How to become unremarkable

Author: Janice Evans
Date Of Creation: 26 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Ten Easy Ways To Become Unremarkable
Video: Ten Easy Ways To Become Unremarkable


If you ask several people what unremarkableness means to them, they are likely to give different definitions. For some, being unremarkable means simply living without attracting attention to yourself. For others, this means having incomprehensible personal tastes in art, music and other fields. No matter how you understand this word, with the help of this article you will be able to plunge into the world of unremarkableness and hide from the sight of people.


Method 1 of 3: How to blend in with the crowd

  1. 1 Behave like others. Perhaps the surest way to avoid attention to yourself is to do what everyone else is doing. The more people, the less the value of each person. If your behavior is not different from that of others, the likelihood that you will attract someone's attention will be minimal, especially if you are surrounded by a large number of people. If you want to blend in with the crowd, start exploring that crowd. What are these people doing now? Do they talk to each other? If they say, how courteous are they to each other? How do they behave? The answers to these questions will help you understand how you should behave.
    • Of course, everything will depend on the context. If you sit quietly in the corner and read a magazine in a crowded waiting room, no one will notice you, but if you do the same at a noisy party at a friend's house, you attract attention to yourself. Remember what is happening around you if you want to become invisible.
  2. 2 Try to look normal. Even if your behavior and manner of communication are the same as those of others, you will still attract attention if you do not look the way the situation suggests. Some jewelry (especially tattoos) last a long time and won't be easy to hide. However, clothes and to a lesser extent hair can be changed quickly, so aim for the simple and casual if you want to look like everyone else.
    • Below we describe a simple look that will not attract attention in an informal setting. In addition, this look will suit both women and men:
      • jeans;
        simple jacket with a hood;
        sneakers or sneakers;
        a simple haircut for men, loose hair or a ponytail for women;
        light makeup, a minimum of jewelry (for women).
    • Keep in mind that you can find options for combining inexpensive and simple clothes on shopping blogs on a budget. You can also search for such clothes by making a corresponding request on the Internet.
  3. 3 Keep your opinion to yourself. The surest way to get noticed when you don't need to is to speak up. If you are trying to blend in with the crowd, you should train yourself to remain silent when no one asks for your opinion. In situations where necessary interact with others, be polite and welcoming, but keep it short and to the point. The more time you talk about a topic, especially a personal one, the more visible you will be.
    • In situations like this, you also need to consider the context. Constant silence will not draw attention to you on the city bus, but keeping silent in response to a question in class will turn everyone back on you. Keeping your opinion to yourself means knowing when to remain silent is worse than giving an obvious answer.
  4. 4 Don't look people in the eye. Eye contact is a powerful communication tool. Exchanging looks allows you to connect without saying a word, although research in recent years suggests that it doesn't always help people like you or get them to agree with you. However, if you want to remain anonymous, avoid eye contact, except in situations that require it. This means that if you are walking down the street or driving a car, you do not need to look strangers in the eye. If there is a chance that you will be spoken to, do not look at people until the conversation begins.
    • Some people are naturally shy and embarrassed when dealing with others, which makes it difficult for them to look people in the eyes in social situations. Since the inability to make eye contact can attract unwanted attention in the same way as excess eye contact, you should practice in front of a friend who is willing to help you, or even in front of the TV or mirror. Fortunately, research suggests that training like this can help you develop this skill.
  5. 5 Stay away from other people. Everything is simple here: if you do not want to be paid attention to, do not approach people and do not start conversations with them. If someone comes up to you and starts a conversation, of course, you should answer the person politely and sincerely, but do not initiate conversations that can be avoided. Try to communicate with someone you already know, or just stand and watch what is happening.
  6. 6 Learn to enjoy things you can do alone. As stated above, you will attract less attention if you do not interact with people. Try to spend your free time in activities that do not require the company of others or that involve a couple of close friends. There are many interesting things to do when you are alone and that will help you grow. Below are some examples of such activities:
    • learn to play an instrument or compose music;
    • read;
    • do sports (run, swim, ride a bike, do weightlifting);
    • acquire a new skill;
    • spend time in nature, play geocaching (but do not forget to tell someone where you are going if you are walking without company);
    • write (stories, blog posts, articles for sites with custom content, and so on).
  7. 7 Don't stand out. This is the main rule of unremarkable people and people who do not want too much attention. Do not oppose yourself to the group you are part of. Don't act like the people around you don't. Do not dress or be uncommon. Don't ask questions about society and your place in it. If you disagree with something, keep your opinion to yourself to avoid unnecessary attention.
    • As you might guess, a life devoted to maintaining anonymity does not provide opportunities for self-expression. But try to think wider: even if you are afraid of how you will be treated because of non-standard behavior, it is better than constant fear of the consequences.

Method 2 of 3: How to be a difficult person to define

  1. 1 Be a mysterious person. If you want to make it difficult to somehow characterize you, try to hide information about yourself. Speak little and so that everything you say carries weight. Try to keep a calm air even if someone is joking. Use general phrases and don't go into details. Let your motives remain a mystery to others. With the right luck (and effort), you will be able to puzzle and intrigue those around you.
    • Let's compare a cryptic conversation with an ordinary conversation. Suppose a nice person comes up to you and says, “Hi, I think I saw you at the bookstore around the corner. Or I'm wrong?" The usual answer would be “Yes, I go there on weekends. There is a great selection of books. What is your name?" This is a perfectly normal and friendly answer, but the answer is more mysterious: “Hmm. Dostoevsky is very good, isn't he? " Thanks to this, your answer will not seem formulaic, and your interlocutor will have the opportunity to ask more additional questions.
    • There are many articles on the internet on how to be a mysterious person. Most of the texts are written as recommendations for men who want to meet a girl, but you can find quite a few texts for women as well.
  2. 2 Behave in an unpredictable manner. If a person cannot predict your behavior, they will not be able to characterize you in any way.To keep people on their toes, do whatever you want at any given moment. Are you on a date? Go to a random place you've never been to. Stuck in an airport terminal? Get out your guitar and start singing songs with the people around you. If you begin to be guided by your most unexpected impulses, other people will no longer understand what kind of person you are.
    • However, there are risks associated with unpredictability. The random place you walk into on a date can be awful, and people at the airport may not support you. Below we will discuss how calmness and indifference to other people's opinions and expectations can help you cope with setbacks.
  3. 3 Don't overlook other people's opinions. When a person begins to think about how other people perceive him, he becomes predictable, and when he becomes predictable, he ceases to be mysterious. To be a mysterious and incomprehensible person, it is important to have a high opinion of yourself (even if this opinion is not shared by people with bad taste). Do not seek the approval of other people, value only your own.
    • Developing the ability to ignore the opinions of others is one of the most popular topics on self-development sites. On many sites, you can find unobtrusive guidelines that will allow you to reflect on yourself (for example, here). Choose the source that best suits your personality and needs.
  4. 4 Be interested in different things. A large number of hobbies and hobbies not only make life varied and interesting, but also make people ask questions about you. If you have many different hobbies, people will constantly ask you questions, making you seem exotic and very interesting person. Try to try different things in your spare time. For example, play basketball on Friday night, study old English literature on Saturday, and write an article on your blog on Sunday.
    • But remember that due to the alternation of activities, it will be difficult for you to achieve some success in hobbies that require regular practice (for example, playing a musical instrument). Therefore, trying something new, you should devote a little time to such activities constantly.
  5. 5 Do not disclose personal information about yourself. If you want to give the impression of a mysterious person, don't talk too much about yourself. Remember Bond, James Bond. When people ask him questions about himself, he always tells them only what they need to know and nothing else. If you don't give out too much information with every conversation, you will be irresistible in the eyes of the interlocutors. If you give short and vague answers, they will try to find out more about you. Very soon, people will be looking forward to your every word.
  6. 6 Keep calm. This is an essential skill for someone who wants to be mysterious. Mystery, unpredictability, and restraint are easy to demonstrate if you are calm and collected, not if you lose your temper. If, for example, you are nervous, annoyed, or express contempt when people ask you questions about yourself, you will likely develop a reputation for being an incomprehensible person, but this quality will not be perceived as desirable. What you need can only be achieved with the help of calmness. Therefore, try to remain calm and clear in every communication situation. Thanks to this, you will sooner or later become a favorite of the public (dark, quiet and mysterious). Below are some tips to help you relax in the face of a situation in which you need to interact with people:
    • individual meditation;
    • good dream;
    • relaxing breathing exercises;
    • rest after tiring activities;
    • sport;
    • privacy (reading, watching a movie, surfing the Internet, and so on).

Method 3 of 3: Misunderstood tastes

  1. 1 Listen to incomprehensible music. One of the criteria for hipster coolness is a weird taste in music. If you want to come across as someone who loves weird stuff, you should definitely include obscure bands, niche genres, and rare recordings in your playlist. Try listening to music that most people don't know. The less the group is known, the better.
    • You don't have to download all the amateur music that you can't listen to in order to develop your taste. If you're trying to move from mainstream music to less popular bands, start by reading fresh reviews on hipster sites like, (both in English), and independent music blogs. This will allow you to understand in which direction you should move.
    • To complicate matters, try grabbing vinyl albums of your favorite little-known bands.
  2. 2 Watch lesser-known films. To get an unusual taste in films, you should get acquainted with little-known masterpieces of cinema. For example, arrange to watch the latest movie of your favorite independent director, or introduce your friends to underrated cult classics. All this will create a reputation for you as a connoisseur of the unusual. Thanks to this passion, you will have a topic for conversation with others, because almost everyone loves movies (you can start a conversation like this: "Do you like Tarantino? Then you should like Great silence Sergio Corbucci ").
    • Unfortunately, independent and art house films usually have small advertising budgets, so if you don't follow the screenings yourself, you can skip everything. Sign up for a local art house cinema newsletter or read reviews on sites that write about indie films (for example, (in English)).
    • You can also attend film festivals. Little-known indie films are usually shown at festivals before the release. In addition, some films by unknown directors are usually shown only at festivals, so many films can often be seen only there. Look for film festivals in your city or region.
  3. 3 Read unpopular literature. Reading is more time-consuming than music and movies, but many books have an impression that lasts a long time and that cannot be compared to anything. Reading literature, which few people know about, will help you create an image of a person with refined taste and deep knowledge, which cannot be achieved only through music and films. If you don't read for fun just yet (and many in today's world don't), try to start reading at least a couple of good, little-known books a year. You will develop a healthy new habit and be able to impress people with your eclectic taste.
    • To find little-known literature, explore review sites (for example, Labyrinth or On such sites, you can find reviews, recommendations and sections with new books (or an analogue of such sections) that will help you find out about the latest good books.
  4. 4 Become a connoisseur of exotic food. Cooking is an art form that almost everyone is familiar with. Developing a love of unusual food and trying to cook this food, you can surprise others with your non-standard tastes. Plus, you can learn something that will make you taste better and keep others entertained. If you're unsure of where to start, search for your favorite recipes on ethnic food sites (e.g. Italian, Japanese, Ethiopian, Middle Eastern). Then move on to food categories that you are not familiar with. Do not be afraid of the new! The only way to learn anything is through training.
    • It doesn't take a lot of money to cook delicious meals. Look for recipes on a budget recipe site (like this one). This way you can prepare delicious and nutritious meals that will fit perfectly into any diet and will cost little money.
  5. 5 Dress differently. It's time to admit this: in general, people are superficial. Before they speak to you, they will most likely try to rate you by your appearance (even if it is a minor rating or if people change their minds when they get to know you better). To show everyone that you have exotic dressing tastes, try dressing differently. For example, choose vintage pieces that were once trendy, or create an avant-garde look by combining patterns and different cuts in a way that no one else has done before. Be creative - your style is unique, so be proud of it and wear something that ordinary people do not wear.
    • As with food, you don't have to spend a lot of money to develop your sense of style. If you want to update your wardrobe while saving money, go to a second-hand store. These stores sell old, out-of-fashion items at a paltry price (although you may have to struggle to find something suitable).
  6. 6 Make strange friends. Everyone is influenced to some extent by the company. Other people can influence our opinions, help us look at something from a different angle, and introduce us to people and things that we ourselves would not have encountered. At the same time, people are often judged by their company. If you are serious about creating the image of a mysterious person, try to communicate with unusual people. Seeing you in the company of strange friends will make people around you associate you with them, making you part of a very peculiar circle of people.
    • Unusual people can be found in the same place where you can find non-standard music, movies, books and everything that was discussed above. In other words, try going to concerts of little-known indie artists, film festivals, independent bookstores, non-chain ethnic restaurants, and similar places to get in touch with all the unusual.


  • Don't worry about whether you are being polite or rude. Unremarkableness has nothing to do with these qualities.
  • If anyone asks you about your favorite music or hobbies, don't tell. Just tell me that you like the most ordinary and boring music.


  • The guidelines in this article will get in the way of your success in life, especially in business.
  • Don't make your unremarkable feel lonely and want to commit suicide. Seek specialist help as soon as possible!