How to train a puppy to toilet in an apartment

Author: Janice Evans
Date Of Creation: 26 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Potty Training a Puppy in an Apartment (Tips from 24 Dog Trainers)
Video: Potty Training a Puppy in an Apartment (Tips from 24 Dog Trainers)


Teaching your puppy to go to the bathroom outdoors is a little trickier when you live in an apartment, as you can't install a dog door or let your furry friend go outside freely. The most important thing is to start teaching him as early as possible and to be consistent. Establish a regular diet for your dog so you can anticipate when he will need to go outside, and reward him every time he shows good behavior. Before you have time to look back, your puppy will run to the door and wag its tail instead of making an “unpleasant surprise”. In this article we will tell you how to teach a puppy to go to the toilet on the street in an apartment.


Part 1 of 2: Walking Training

  1. 1 Take your puppy outside often. While the puppy is small (8 weeks old), he must be taken out every 20 minutes, otherwise the puppy may urinate right in the apartment. Puppies have a weak bladder, so they cannot control themselves. To avoid trouble, take your puppy for a walk every hour. Soon, the puppy will associate walking with the toilet.
    • Over time, you will learn to observe your puppy more closely and understand when he needs to relieve himself. As soon as you notice these signs, take your puppy outside right away!
    • When you train your puppy, it is important to ensure that his needs are met on time. If you leave your puppy alone for the whole day, he will not understand when and where he needs to relieve himself.If you can't stay with your puppy, ask a friend or relative.
  2. 2 Feed your puppy at the same time every day. This will strengthen the regimen and will roughly know when the puppy needs to relieve himself. Depending on the breed and your puppy's needs, feed him several times a day. Take your puppy outside after every meal and drink plenty of water.
  3. 3 Find a spot outside where you will take your puppy. Take your puppy to the same place each time, so he will quickly get used to the fact that this is his new toilet. If you live in an apartment building, chances are you are a long way to the nearest park, and while you walk there, the puppy can pee right on the road. Choose a lawn or tree close to your driveway to avoid hauling your puppy into the park.
    • Be sure to follow the rules and laws regarding the disposal of dog feces from the street. Take a plastic bag with you when you take your puppy out for a walk.
    • If the puppy has relieved himself in a public place, clean up after him. When walking your puppy, pay attention to any signs that prohibit walking the dogs!
  4. 4 To consolidate the association, give the puppy the command before walking: "walk!" or "pot!" This command cannot be used indoors, give it only when you go outside.
  5. 5 If your puppy is peeing outside, praise him and give him a treat. The best way to train your puppy is to praise him for his good behavior. If a puppy has relieved himself on the street and received a treat for this, next time he will relieve himself on the street much more willingly. In addition to treats, reward your puppy with praise.
    • It is very important to reward your puppy for good behavior, because this point is key in training. Whenever your puppy has relieved himself on the street or has behaved in the way you expected him to, praise him. This is especially important in the first few months when the puppy is just learning how to behave.

Part 2 of 2: Indoor Training

  1. 1 Allocate the puppy to a specific location in the apartment. It can be near the kitchen or in another room where you can keep an eye on it. During the first few months this is necessary because it will allow you to observe the puppy and immediately know that he needs to relieve himself. If the puppy can safely walk around the apartment, you will not keep track of him, and he can relieve himself right in the room.
    • You can let the puppy walk around the apartment as soon as he has relieved himself on the street. Soon the puppy will urinate less and less in the apartment.
  2. 2 A bathroom can serve as a confined space for a puppy. If you live in a multi-storey building, it will be difficult for you to take your puppy outside every half hour. If you have a small dog, you can arrange a litter box for it right in your apartment. Buy her a tray, line it with newspapers or special absorbent rugs from the pet store. The same training method will work here as for walking: some time after eating, take the puppy to the litter box. If your puppy relieves the litter box, praise him.
    • Sod or dog droppings can be placed in the tray (on top of newspapers).
    • If the puppy has relieved the need for the room, clean up behind it, and put used towels or rags with the smell of dog urine in the tray so that the smell reminds the puppy where the toilet is.
  3. 3 Place the puppy in the cage at night and during your absence. In fact, puppies love the little cozy pet containers. But the pet container cannot be used as a punishment! The puppy will not want to urinate where it is resting, so make sure the puppy has retired before placing the pet in the crate.
    • Puppies can sleep for about 4 hours, and then they definitely need to relieve themselves. Many puppies wake up and bark because they want to go to the toilet. Keep in mind that there is a high probability that the puppy will relieve itself directly in the pet container. So be prepared for this.
    • If you hear your puppy barking, take it outside immediately and then put it back in the container. Don't forget to praise and pet him.
  4. 4 If the puppy has relieved the need for the room, immediately clean up after it. He could urinate on the floor or in a container. Wipe and disinfect the area to remove odor. If the odor persists, the puppy will instinctively urinate in the same spot.
  5. 5 Never punish your puppy for taking care of the room.Puppies don't respond to punishment, they just start to fear you. If the puppy has relieved the need for the room, transfer his feces outside or into the litter box (if you train your puppy to use the litter box in the apartment). The next time your puppy relieves himself on the street, be sure to praise him and give him a treat.
    • Never yell at or spank your puppy. If the puppy becomes afraid of you, the toilet training process will become very difficult.
    • If you find a "pile" or "puddle" in the apartment, never poke a puppy at them! This behavior will confuse the puppy. Be patient. Get out and continue to take your puppy outside on schedule.


  • To eliminate urine odor, use vinegar or another non-ammonia household cleaner. If you don't eliminate the urine odor, your puppy will relieve the urine over and over again.
  • Never get angry or hit the dog! Reward her for good behavior.
  • It is important to follow the sequence. If you first train your puppy to pee in the street, and then suddenly decide that it would be better to pee in the litter box at home, you will confuse the animal.

What do you need

  • Animal container
  • Tray filler (newspapers, paper, absorbent mats)

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