Dating a girl taller than you

Author: Charles Brown
Date Of Creation: 4 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Is It Okay To Date A Girl Taller Than You?
Video: Is It Okay To Date A Girl Taller Than You?


An enduring dating taboo is that a guy should always be taller than his partner - or at least the same height. But with gender norms and stereotypes becoming less and less relevant, there's no better time to ask that leggy lady out. This article will give you some tips on how best to approach the girl in question and how to make sure you both feel comfortable and safe in your relationship.

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Method 1 of 2: Make yourself comfortable

  1. Accept that she is bigger than you. There is nothing you can do to change the fact that she is taller. Think about what really matters in a relationship. Do you get along well? Does it click between you? Do you have similar interests? Don't let something superficial that can't be helped ruin what could potentially be a wonderful and satisfying relationship.
    • Think about who actually cares about your height difference. Are you worried that someone will laugh or make comments? Don't let other people's narrow-mindedness keep you from finding happiness.
    • If you really can't get over the fact that she's taller than you, then maybe you should do some conscientiousness. Ask yourself why it is important to you and if it really makes a difference in the quality of your connection with someone.
    • If she turns you down because you're not tall enough, forget about her. If she doesn't want to look beyond a superficial difference, then you better find someone else.
  2. Don't talk about it. You may think it's cute or cheeky to tease her about her height, address her with a phrase like, "What's the weather up there?" Or by "Wow, do you play basketball? Can you do a "dunk"? " This will only make you appear insecure and make her feel uncomfortable or even angry. She knows she's tall and she's probably heard those silly jokes a million times. Make it clear that you are interested in her and want to get to know her personality and that something superficial like her height doesn't bother you.
    • A tall lady once suggested treating a tall woman's height the way you would treat a woman with a large chest - even if it's part of her appeal, you would never walk up to a woman with large breasts and her bra size questions.
    • Don't bring up her height until you've gotten to know each other unless she brings it up first. You can then tell her that her long legs are super sexy.
    • If she talks about the height difference herself, tell her you don't have a problem with that. Let her know you think it's a plus, but that you're not wasting time worrying about it.
  3. Use your masculine energy in other ways. You can still be strong, kind, considerate, and gallant. You can also make a woman feel safe, respected, and desired. The most attractive characteristic of a man or woman is self-confidence and feeling good about yourself. If you are insecure about your height and constantly remind her how much taller she is, or if you ask her not to wear heels because it makes you uncomfortable, it will seem like you are not confident. It can also make her feel like you think something is wrong with her.
    • Dating a tall woman makes you appear more confident. If you are small and like your tall lady wearing heels, it will be obvious that you feel good about yourself and your relationship, and that you have a great bond that goes beyond stupid taboos.
    • Avoid standing anywhere that makes you taller than her, such as on a curb or a step above her on an escalator. She will notice that and it will indicate to her that you are uncomfortable with yourself or the fact that she is taller.

Method 2 of 2: Dating a tall woman

  1. Appreciate her height. The height difference is not something you can put up with just like that, it's another quality you can appreciate in your wonderful partner. Even if you like being smaller than your girl, she may still feel uncomfortable or fear that you are self-conscious about it. Once she knows that you like her for her amazing personality, let her know that you think her height is just as cool as her bad sense of humor, her ability to quote your favorite movies, her incredible math skills and everything else that make her special.
    • Don't try to talk her into a floppy stance to make her look smaller, or ask her to wear only flats.
    • Compliment her height and her long legs.Remind her that her height will only increase her appeal.
  2. Treat her like a lady. Most women will say they prefer a taller man because it makes them feel more feminine, as she's probably heard most of her life that being taller than a man is somehow a turnoff. When a tall woman has insecurities about her height, it usually comes down to feeling intimidating or "masculine". Make her feel feminine by placing your hand on her back or around her waist. Put your arm around her if you are sitting next to each other. Don't discourage her if she wants to wear high heels.
    • She'll probably appreciate if you act with a certain classic masculinity. Be assertive (but not rude or controlling). Take the first step and kiss her first.
    • You can still be the big spoon while cuddling, you may just have to adjust how you would normally lie next to her. Or why not be the little spoon for a turn?
  3. Don't forget that she likes you. You are definitely both aware that you are smaller than her, but if she's dating you, it means she doesn't care. She sees something in you that is more important than your physical appearance. The fact that she's not going to let other people's opinions stop her from dating you should actually make you feel secure in your relationship.
  4. Dress to look bigger. You have to do this only if you and your girlfriend have discussed the height difference and both of you are still uncomfortable with it. If you secretly wear shoes that make you look taller, so that you you feel better, she will notice and think you are insecure.
    • Wear boots or sneakers with a thicker sole. You can also buy raises to put in your shoe that will make you look taller without having to wear a heeled shoe.
    • Wear tailored clothing with vertical stripes. Loose and baggy clothing can make you appear shorter or shorter, and vertical stripes can make your body appear longer.
    • Style your hair in a quiff or make quills with gel. The trick is to keep it short on the sides, but leave a lot of volume on top.
    • Stand up straight! Good posture not only just looks better, but you may not be that much smaller than your girlfriend after all. Keep your shoulders back and your head high. You will even look more confident.