How to find a partner for life

Author: Alice Brown
Date Of Creation: 24 May 2021
Update Date: 25 June 2024
How To Choose A Partner Wisely
Video: How To Choose A Partner Wisely


Finding the right romantic partner is not easy.Finding someone with whom you can happily live your entire life seems almost impossible. Take your time, spend time with your friends, and don't forget about yourself. Date, but do not lose your head, thoughtfully choosing a partner. Love abhors haste.


Part 1 of 3: Meet

  1. 1 Don't hide from the world. The more often you go out and interact with people, the higher your chances of meeting a nice person. Get out of the house and start attending parties and friends' gatherings, sign up for courses and connect with other listeners, sign up on dating sites and apps. Be bold and out of the ordinary: for example, try going on a quick date.
    • The most common way to meet your future partner is through mutual friends. Spend time with friends and ask them to introduce you to interesting people.
    • In second place are public places and events. These include bars, poetry evenings, concerts, art exhibitions, church gatherings, and more.
    • The third place is occupied by work. If you work from home, then try moving to a team office. Come to your clients' offices and attend conferences. If you constantly see a person at work, then do not rush to invite him on a date, as this can complicate the working relationship.
    • On the fourth place are sites and applications for dating, on the fifth - social networks. Register with popular services.
  2. 2 Invite people out on dates. If you know the person in real life, then invite him to meet. Speak directly so that the person correctly interprets your proposal and gives a clear answer. Ask about the date when you say goodbye to avoid embarrassment. After finishing the conversation, say: "I was very glad to talk to you, but I have to go. Maybe we can have lunch together somehow?"
    • If you are extremely shy, then try calling. True, in this case, you will have to find out the phone number.
    • If you meet an interesting person online, send him a friendly message. In this case, the offer to meet will be appropriate only after exchanging at least a few messages.
    • If you invite a friend, then prepare to refuse. Better to ask her out on a date before the possible rejection starts to seem unbearable. Act at the first sign of sympathy for the person.
    • Try to stay friends. It is possible that a friend who turned you down will subsequently introduce you to your future partner.
  3. 3 Be judicious. If you constantly worry about finding a "single" partner as soon as possible, then this behavior can be repulsive. Plan dates in the same way as you plan other meetings: enjoyable time together and friendly communication. On a date, think only of the date.
    • Ask open-ended questions, listen, and answer honestly.
    • Be honest and natural. Answer questions honestly. Be yourself and don’t think about the opinion of you.
    • Put your phone aside. Give your full attention to the date!
    • You don’t have to spend the whole evening analyzing how good this person is for you. The first date is just an acquaintance. Focus on the conversation and the chosen activity.
    • Don't confess your love or start talking about long-term relationships on the first dates.
  4. 4 Be kind. If you are dating looking for a lifelong partner, then try to show your best qualities. Do not try to command and do not play mind games.
    • Making comments or discussing other people will only make you feel insecure or cruel.
    • Try to enjoy the evening even if you know right away that the second date doesn't interest you. Treat the person well! He deserves a polite and friendly attitude, even if you never meet again.
  5. 5 Dating should be fun. You don't have to turn everything into a banal dinner with wine and an exchange of views. Choose activities that you like. Buy coffee and take a walk in the park. Go to an exhibition or museum. Arrange a meal at a fast food restaurant and sit at the bar.
    • Invite the person to a party or event. If you are overly anxious when meeting in person, then arrange a group date.
    • Agree with other people's ideas. If you are asked out on a date, let the person organize everything. Don't assume that you won't like a new place or activity.

Part 2 of 3: Set yourself up for success

  1. 1 Education. Many couples meet at universities and courses. In such places, people with common interests and views meet, spend a lot of time together, and can also become friends or become close. If you have already completed your studies, then sign up for courses on a topic that interests you: cooking, foreign languages, dance or commerce.
    • In addition to meeting a potential partner, you will gain education and skills that can prolong future relationships. Couples with higher education are less likely to divorce than less educated partners.
  2. 2 Health. Mental and physical health influences preferences when choosing partners and the duration of a relationship. Exercise regularly and get the proper amount of sleep each night. The diet should be healthy and balanced. It is better to give up carbonated drinks and refined sugar. See your doctor regularly.
    • Remember to take care of your mental health. If you are shy, depressed, anxious, or nervous about dating, see a therapist.
  3. 3 Appearance. Look good to attract your partner. Remember hygiene. Shower often, but use gel and shampoo no more than three times a week. Brush your teeth regularly and floss after meals to keep your breath fresh and your teeth healthy.
    • Choose the right clothing. The choice of clothing is very dependent on individual tastes, but in general you should wear clean and tidy clothes that fit you well.
    • Colors should complement your appearance. If you can't decide, then choose black and other neutral shades.
  4. 4 Love yourself. It’s difficult to find someone who will love you if you don’t love yourself. Do not be afraid to follow your desires: choose a job you like, pleasant friends, interesting hobbies and good communication with loved ones. Ensure your emotional, physical, and financial well-being.
    • A good attitude towards yourself is a testament to emotional resilience. This quality is very popular with many people.
  5. 5 Be a good and reliable friend. Most likely, it is your friends who will introduce you to your future partner. Also, you can always rely on them in a difficult situation and get support in times of loneliness. It is difficult to find a partner if you are not in touch with anyone, and it is also difficult to look confident and attractive if you are single and in dire need of companionship.
    • Treat your friends well. You don't need to turn into a socialite. Remember all your friends, be responsive, and remind your friends what you value them for.

Part 3 of 3: Find the Right Partner

  1. 1 Define your desires. Think about what is important to you in life: friendships, children, financial stability, a sense of belonging to a group, creative success, adherence to all principles, joy in every day. Imagine how you see life in three, five, thirty and fifty years. Think not about “What kind of partner do I need?”, But “What do I want from life?”.
    • Assess how your current relationship aligns with your life goals. If it's bad, then think about whether you are ready to give up your aspirations for the sake of this person.
    • Adjust to your partner. Many people just don't know what they want.If you have found a person who supports your aspirations and broadens your horizons, who is dear to you and for whom you are ready to change, then it is possible that this is a partner for life.
  2. 2 Become best friends. Romantic feelings are not the most reliable indicator of the strength and duration of a relationship. In order to live life with a person, you need to respect him, enjoy his company and take care of your partner. Don't be in a rush to commit yourself to the end of your life if you haven't already become friends.
    • Two people should have the same sense of humor, they should be able to find reasons for laughing even in everyday life or in difficult situations.
    • Respect your partner's mindset. If you do not like his ideas and views, then it will hardly be pleasant for you to spend your whole life with him.
    • Look for common interests. It is not necessary for everyone to do everything together, but it is important to find preferences and activities that will bring you closer together.
    • Treat each other as equals. Relationships in which one partner suppresses the other usually becomes unhappy. If your partner demands from you what he does not do himself, then your relationship is doomed.
    • Learn to trust, support and respect each other. These three pillars build strong relationships.
  3. 3 Fight, but be careful. In the early stages, relationships are very fragile. After the first fight, you need to evaluate how much you would like to end everything. Sometimes fights are perceived as the end of the world, but they are completely natural for any healthy relationship. Fight properly. Speak in the first person. Express your feelings, don't blame your partner.
    • Know how to defuse the situation. If the dispute turns into an angry quarrel, then it is better to moderate the ardor and make peace with your partner. Stop arguing, start listening, looking for compromises. If physical touching is comfortable for you at the moment of tension, then hold hands or hug. Use humor. Suggest a change of scenery.
    • For example, if you had a fight during a date, ask your partner out on another date. Change the environment or move to other places and say hello again as if at a new meeting.
    • Don't be afraid to voice your thoughts or discuss controversial issues for fear of a breakup. Better to pull yourself together and invite your partner to do the same.
    • If you have no need for a specific change, then try not to bring up controversial topics that have already become the cause of disagreement. So you will only tire your partner, and not change your mind in accordance with your views. Being happy is more important than proving you are right.
    • For example, if you have a falling out over a close friend of yours who does not like your partner, discuss if your partner is actually willing to date you.
    • That said, don't argue if your partner thinks your friend is annoying. If she really annoys her partner, then the argument will only increase the irritation.
  4. 4 Express your feelings gradually. After a few dates, you need to say what you expect from the relationship. Perhaps you want to know about your partner's feelings, how serious they are. Don't ask for immediate answers and show your partner that you like their company.
    • After the date, tell them you had a great time.
    • After a few dates, let them know that you enjoy the person's company.
    • Once you are firm in your intentions, talk to the person about it. Say that you would like to meet and become regular partners.
    • If he's not ready yet, wait. People make decisions at different speeds.
    • Don't confess your love on first dates. If you are confident in your feelings, then at first just enjoy this wonderful state for the first couple of months.
    • If you like the person, but confess your love before you have reciprocal feelings, then say that you are not ready to say the same yet, but want to continue the relationship, because you have strong sympathy.
  5. 5 Do not hurry. Early marriages are more likely to end in divorce.The same statistics are for marriages immediately after the start of a relationship. If you find it difficult to tolerate loneliness, then hang out with friends more often. Agree to dates, respect the person, and have a good time, but don't expect this relationship to last a lifetime.
    • Before proposing to a girl, it is better to meet her for at least three years. The strength of a relationship depends on the degree of intimacy, and it takes time for intimacy.