advice.
  • There are many men in the world who will appreciate you. Don't waste time trying to fix bad boys, let them continue to ruin their lives.
  • Don't think you can influence him. Sometimes it's best to just turn around and walk away. Never reject this scenario.
  • If your boyfriend constantly comes home very late after a long absence, he is probably cheating on you.


  • Think seriously before dabbling in your boyfriend's belongings. Trust is built on this, and if you are already ready for such a step, then maybe the relationship is already worth ending.