How to avoid blushing

Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 21 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Stop Blushing (5 Easy Tips)
Video: How To Stop Blushing (5 Easy Tips)


Looks like you have no way to get rid of your blushing cheeks when facing your dream lover, when you hear someone tell a "child forbidden" comedy, or when you make a mistake. It sounds like that, but not sure. Some people blush in social situations when they feel embarrassed; Some people blush for unknown reasons, leading to feelings of shame. There are even some people who are extremely afraid of blushing, also known as erythrophobia syndrome. If you find yourself blushing in normal social situations and want to find a solution to the problem, read some tips below.


Method 1 of 2: Prevent instant blushing

  1. Get rid of blushing by relaxing. You can quickly lighten the pink color on the cheeks by relaxing the muscles, especially those in the neck and shoulders. Try to calm the sudden tension. A good way is to count your fingers, then rub your hands together to create friction to help relieve tension. Maintain an upright position and keep your feet balanced.
    • To relax, you can try:
      • Remember to inhale and exhale (take a deep breath if you can).
      • Remind yourself that this is not the first time you blushed, and probably not the last. This has a surprisingly comforting effect.
      • Smile. A smile can help when your cheeks suddenly turn red; smiling will also make you feel happier, so your anxiety will be dispelled.

  2. Do not let yourself be haunted by blushing. When they blush, many people stop thinking about it, and thus their social anxiety increases. Research has shown, the more we think about blushing, the more we blush. If you can find some way out of thinking about it, the chances of you actually blushing will be less!
  3. Try talking about it. When someone makes a date clumsy mistake, one way they can save the situation is to comment on it: “God, you are clumsy. I swear ten times, only five times like that! " By commenting on that incident, they had overcome their clumsy fault. The embarrassment usually dissipates at that moment. You can also do the same with blushing.
    • Of course it's not something you can do all the time and in any situation, but see it as an usable tool. When you fear that people will find out about your suspense, you will blush even more. So, if you release your anxiety before everyone knows it, there's no reason to blush.

  4. Try thinking exercises. To "chill" (both physically and mentally) and distract your mind from the worry of blushing, you can try several thought exercises:
    • Imagine you jump into a lake of icy cold water. You are diving deep into the bottom of the lake and feel the cold water on your skin. This image will help you "cool down" and relax a little.
    • Imagine people with only their underwear. It sounds weird, but here's a really effective public speaking tip. It will help you realize that everyone is human, and that you are not alone. That image often makes you giggle.
    • Compare your situation with people in the world. Perhaps you feel anxious about having to stand up and speak in front of the class. But your task is too easy compared to fighting for a life or struggling to make a living. Tell yourself how lucky you are with what you have.

Method 2 of 2: The long-term remedy to prevent blushing

  1. Understand blush. Blushing is an automatic blood rush to the face, usually derived from anxiety in social communication. This condition causes the skin to become red and sometimes sweaty. There are more capillaries and blood vessels on the face than other areas of the skin, so the blush is more pronounced.
    • Understand that blushing may not be caused by any "social" cause. Usually people blush when feeling uncomfortable in social situations. However, there are some people blushing not due to social reasons. This unexplained blush is called idiopathic craniofacial erythema.
    • Some people have a formal condition called erythrophobia. People with these disorders may need counseling to overcome their fears.
  2. Try to prevent blushing in the first place if you can. Find out when you blushed. Is it when you are angry or nervous? Is it when you see or think of someone? Or when you become the focus of attention? You don't have to try to avoid these situations, just try to make your body believe that there's no reason to blush in those situations. This is the first step in combating blushing.
    • Make a list of the recent times you've blushed, especially in social situations. Record what happens after that. Have you become a joke? Do you guys realize it? Most ordinary people don't think blushing is a big deal and won't talk about it. There is no reason for them to do that. That is something you have no control over. Understand that blushing isn't as important as you might think.
  3. Do not think blushing is because of me. Whatever you do, you will don't think that you are responsible for this. Train your brain to understand that your thoughts do not influence your body's natural response. You are not at fault and you are not guilty about it. If you can dispel the feeling of blushing that is your fault, you will be less likely to blush.
  4. Don't worry too much. Remember that blushing does not manifest as clearly as you might think, and most people believe that blushing is adorable and likable. People who blush often have many benefits, such as:
    • Many people believe that people who blush often know more sympathy, softer in judging others. As such, this trait can help you build better social relationships.
    • According to the researchers, monogamous survival rate and trust level were higher among those who blushed more often, leading to the belief that blushes tend to have better relationships. .
  5. Do some intense exercise before you feel like you're about to blush. This approach offers two benefits: Your face will have a natural red color that looks "normal", and you will lower your body's blood pressure to the point of being "immune" to blush, depending on the intensity. and training time from 30 minutes to 2 hours. Even when the red color of the face has disappeared, this immunity continues.
  6. Find effective relaxation techniques. Relax your mind and body before your face blushes with meditation or light exercise. Feeling comfortable and in control can help prevent blushing in the first place.
    • Try yoga. Yoga is a perfect discipline for the body and mind, helping you focus your mind and stimulate the body enough for blood to circulate. throughout. You can experiment with different types of yoga. There are dozens of categories to choose from to find out what works best.
    • Try light meditation. Meditation can take many different forms. One simple form of meditation that you can try is body awareness, gradually spreading that awareness to every part until you feel your body as one body.


  • Drink a lot of water! Blushing is often caused by dehydration.
  • If you want to avoid blushing during a particular event, such as when you have to give a presentation, drink a full bottle of cold water 5-10 minutes before you start. Drink it quickly, but not so quickly that it makes you want to vomit. This will help prevent blush for about 30 minutes; very effective! Just don't apply it more than once a day, and generally don't overdo it as it will be bad for your bladder!
  • Deep breath. This method helps prevent and dispel the redness on the face.
  • Lower the heating temperature. Blushing is caused by dilation of blood vessels in your face when you are stressed or have other problems. As the temperature rises, blood vessels naturally relax to help the body cool down and cool down.
  • If all of the above measures fail, forget everything, and remember that many people think that blushing is the feature of falling in love. It is the advantage, not the downside!
  • Yawning, or coughing! Pretend something was eyeing.
  • Think about something interesting.
  • Take off your clothes or wear natural fibers to keep your body cool. In the face of an impending "situation", you should take off your jacket and sweater to cool your body. Understand that everyone is human and can be nervous at times, but maybe they are better at hiding than you.
  • Hold a bottle of cold water, it will help cool you down.
  • If possible, close your eyes for a moment and pretend you are alone, relax and take a deep breath. Slowly exhale through your nose while keeping your eyes closed.
  • Avoid making eye contact with people you think will laugh when you blush.
  • Breathe in and out in a deep breath. Focus on something different. Observe the room, or at least count one to ten.


  • Don't try to think about how not to blush and what will happen if you blush because of this will make you blush. Stay calm and don't think about it.
  • If you are in your teens, your blushes may be hormonal.